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Tiki Central / Tiki Music

Tiki Joe and the Bamboo Band

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hey there,

I thought I would post a link to my website for everyone to check out. Our music is not quite exotica but it is most definitely Polynesian themed. Let me know what you think

tiki mick posted on 06/17/2011

I gave it an honest listen. Passable ska music, good bass playing...but sorry man, this has nothing to do with either "tiki" as we understand it, nor with "polynesian"....and there already is an exotica band called "Tiki Joe's Ocean" which has been in existence for at least 3 years now, so you might want to look at a new name.

Your music sounds more carribean themed then anything else. But on Tiki central, we mainly talk about exotica and vintage hawaiian music as being "tiki"....(although surf music has crept into the scene as well-something I don't actually agree with)

Unfortunately, the public at large do not really understand the concept of "tiki" or "Polynesian Pop"....but this forum has tons and tons of information about the scene. I always suggest to newcomers here that they purchase either "Tiki Modern" or "The Book of Tiki" by Sven Kirsten, because these two books will teach you everything you want to know about "tiki" as a culture and style.



"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2011-06-17 08:50 ]


hey thanks for listening. i know it isn't exotica. ive been djing and playing music as tiki joe for atleast 5 years. The ska and reggae may owe more to the carribbean but the song called filipino love song is definitely influenced by the pacific. The final album will be having some exotica instrumentals along with the ska and reggae. It is probably most like trop rock. Anyways I appreciate you listening. I also appreciated the links. I own a lot of tiki albums from the originals like martin denny to don tiki. I just like the idea that tiki culture can embrace all of the island lifestyle, from exotica, surf, hawaiian, to reggae, calypso, and trop rock.

[ Edited by: tikijoeandthebambooband 2011-06-17 09:25 ]

tiki mick posted on 06/17/2011

Some of the current "tiki" bands:

Tikiyaki orchestra:


Martini Kings:


Tiki Joe's Ocean:


Stolen Idols:


Mai Kai Gents:


King Kukulele:






The Smokin' Menehunes:


The Hula Girls:


Tiki Bill:


The asshole, Lucas Vigor:


The even bigger asshole, Mr. Ho!


This is a particular favorite of mine:


A blast from the past: The Thurston Howlies!


Project Pimento:


The sweet Hollywaiians:


Aunty Geri:


Don Tiki:


Waitiki 7:


Uncle Bill:


Pat Enos (with uncle Bill and me)


DJ Bonebreak:




Narco Lounge Combo:


Cherry Capri:


Lisa Loeb:


Jimmy Virani:





"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2011-06-20 17:43 ]

Mr. Ho posted on 06/17/2011

Ok, so Lucas left us out so I will add us to the list :wink:


hehe .

socksoff posted on 06/17/2011

On 2011-06-17 11:34, Mr. Ho wrote:
Ok, so Lucas left us out so I will add us to the list :wink:


hehe .

this was added to my favorites on youtube. you're killing it right there ho. killing i say.

tiki mick posted on 06/17/2011

On 2011-06-17 11:34, Mr. Ho wrote:
Ok, so Lucas left us out so I will add us to the list :wink:


hehe .

Ooops! Another outstanding example of modern tiki bands!

tiki mick posted on 06/17/2011

And I hope everyone understands I am not putting down this new band at all....I just am against the encroachment of other styles in the tiki scene...further diluting a scene that is already so far from the original poly pop as it once was. Too often, people use the name "tiki" or throw a tiki idol on their album cover, thinking that is enough...but I am against adding "tropical rock" onto the list of what is poly pop. Do that, and you might as well include Jimmy Buffett in there.

"tiki" music, (in my opinion) must have some relation to poly pop. The bands I made links to all have a true poly pop lineage in some way or another. Including, of course, Mr. Ho's group. Plus, the use of the title "Tiki Joe" may in fact be the guy's name, but Tiki Joe's ocean is playing more authentic "tiki" music, and has a more established reputation. I suggest this new poster changes his band's name to something that fits his bands style, which is Ska music.

