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Recipe: Spiced Rum Article

Pages: 1 6 replies

Kill Devil posted on 06/23/2011

Whether or not you're a fan of spiced rums (I especially like the Kraken), this article's worth a look, especially for the recipes from Martin Cate and others:


jingleheimerschmidt posted on 06/23/2011

Here's a thread when the the article came out


FWIW, the Henry and John recipe is pretty tasty.

Kill Devil posted on 06/23/2011

Thanks for the info, though I linked to a new article (with much the same info)

jingleheimerschmidt posted on 06/23/2011

On 2011-06-23 09:14, Kill Devil wrote:
Thanks for the info, though I linked to a new article (with much the same info)

That recipe does indeed make a good spiced rum. Lately, I've been making the spiced rum as presents for friends. By their reactions, you'd swear that I've turned lead into gold.

CucamongaChango posted on 06/24/2011

I made three of 'em tonight.
The Henry & John was the finest of the three, but the full ounce of simple syrup was a bit much for me... I'll half it next time.
Cable Car was delicious... very sweet citrusy, and perfect for a hot summer night.
The Shore Leave Swizzle has potential, but the pineapple juice really takes over the whole thing. I might half that next time, too.

thePorpoise posted on 06/24/2011

Denver has no hot summer nights!

CucamongaChango posted on 06/24/2011

That's a myth, man.
It was 85 degrees inside my house last night.
We hit a hundred degrees during the summer here and there... high of 95 today.

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