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Are you a Tiki freak? - Take the Quiz

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MauiTiki posted on 11/12/2003


I thought I'd update the old Tiki Quiz....

Get out a pencil and paper and keep a tally of how many times you answer NO. Add up how many times you answer NO and see how you rate!

  1. Bought a Tiki item at a thrift store?
  2. Bought a Tiki item at a swap meet/flea market?
  3. Bought a Tiki item on e-bay?
  4. Bought a Tiki item on e-bay using “Buy-it-Now?”
  5. Traded Tiki items?
  6. Have a Vintage Tiki Mug?
  7. Have a Tiki Mug by Orchids of Hawaii?
  8. Have a Tiki Mug made by Otagiri?
  9. Have a Tiki Mug made by Westwood?
  10. Made a profit re-selling a Tiki item?
  11. Own a vintage Tiki Restaurant Post Card?
  12. Own a vintage Tiki Restaurant Matchbook?
  13. Have a Tiki Mug from Munktiki?
  14. Have an E-Bay only Munktiki Mug?
  15. Have a Mug Made by Tiki Farm?
  16. Have a Mug Made by Bosco?
  17. Have a Tiki Candle?
  18. Have a Tiki in your Yard?
  19. Created your own Tiki item?
  20. Sold a Tiki item you created?
  21. Been to the “Enchanted Tiki Room?”
  22. Own more than 5 Tiki shirts?
  23. Actually drink out of Tiki mugs when you have friends over?
  24. Have more than 10 Tiki’s in your home?
  25. Have art with a Tiki in it hanging in your home?
  26. Have a Tiki bar in your home?
  27. Have a Tiki light/lamp?
  28. Have a Tiki that is over 2 ft. tall?
  29. Have a photo of you with a Tiki?
  30. Bought a tiki from a carver?
  31. Met another TC member?
  32. Traveled more than 200 miles to attend a Tiki event?
  33. Posted your photo on TC?
  34. Have more than 200 Tiki Central Posts?
  35. Own more than 4 Tiki Books.
  36. Have a subscription to “Tiki Magazine”?
  37. Drank a Mai Tai with another TC member?
  38. Met Otto Von Stroheim?
  39. Own a Shag Print or original?
  40. Own a mug by Gecko?
  41. Know who Hanford Lemoore is?
  42. Own ”The Book of Tiki” hard cover?
  43. Own a “Shecky” mug?
  44. Received a Vintage Tiki item as a gift?
  45. Watched a TV show because there would be Tiki’s in it?
  46. Own a Tiki Mug designed by Shag?
  47. Own “Tiki Fonts” by House Industries?
  48. Have a “Tiki Sticker” on your Car/bike/computer/whatever?
  49. Own a Tiki Item Made by Witco?
  50. Own a Pufferfish light or Glass Ball float?
  51. Have bamboo somewhere in your home?
  52. Know the difference between Lono and Ku?
  53. Are you wearing a shirt with a Tiki on it, right now?
  54. Own a Martin Denny album?
  55. Been to a Tiki Bar in the last month?
  56. Glued together a broken Tiki item?
  57. Visited a place where Tiki items are made?
  58. Have a Tiki related License plate or License plate frame?
  59. Have more than 500 Tiki Central Posts?
  60. Have over 100 Tiki items in your collection?
  61. Participated in TC when it was still part of Yahoo?
  62. Took an Airplane flight to see Tiki’s or attend a Tiki event?
  63. Own a “Steve Crane” Tiki Mug?
  64. Been to the “Kahiki” before it closed?
  65. Have a Tiki tattoo?

40 to 65 No answers- “TIKI NEWBIE”
Welcome to Tiki Central. Hang around this crowd long enough and you’ll be a “Tiki Freak” in No Time!

30-39 No answers- “Casual Tiki”
Looks as if you’ve gotten the Tiki Bug, but you haven’t let it consume your life.

16-29 No Answers- “Tiki God”
You are a True Tiki Collector and Tiki Fan.

1-15 No Answers- “Tiki Freak”
Tiki has overwhelmed your life. Time to take a break from Tiki and go on vacation. (Maybe to Rapa Nui or the Big Island of Hawaii)

Sooo, How'd you do?

Be sure to come find me at Tiki Oasis 10!
I'll have some mugs to sell.

[ Edited by: MauiTiki 2010-07-29 20:49 ]

[ Edited by: MauiTiki 2010-07-29 20:50 ]

[ Edited by: MauiTiki 2010-07-29 20:52 ]

midnite posted on 11/12/2003

Dang, I am a Tiki Barber fan according to the quiz. I started out strong, with a purchase at a Thrift Store (why yes, that does explain my clothes). After that it was just like my college love life 48 "no's" in a row.