I did, however, like your filipino themed song...again, not tiki...but certainly good!


"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2011-06-20 17:02 ]

Mr. Ho posted on 06/17/2011

thanks Socksoff! There are a couple others from the same show we just posted; check out our channel! And, we're live in NYC tomorrow for our CD release if you are nearby! :wink: Wow, way off topic.

I think exotica/tiki is pretty flexible as a term; my stuff may be a stretch - I imagine each person sorta has their personal boundaries as to what fits, and what doesn't.

Mr. HO

socksoff posted on 06/19/2011

On 2011-06-17 16:07, Mr. Ho wrote:
thanks Socksoff! There are a couple others from the same show we just posted; check out our channel! And, we're live in NYC tomorrow for our CD release if you are nearby! :wink: Wow, way off topic.

I think exotica/tiki is pretty flexible as a term; my stuff may be a stretch - I imagine each person sorta has their personal boundaries as to what fits, and what doesn't.

Mr. HO

sorry to be off-topic. mr ho: i unfortunately live on a private island off the coast of macau. you and your band are invited to play for my girlfriend, the president of united states, his wife, their friends and other delegates.

keep rocking in the free world my friend!

[ Edited by: socksoff 2011-06-18 23:19 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 06/19/2011

Thank you so much Lucas for helping to uphold my adage "If it says Tiki on it, it should have Tiki in it!"

This has nothing to do with elitism or snobbery, it just expresses the desire to retain the essence of what makes Tiki style unique, and separates it from other, often more generic "Island Lifestyle" themes. This concept is especially hard to grasp since Tiki seems like such a melange of various exotic cultures to begin with. It is indeed, but in its own specific way, which makes it so interesting.

Since you showed some good U-Tube examples :) :

I tried to shed some further light on the elements of Tiki style by producing a vintage Exotica compilation entitled "The Sound of Tiki", in which I connect certain concepts of Tiki culture with specific songs, with a 50 page booklet full of images illustrating these various concepts:



I understand your desire to hold on to what once was. Tiki music though has changed over time. Most of those groups you posted have added something to the tiki sound wether it be latin percussion or surf guitar. Our attempt is not to be just a ska band or a full on exotica sound. We are trying to create music that brings in all the elements of the islands. Hopefully our finished album will help show more about what Im talking about.

As far as changing the name, not going to happen.

Anyways I enjoyed all of the artists that you posted. Thanks for taking the time to listen.

tiki mick posted on 06/20/2011

Unfotunately, like too many people, you just are not getting the concept of tiki. That's ok. Just don't expect much enthusiasm from most of us. Tiki is not about generic "island" culture..it is very specific, and about the mid-century americanization and tacky appropriation of pacific island culture and artifacts. The music was related to jazz, and was played by jazz musicians. Rock is not a part of Tiki, though there are some rock bands here on this forum who do have a large following, and though I don't consider them Tiki either, they are quirky enough to fit in with what the people here like.

The poster "Big Bro Tiki" is an authority on Tiki. He wrote both the books I cited, and is an international expert and author on the subject. I tried to explain, by posting links, what "tiki" music is....yes, they added some modern touches, but Tiki is in fact, a celebration of "what was". I think you probably need to do a little more research to understand that we celebrate and explore mid-century poly pop here. However, I can see that your mind is made up on this subject, and you have no intention of understanding that Ska music is not Tiki Music.

Occasionally, this forum is infiltrated by the Buffet and Island crowd. That's ok too. You are welcome here, but don't expect your addition of non-tiki stuff to be celebrated, or to go un-checked by assholes like me, who are trying very hard to keep the Tiki world pure and unadulterated.

Mostly, people who have nothing Tiki to talk about go to either the bildge or beyond tiki section of the forum to post.

Is this tiki?


No, it's not. But it is cool as hell, and should have been posted in bildge.

tikiyaki posted on 06/20/2011

Tiki Joe.....you're late to the party with the name. If you'd rather not have any confusion in the marketplace, I'd strongly suggest a name change if you expect anyone on THIS forum to give you the time of day. Tiki Joe's Ocean has 3 records out, and a Hawaiian Music Award, you can be as Don Quixote as you like, but no one on on here is going to take you seriously as "Tiki Joe....." because one already exists.

