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New lono and Marq for the holidays

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surfintiki posted on 02/19/2011

Oh YEAH! THAT is how it's done!
Beautiful soft lines...I'm a fan of the sanded look.

GROG posted on 02/19/2011


GROG love, love LOVE that Marq.

Damn you Benella!! That was GROG's.

Tobor64 posted on 02/20/2011

Very nice work! Such a beautiful piece.

PockyTiki posted on 02/20/2011

Great sculpt and color! I'm loving your stuff!

KAHAKA posted on 02/20/2011

That looks like it belongs in a museum. Really nice finish on it. Is that a pretty hard wood?

Savage Daddy posted on 02/20/2011

Very impressive marq. 8)

Kon-Hemsby posted on 02/21/2011

Love the colour and the smooth finish.

McTiki posted on 02/21/2011

Beautiful piece. Finish is exquisite!


TheBigT posted on 02/21/2011

Great carve. Nice sketches too. I see you have the 2nd one sketched out.

Creative Chimp posted on 02/22/2011

surfintiki....ya just cant sand enough. then you think your done and then sand somemore...i really dont like that part of carving but it sure makes things look nice

Grog. sorry grog benella stole it from ya but im glad you liked it. thanks

Tobo64 & Pockytiki...thanks for the comps

Kahaka....thanks, the wood actually was not that hard just dense. carved great and sand easy too. still heavy though....

Savagedaddy...glad to see ya on TC. loved your last marq design

Kon-Hemsby.. thank you

McTiki...thanks, benzart told me what to use and how to finish it so i cant take the credit on the finish job...

The BigT.....thanks for the comps. i have to draw stuff out first so i can see it in the wood. train the brain kinda.....

[ Edited by: Creative Chimp 2011-02-22 12:26 ]

amate posted on 02/22/2011

Beautifully done CC! I am envious of this one.

Grand Poobah posted on 02/23/2011

I thought I would pile on: I too am a big fan of the grain and polished look. I KNOW that took a long time to sand (I hate that part also) but it sure looks worth it

benella posted on 02/24/2011

I just don't know how to thank you once again Sir CC.
When I received this masterpiece, I was speechless because it was a surprise: I didn't know it would be a Marq.
What I can tell is that the pix are lying: this piece is thousand times better !
The wood grain is perfect.
I already carved a few Marqs in my life but this one is really top shelf.



Creative Chimp posted on 02/27/2011

amate and grand poobah......thanks for dropping in and the comps. glad ya like the marq

yo benella.....your very welcome. upload a pic of the marq in france.....

i forgot actually to update the palm marq i was working on that was a benella inspired piece...its stained with a lil more detail. im loosing my mind cuz i swear i uploaded these pics already a while ago but here it is. better late than never i quess.

my first on the left, medicine man (still not done), and third marq

and a close up...

4WDtiki posted on 02/27/2011

Nicely done!

NIxxon posted on 02/27/2011

Very Nice CC! Im diggin the pic where hes holding the beer...lol

Creative Chimp posted on 02/27/2011

4wd and nixxon....... Thanks for looking and the compliments.

Now back to drinking beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

laojia posted on 02/28/2011

On 2011-02-19 12:14, Creative Chimp wrote:

Beautiful wood for an awesome Job!!! I want go to Paris as soon as I can to see this wonder! And drink some good beers with Benella...

Also great view of your garage with your big tikis, The Marq is fabulous.. Really!


shopping corner

[ Edited by: laojia 2011-02-27 21:27 ]

Creative Chimp posted on 02/28/2011

thanks laojia....

i would like to go to paris too and drink beer...:) but i think your closer than me.

pjc5150 posted on 02/28/2011

that marq is great!

McTiki posted on 02/28/2011

Sweetness! Keep em coming!



Creative Chimp posted on 03/02/2011

pjc5150.......thank for the comps. what area of tampa are you in. im on the other side of the pond...manatee county

McTiki...thanks for looking and the comps

pjc5150 posted on 03/04/2011

Mr. Chimp,

I live in Riverside Heights, just north of Columbus & just east of the river.

GROG posted on 03/04/2011

We'll have to re-name you Creative Champ.

hodadhank posted on 03/12/2011

Good stuff Chimp! Don't forget to spend as much time on the bottom 2/3 as the top. I'd love to see those hands and legs detailed.

Creative Chimp posted on 06/13/2011

I just got another awsome piece to add to my collection from laojia "Jerome".

THANK YOU Jerome!!!!! i love it....i dont know how you can pump out all these carvings and all of them be so detailed and different. I think you mentioned you dont sleep.....i will have to try that....YOUR A MASTER!!!! thought everybody would wanna see...so here ya go people.

Laojia's SEPIK

he's going right next to your tangaroa......