I do have a question, in reference to #65. Would a person, hypothetically now, receive extra points for "Knowing" Polynesian Pop? Um, like in the biblical sense? Just hypotheticaly speaking, of course.


[ Edited by: midnite_tiki on 2003-11-11 21:13 ]

TikiGardener posted on 11/12/2003
PolynesianPop posted on 11/12/2003

MT, wow what a great quiz. I'm all the way into "Tiki Freak" territory but refuse to take a vacation!

BTW - For question #65, do I have to take the point? I've technically never met myself...

purple jade posted on 11/12/2003

Yeah, but have you "known" yourself? Um ,like in the biblical sense?

donhonyc posted on 11/12/2003

Fun quiz! My score was not as high as I thought it would be though. I have to say that some of the 'yes' answers here are based on one's financial reach. Have I travelled to a tiki event? Yeah, I would love to.

But my philosophy is:

This is mostly a culture of the mind, and to you all I say, YOU'RE ONLY AS TIKI AS YOU FEEL, AND I FEEL LIKE A F*%CKIN' TIKI FREAK BABY!!!!! HOW 'BOUT YOU??!!

Praise be to Denny, Baxter, Drasnin, Trader Vic, Mai Kai, Yma Sumac, Arthur Lyman, and all the other great people and places that formed the foundation of this great....thing. And to all you other fine people out there that are workin hard to find all the Tiki joints in your area and all the areas you visit outside your home base. And all you out there that are consulting Intoxica and Grog Log and stayiing true to all the original Tiki cocktail recipies. All of you that obsessively comb the flea markets, thrift stores, and trash bins looking to un-earth some lost tiki mugs, records, or other assorted gems.

Let your Tiki Freak flag fly baby!!

Aloha! :drink:

[ Edited by: donhonyc on 2003-11-11 22:18 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/12/2003

Mark me Freak.

inkylouise posted on 11/12/2003

borderline God-Freak.....

fun quiz, reminds me of Cosmo mag!

Tiki Diablo posted on 11/12/2003

Neither, I'm a "Chiki" tiki. Ok, who's a "Randy" tiki?

stentiki posted on 11/12/2003

Freak on a leash!

Time to go to Rapa Nui.

How many points for tiki cuff links?

Exoticat posted on 11/12/2003

ha ha haaaaaa Sadly, I've done this. I think I'm probably at Tiki Goddess status. I tried to get the Book of Tiki in hardcover but was unsuccessful. sniff.

tikifish posted on 11/12/2003

14 no's - Not bad for a Canadian. The saddest one I had to say no to was 'been to a tiki bar in the past month?'
Oh, and of course, not 'KNOWING' Polynesian Pop in person. That is tragic!

Tiki Chris posted on 11/12/2003

I AM A GOD! & just a couple of points from freak.

i'm w/ whoever raised the point about many of the questions are dependent upon one's financial situation. also, many questions are seemingly californian-friendly (but of course that's kinda the nature of tiki). also, do you really have to be a shag fan &/or post a lot on tiki central to be an avid tiki enthusiast?

other potential questions:

were tikis incorporated into your wedding?

have you ever travelled to other countries to visit tiki bars?

do you hold an annual luau?

do you have a tiki-related term as a favorite search on ebay?

do you have dreams about tikis?

great quiz! & a good indicator of tiki interest.

tiki chris

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2003-11-12 07:04 ]

Feelin Zombified posted on 11/12/2003

Just a God.
I promise to try harder.


(how about: does your pet have a Tiki name?)

Thank God The Tiki Bar Is Open
Thank God The Tiki Torch Still Shines...

[ Edited by: Feelin' Zombified on 2003-11-12 08:25 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 11/12/2003

This quiz is Rigged! Man.

Kava King posted on 11/12/2003

Yes/No #16 "Freak" make or break question:

  1. Visited a place where Tiki items are made?

If Basement Kahuna's inner sanctum doesn't count, neither would Oceanic Arts!
Color me...Freak.

Kailuageoff posted on 11/12/2003

I'm just a lowly tiki God. I mostly lost points due to my preference for vintage stuff, over tiki-revival stuff but think I should get extra credit for teaching our Macaw to say "aloha","surf's up", and "time for a luau".

Also, I think we need a question as to whether one has ever been to a Polynesian island chain. And, the survey should cover tiki tattoos. I don't have a tiki tattoo, but I know some pretty freaky tiki people who have made tiki part of their earthly vessel.

freddiefreelance posted on 11/12/2003

On 2003-11-11 22:14, donhonyc wrote:
Fun quiz! My score was not as high as I thought it would be though. I have to say that some of the 'yes' answers here are based on one's financial reach. Have I travelled to a tiki event? Yeah, I would love to.