What you're doing sounds cool but are barking up the wrong tree as well, coming on to TC and trying to convince the people in here that Carribbean Music is "Tiki", especially since the very explanation of this site is explained as such :

  • Tiki Central is a place to celebrate the classic Tiki Bars of the mid-century and the design aesthetic they established. This movement grew in popularity after World War II when America had a new fascination with the South Seas and Hawaii. Tiki Bars sought to bring an idealized tropical paradise into the concrete jungle of the Modern World. Very little of it was genuine -- born mostly out of the likes of Hollywood art directors and modern architects -- but it all seemed real to a then-naïve public’s eye. The Tiki style started in bars and restaurants but soon spilled over into all forms of popular culture, including music, food, dress, TV and movies, and other forms of architecture.

The Tiki that Tiki Central focuses on is a mid-century American invention that is Polynesia-inspired. We’re here to discuss classic Tiki, what made it great, how to celebrate it and preserve it today, and how to create and influence new Tiki that isn’t generic, watered down, or misguided. The definitive guide is The Book Of Tiki, and we highly recommend that everyone on Tiki Central get the book and read up.

What Tiki Central Isn't
Everyone here at Tiki Central is passionate about the Polynesian Pop movement. While the exact edges are blurry, we can give you a bit of insight into what Tiki Central is not about:

It’s not about Jimmy Buffett and Parrotheads
It’s not modern plastic, brightly-colored tiki party decorations
It’s not about the Caribbean/Key west design aesthetic
It’s not about Reggae
It’s not about African-art inspired masks/carvings/design
It’s not about Margaritas and tequila-based drinks
It's not about simply anything that has a tiki on it or in it
It is okay to like one or more of the above and be a member of Tiki Central, just remember that it's not our focus. There are plenty of places on the web for that. We encourage new users who may not know what Tiki is to read up, search our forums, and ask questions.

Further Reading
If you’d like to know more about the kind of Tiki that Tiki Central focuses on, and what we don't, we recommend the following:

The Book of Tiki (book) *

Anyway, good luck with your record

Tiki Bill posted on 06/20/2011

Been a while sense I posted here, had to put off my exotica project for a while to make ends meet in this crazy new economy, But I have to agree with Tikiaki, While the tunes are good, I would leave a true tiki bar if they started playing it. Not because it's bad, it just don't fit the atmosphere. I'm sure I didn't make the above list because of my absence from the scene lately, but here is one of my exotica numbers for your listening pleasure. http://soundcloud.com/dj-lord-fader/island-mist

Tiki Bill.

tiki mick posted on 06/20/2011

On 2011-06-20 15:22, Tiki Bill wrote:
Been a while sense I posted here, had to put off my exotica project for a while to make ends meet in this crazy new economy, But I have to agree with Tikiaki, While the tunes are good, I would leave a true tiki bar if they started playing it. Not because it's bad, it just don't fit the atmosphere. I'm sure I didn't make the above list because of my absence from the scene lately, but here is one of my exotica numbers for your listening pleasure. http://soundcloud.com/dj-lord-fader/island-mist

Tiki Bill.

Fucking hell!

If I heard THAT in a tiki bar, I would surely stay and enjoy this EXCELLENT example of what we are all talking about. This is true tiki music. Thank you. Thoroughly enjoyable!


"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2011-06-20 15:26 ]

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Tiki Bill posted on 06/20/2011

Thanks Lucas. That means a lot coming from you :wink: I have one other in the can, and many other ideas, but unfortunately, funds have become a factor, and I have to concentrate on other things for now. I'm glad to see others doing well with it though! Gotta keep exotica alive!

Tiki Bill.

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tiki mick posted on 06/20/2011

I just added you to "the list". You are one of us now!

