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Tiki Central / Tiki Music

Steel Guitar Video

Pages: 1 2 replies

Kaiwaza posted on 06/29/2011

Just a home recording of my playing my steel guitar (which I no longer have...must get a new one). Had the recordings for a few years, mostly original compositions, and never really thought to just film a bit & put together my own "music videos"...DUH.


Paradise is a state of mind.

[ Edited by: Kaiwaza 2011-06-29 16:12 ]

socksoff posted on 06/30/2011

hey that was great. really enjoyed that. reminded me of a hawaiian record i purchased @ a thrift store in waikiki some time in 99 with the ex. thanks for taking me back to that (memorable) time.

Kaiwaza posted on 07/02/2011

Thanks Socksoff...LOVE the pic!

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