Why not just host one of your own? Just get some NY/NJ tikiphiles together for a NY/NJ tikicrawl: A few people with vans/minivans/SUVs, a few people who don't or won't drink to drive'em, disposable cameras, maps & addresses, et voila a traveling tiki event.

tikimug posted on 11/12/2003

With a "whopping" score of 28 votes, just like Culigula... "AYE! HE'S A GOD NOW!" ...just barely

Fun survey, I reluctently had to answer NO to #65 but I feel like I've met the Pop.

Hoity-Toity Wanna Be

[ Edited by: tikimug on 2003-11-12 09:55 ]

sweetpea posted on 11/12/2003

12 no's. So, I'm a tiki Freaky?
Who'da Thunk!

purple jade posted on 11/12/2003

I'm a Goddess (well, yeah...)

[ Edited by: purple jade on 2004-11-14 17:35 ]

cynfulcynner posted on 11/12/2003

On 2003-11-12 06:47, Tiki Chris wrote:
other potential questions:
were tikis incorporated into your wedding?
have you ever travelled to other countries to visit tiki bars?
do you hold an annual luau?
do you have a tiki-related term as a favorite search on ebay?
do you have dreams about tikis?

Another one:
Have you visited Trader Vic's grave?

Sneakytiki posted on 11/12/2003

Well, I'm just a God. Well, let's say a tiki fan, I'm not gonna try livin' up to godhood.
I like the point about giving a pt. for visiting a polynesian island chain, but how about pt.s for any of oceana and also visiting rum producing countries. Carribean might not be true tiki but yah gotstah' admit that we don't mind drinking our complicated cocktails based on rum, sugar and citrus juices (frequently) which come from originally.. dare I say? And the tiki shirt thing. Okay, I'm a hick and I'm not wearing a shirt, which is kinda' tiki or tacky depending on one's perspective. How about a pt. for a shell necklace or tiki medallion for us tacky no shoes n' shirts types. Awesome quiz though!!

TikiMaxton posted on 11/12/2003

Me tiki god. Mostly avoided Freak status because I refuse to pay more than $20 for a mug. Had that not been the case, I'd have reached Freak with honors.

And why no point for having an autographed Gilligan hat?!

MauiTiki posted on 11/12/2003

On 2003-11-12 10:35, purple jade wrote:
I'm a Goddess (well, yeah...), but I was sitting at the same table with SCD while he was on the phone with Pop and I was trying to yell things into the phone. Any thing for that?

PJ, I apologize for being sexist, I should have put Tiki God(ess).

And to you and "Tikimug" who wrote: "Fun survey, I reluctently had to answer NO to #65 but I feel like I've met the Pop"

I have to say, Hey, if you feel like you met or even indirectly met Poly Pop, You should answer "YES" to the question. Go easy on yourself, cheat if you want, it's all for fun anyway.


[ Edited by: MauiTiki on 2003-11-12 12:50 ]

MauiTiki posted on 11/12/2003

On 2003-11-11 21:51, PolynesianPop wrote:

BTW - For question #65, do I have to take the point? I've technically never met myself...

For you it's a FREEBEE!

How'd you answer on #56? Oooh collector of broken mugs!

Monkeyman posted on 11/12/2003

18 No's for me. Shouldn't TikiGod be elevated above TikiFreak?

This is a great example of a fun, well thought out post that we can all relate to. Thanks MauiTiki!!!!


Unga Bunga posted on 11/12/2003

Tiki God Here!

aquarj posted on 11/12/2003

Not only have I met Polynesian Pop, he's been in our bedroom. Yeeow!

9 no's for me: 9, 10, 20, 26, 48, 53, 58, 59, 64. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

(hey chiki, what's a "randy" tiki anyway - maybe the spring-loaded Hawaiian guy-in-a-barrel novelty items?)

ikitnrev posted on 11/12/2003

I am on the border between 'Tiki God' and 'Tiki Freak.' When I am wearing a shirt with a tiki on it, I'm a freak, but all other times I'm a God. It's kind of like being in Clark Kent / Superman mode.

I could take a hammer, break one of my tiki mugs, and glue it back together so I could become a permanent freak. But I won't, cause I like being a God now and then.


mrtikibar posted on 11/13/2003

If I change into a Tiki Shirt and re-take the quiz I will transform into a Freak. I
think I need that vacation.

tiki410 posted on 11/13/2003

Finally, a new goal to work toward. I felt that I had been in somewhat a rut for a while now and the job is not as satisfying.

DZ Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/bd9975fec97edc9f6d2e2d23b00bd96e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Doctor Z posted on 11/13/2003

Wow... Although I like the sound of 'god' better, with only 9 "no"'s, I guess I really am a freak!

(#'s 14, 16, 36, 39, 47, 54, 59, 61, 64)

PolynesianPop posted on 11/13/2003

On 2003-11-12 12:54, MauiTiki wrote:

On 2003-11-11 21:51, PolynesianPop wrote:

BTW - For question #65, do I have to take the point? I've technically never met myself...