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Tiki Bill posted on 06/20/2011

Thanks Lucas! I swear, somehow, I will make the next Hukilau! Actually, I know Drew from Stolen Idols well, and they might play some of my tunes in the future. Sorry to be so much of a party pooper lately, but I have never forgotten all the good times with the Tiki centralites at past events, and when things get better here, you WILL hear more of the Tiki Bill Orchestra :wink:

Tiki Bill.

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tikiyaki posted on 06/20/2011

Bill,I was wondering what happened to you. This is a great tune, and,like Lucas said...a fine example of Classic Exotica style.

Good to see you posting again.

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Tiki Bill posted on 06/20/2011

JIM! Whazzup! That first Tikiaki CD is still in heavy rotation here! I'll try to keep in touch here mor often in the future.

Tiki Bill.

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I understand where your coming from. I enjoy tiki and exotica. Ive traveled to the pacific islands and have a love for island culture. I think what I meant is that tiki culture fits into the whole island culture. I also get the whole island culture doesn't fit into tiki. I tend to combine them when i listen to music. I listen to a les baxter piece right next to a bob marley piece followed up by a calypso song. I apologize if i assumed others would feel that way. I do love exotica and polynesian pop. I hope to include that into tiki joe and the bamboo band through a couple of instrumental tracks. I will post them on here when they are finished and maybe they will get some better love. lol.
Anyways regarding the name. I've been going under the name TikiJoe for years as a dj. Heck my license plate on the car says tiki joe. I think the names and sounds are different enough not to cause confusion. Besides the other guy isnt even named joe. lol

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tiki mick posted on 06/29/2011

On 2011-06-29 11:52, tikijoeandthebambooband wrote:
I understand where your coming from. I enjoy tiki and exotica. Ive traveled to the pacific islands and have a love for island culture. I think what I meant is that tiki culture fits into the whole island culture. I also get the whole island culture doesn't fit into tiki. I tend to combine them when i listen to music. I listen to a les baxter piece right next to a bob marley piece followed up by a calypso song. I apologize if i assumed others would feel that way. I do love exotica and polynesian pop. I hope to include that into tiki joe and the bamboo band through a couple of instrumental tracks. I will post them on here when they are finished and maybe they will get some better love. lol.
Anyways regarding the name. I've been going under the name TikiJoe for years as a dj. Heck my license plate on the car says tiki joe. I think the names and sounds are different enough not to cause confusion. Besides the other guy isnt even named joe. lol

Now THAT's funny! I think his name is actually "Andy"!

I don't know if you read back a few posts, but i did enjoy your Fillipino song. I actually like all things Filipino, from their martial arts to their shared ancestry with me, to their outgoing and always friendly attitude and sense of humor.

One thing you might immediately consider, if trying to get into the "tiki" thing more, is to start adding some of the trappings of tiki music, the birdcalls, exotic percussion, that sort of thing...because if you were to strip the percussion and birdcalls from martin denny or arthur lyman, you would basically be left with pop jazz of that era....their "window dressing" really made it into "tiki" and "exotica"..

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Rum Balls posted on 06/30/2011

Anyways regarding the name. I've been going under the name TikiJoe for years as a dj. Heck my license plate on the car says tiki joe. I think the names and sounds are different enough not to cause confusion.

Are you kidding me? "Tiki Joe & the Bamboo Band"..."Tiki Joe's Ocean."

Most people would assume it's the same "Tiki Joe" with different bands/projects. And they would assume that "Tiki Joe" would be the award-winning one with 3 albums out...not you. Change the name.

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Hey Lucas,

Thanks for the encouragement. My wife is filipina and I wrote that song for her. I am definately going to be adding some more trappings of the tiki sound. A couple of tracks not online yet have the bird calls and ocean waves. I love exotic percussion and try to use it any time I can.

To the other guy,

Im not changing the name. I have common law trademark rights to the name and plan on using the Tiki Joe trademark for a host of things including a tiki style restaurant and resort.

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tiki mick posted on 07/03/2011

Don't thank me, man.