(sorry for the bad iphone photos) its all i got at the moment

[ Edited by: Creative Chimp 2011-06-13 08:53 ]

Savage Daddy posted on 06/13/2011

Very nice! Mischievous looking little guy. 8)

NIxxon posted on 06/14/2011

very cool piece...i like the use of color and expression...def a keeper

Kon-Hemsby posted on 06/14/2011

Gorgeous. This guy is a genius.

tikigodz posted on 06/15/2011

Looks like a trouble maker


keep up the good work

Tamapoutini posted on 06/15/2011

Saw your current thread title and had to investigate. A very nice piece, congrats! I also just received a stunning wee piece from Laojia as part of a trade I cheekily instigated (which I will reveal in my own thread at a later date, unless he beats me to it..)

A great guy to deal with and a wicked talent - lets hear it for Laojia! :)

laojia posted on 06/16/2011

:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: I don't know where to hide!

Thank you all guys!

Glad you like John, and thanks for posted pictures! I also make an update soon

Tama, I would be happy to see a new update on your thread... I think everyone will be happy!


McTiki posted on 06/16/2011

Nice little carve! I love the use of the Calorie shells for eyes!



benella posted on 09/11/2011




bananamansl posted on 09/11/2011

Great step by step update. Your designs are excellent along with your carving.

I've only used chisels for my carving, would you recommend trying a chainsaw & grinder? Cheers.

Creative Chimp posted on 09/12/2011

benella!!!!!!!!!!.............ya teising me with your little picture and videos..hope all is well with the family.

bananaman.......thanks for looking. power tools are great. just have to respect them...they bite! i like the chisel style an effect it gives.....just a little more soul sometimes when ya see a chisel piece

i need to stop working hard and work on hardly working.........

[ Edited by: Creative Chimp 2011-09-11 17:30 ]

Benzart posted on 09/12/2011

Cool stuff Jerome, Lots of nice detail.

Creative Chimp posted on 10/30/2011

I have been busy working my life away and havn't posted anything in a long time. Here are the finals of the medicine man and the marq...they are sitting by the pool now. Also through in a pic of what my kids did at the beach this past summer........

I DO HOWEVER have something heading out to you laojia!!!!!!. i will post pics after he gets it.

happy halloween everybody

Creative Chimp posted on 11/12/2011

finally finished laojia's piece...its now in his hands and hanging out in france!!!!!!!

below is a is a step by step and was even able to include the tree. The limb is about 20 years old that broke off my mothers tree...mahogany. nice wood to work with and going to trim off some more. This piece i stopped planning so much and just took a chainsaw to it and a new set of rasp...experimented with doing my first inlay and a staining technique to try and make it look old. def need to experiment on that some more.

over all i love the sepik....much more forgiving and i left the small imperfections and chisel marks on ..kinda helped make it look older and used. the biggest lesson i learned this time is to stop thinking and planning so much......just do it and get it done.

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and the final. first inlay of abalone shell in the eyes and a distressed stain style...i know they use other shells in the eyes but i like the color of that shell. anyway still experimenting and trying something new each time.......
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and the other sides
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hes now in a good home.....maybe jerome will take a pic in france....

[ Edited by: Creative Chimp 2011-11-12 08:46 ]

NIxxon posted on 11/12/2011

beautiful work....and the play by play is really cool. interesting to see how just another branch can turn into something with so much character.

McTiki posted on 11/12/2011

Awesome Sepic piece!

I need to get some bigger wood!

Thanks for sharing!



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Keylo posted on 11/12/2011

This is definitely a captivating piece worth drooling over!! Really like the way you stylized this figure. Awesome work Chimp!!

amate posted on 11/12/2011

Another outstanding carve! Well done.

laojia posted on 11/13/2011

On 2011-11-12 08:41, Creative Chimp wrote:

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YEAH!!!! Yes! He live in a good home! It has arrived safely, now I fathom the top of the tower of the computer. I think he found his place.
I would do a picture soon but I do not think it will be as successful as the above.

Thank's again for this masterpiece Creative Chimp

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MadDogMike posted on 11/13/2011

Beautiful Sepik piece, love the aged approach - it looks like it would be right at home in a museum someplace!

Creative Chimp posted on 11/13/2011

maddogmike,......thank you for the compliments and looking...i could have worked on this piece and added paint, details and i also wanted to add horse hair on this but then it wouldnt be done till next year....but i learned alot. next one will go faster and try some new things. going to do another sepik.......but first.....going to go open a beer

laojia...your very welcome. glad he made it over the ocean......maybe get that one together with benellas and drink 100 beers!

[ Edited by: Creative Chimp 2011-11-13 09:21 ]

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Watango productions posted on 11/14/2011

Nice piece man,be think'n about try'n me hand at a papua new guinea guy me self.Way kool stuff!Cheers Watango

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