For you it's a FREEBEE!

How'd you answer on #56? Oooh collector of broken mugs!

I've actually never glued together my broken mugs. They make an interesting display on their own "Broken Tiki Mugs" shelf and spur a lot of conversation!

Now back to question #65.... Although I've never met myself, I manage to molest myself on an almost daily basis. Does that count? :)

STCB Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/388/62303608b9ca4.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=a486c675714fab5e50f20e1168bb410d
Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 11/13/2003

Yes, I am evidently Sabu The Coconut Freak as well. Doctor Z has travelled to a tiki event by plane, which I have not. So he is the more tiki of the two amigos. Give him all praise. Amen. Yea, verily.

[u]Other possible questions for consideration:[/u]

Know how to pronounce "Orgeat".

Know the names of over 10 types of rum.

Keep a small card containing the lyrics to The Hawaiian War Chant in your wallet or purse, so that you can sing along in Disneyland's Tiki Room.

Know who Bamboo Ben's grandfather is.

Know who keigs20's grandfather-in-law is.

Know who Baxdog's esthetician is.

Have used the phrase "What a sweet man" in a sentence about TikiBong.

Have been around long enough to distinguish Bong's TC persona from his "in person" persona.

Have used 151 Rum for cologne when there was nothing else.

Have your tiki postcard/mug/menu collection sorted geographically.

Would actually consider murdering a relative if you discovered they had left their two Ren Clark Severed Head mugs to you in their will. (don't lie).


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DawnTiki posted on 11/13/2003

Tiki God-dess...29 and holding just like my age :wink:

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martiki posted on 11/13/2003

Oh yeah...eight no's! Somebody just take me out back and shoot me.

Boy, living in CA makes it a lot easier to say yes.

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/377ab64cf64ce78e10fa59449ba68daa?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 11/13/2003

2 "no's" for me.

#47 & #64

(numbers 10, 17, 19 & 20 were easy....the tiki candles, candies & soaps the wife & I make tied all these questions together with a "yes")

tikifish posted on 11/13/2003

I think I got most of my points on the 'travelling long distances' and 'actually went to another country to visit a tiki bar'.

Hell, I'll go to another continent.

How is it I have beeen to Japan for tiki, but have yet to visit the coconut motel/hotel in Quebec?

MauiTiki posted on 11/13/2003

Wow, there are way to many "Tiki Freaks"

Next time I'll include some of your suggested questions (well, maybe not Sabu's) and make it harder on you "freaks"

Maybe a 100 question quiz!?

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5b2b2346cd0bf336b1ac62b3cf1e5b21?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Traderpup posted on 11/13/2003

According to quiz, I need a vacation.... when is Hukilau 2004?

Tiki Chris posted on 11/13/2003

On 2003-11-12 21:27, MauiTiki wrote:
Next time I'll include some of your suggested questions ...
Maybe a 100 question quiz!?

fun! btw, i agree w/ what others have said:

GOD seems to be more superlative & carry more weight & clout than FREAK.

a multiple choice test would be a hoot too.

thanks for the entertainment,
tiki chris

MC Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/64903b822476ddaa2fa9aaef41503b3e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
manic cat posted on 11/13/2003

I'm a Goddess!!
but I fudged the suburbia-centric questions: living in NYC I have no yard or car w/ license plate. But if I did have these, Tikis would be there!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1bb8357216aa6a07990c2024587ce985?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tikiwahine posted on 11/14/2003

Wow, I'm actually a Tiki Goddess!

Next stop...Freaky Tiki Goddess!


PK Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/1161/623314ab336b9.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=51654f2faabc7cac33a28ad229439fc8
Primo Kimo posted on 11/14/2003

How dare you quantitate my "freak"iness.

Tiki Chris posted on 12/04/2003

The purchase of 2 tiki-shaped (Tahitian vanilla scented) candles joined by my wearing one of my favorite aloha shirts w/ tikis on it tips me over the god/freak line!

I am zee freak of zee week!


Woo Hoo!

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/32ef77292f80d53459bf173b05cad629?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Maori_man posted on 12/04/2003

On 2003-11-12 21:27, MauiTiki wrote:
Wow, there are way to many "Tiki Freaks"

Next time I'll include some of your suggested questions (well, maybe not Sabu's) and make it harder on you "freaks"

Maybe a 100 question quiz!?

I am an out and out tiki freak! No time for vacations!!

You should include a question on if you have thought of or got a tiki related tattoo. Fortunetaly or (Unfortuneltly depending on your feelings on the subject) I have to answer YES to that one also!!!!

O Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f504efb2fb6a8d209c43ebb5a296d933?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
OnaTiki posted on 12/04/2003

22 no's for us.
Great quiz!!

Pages: 1 2 3 109 replies