I still think it is a horrible idea to be named "tiki joe" when there already is a tiki joe, who is playing real tiki music, and who already is established. You may be trying to build a tiki empire on your own, and I wish you luck...because you will have few fans around here.

If I were you, I would change my "band" name, and work on the filipino angle (it would be quite a novelty and a good niche to have a non-filipino guy end up being succesful playing filipino songs, sung in tagalog..think about it, you might be one of the only people doing it!....) then you are not competing with someone already established in our commutity (which IS international, by the way) you would have your OWN thing...and people would accept you for that....what's wrong with changing your name? I have heard of Tiki Joe's ocean, and so has every single person on this forum (which is the center of all things tiki on this planet) but until you came here, I had never heard of YOU.

A band I was in made a serious mistake with this. We we doing REAL good, opening for famous 70's bands like Foghat and others, yet the name of our band was exactly that of a top DJ in Australia...who was more famous then us. We had the name (we thought) way before...but a simple google search would have revealed our ignorance, and we would have chosen something else. There is no shame in that. I would rather buy a new license plate then go around calling myself "tiki Joe" and claiming I was playing tiki music (you are not!) all the while there is an established artist with the same name, who won a Hawaiian music award and is headlining at the world's biggest Tiki event this summer (Tiki oasis).

Dig your own grave if you want to, but if it was me...I would call myself "Ska man Joe" or "Puti Joe" Or "haole Joe" something more relevant to the actual music you play, which for the 3rd and final time is NOT TIKI!

Sorry to be so harsh to a fellow musician who obviously has some talent, but you are making a terrible mistake in using an established artist's name and trying to even claim you are playing the same type of music.

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2011-07-02 17:54 ]

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Quarterto3 posted on 07/03/2011

Listen, son. It's nothing personal but, to make a long story short, it's not Tiki Music (nor is it a reasonable facsimile thereof) so you probably shouldn't have posted it under the Tiki Music. Secondly, as has been mentioned numerous times prior, Tiki Joe's Ocean is established and is REAL tiki music. That's why he can post his music here and why he gets the love (and deservedly so) here.

I decided to Google you to learn more about you and your Tiki music and I did learn a lot. I saw that on your MySpace page that your music is listed under the genre: Reggae, Ska and Tropical (I'm assuming this means Jimmy Buffett, Bertie Higgins singing Key Largo, etc). You go on to list your influences as The Skatellites, Bob Marley, Beach Boys, Lord Kitchener, Martin Denny, etc. I listened to your music and saw a lot of the Skatellites, some Bob Marley, a little Beach Boys, a lot of Lord Kitchener but little to no Martin Denny. Again, as a result, it's not Tiki Music.

Your Reverb Nation pages says that "If you like Sublime, Bob Marley, Jimmy Buffett, Skatellites and Sugar Ray you'll like Tiki Joe and the Bamboo Band. I hate to report this but those bands, as talented as they are, are not "tiki."
You documented in your website that you and your producer Bones discussed your parallel love for ska, reggae and all around easy going good vibrations (I'm assuming the Beach Boys). This led you to recreate "the skankin' sounds." By "skankin' sounds" you clearly mean the sounds of the Skatellites, older Bob Marley, Lord Kitchener, etc. Again, this is not "tiki music."

So, I respect you because you are a musician and I am not and I wish I could play an instrument but, since I can't, I respect those who can. However, it's just not tiki and just doesn't belong here. Again, nothing personal. Peace and good luck. When you make an album that really and truly is "tiki" I welcome you to come back and post links so we can listen with anticipation.

[ Edited by: Quarterto3 2011-07-02 20:25 ]

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emspace posted on 07/04/2011

Yeah, +1 here on the music being not-tiki. Caribbean does not equal tiki (or Tiki if you prefer). Reggae is not tiki; I play reggae and calypso and would never call them tiki. I am also learning Hawaiian style steel guitar but have no intention of marketing it, if I ever do which is unlikely beyond local gigs, as tiki.

Buffet is a profiteer on the idea of tiki, but knows nothing about it; he's probably too drunk, or not drunk enough, to understand.

Pages: 1 27 replies