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Tiki Finds

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bigbadtikidaddy posted on 07/24/2011

On 2011-07-24 03:36, tikipaka wrote:
Picked up this at a local shop. It's about 18" tall and from the seventies and it's a chalkware piece.. Still nice! :)

A tiki with a papoose? it's official, now I've seen everything.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 07/24/2011

Trad'r Bill,

Saw the ad and wondered the same thing, could not get away from Sacramento on Thursday, so I am glad to see you were able to get them. I had visions of Barney West tikis being discovered, but the fern ones are pretty cool too!

Today's finds...

Another WWII Papua New Guinea female carved figure.

Larger carved wooden figure, not sure of the specific orgin?

Larger carved wooden outrigger canoe, 4' long. Smaller outrigger model to show size. Was hanging from a ceiling at an estate sale, as told to me from the gentleman I purchased it from.



atomictonytiki posted on 07/25/2011

On 2011-07-24 03:36, tikipaka wrote:
Picked up this at a local shop. It's about 18" tall and from the seventies and it's a chalkware piece.. Still nice! :)

Is this the strangest version of Tangaroa seen on TC?

Paipo posted on 07/25/2011

It's based on this one, collected by missionaries in Rarotonga:

from the British Museum.

They have a plaster copy made from the original at the museum on Rarotonga, which the local artists use as a reference model for tourist pieces:

This god is known/named as Rongo on the island.

tikipaka posted on 07/25/2011

Paipo, thanks for all the info.. For a minute when I picked it up I was thinking they were the 3 cannibals.. :( Until I noticed they were all the same and then I thought nope, but they were cannibals!.. :o Thanks!

[ Edited by: tikipaka 2011-07-25 04:12 ]

[ Edited by: tikipaka 2011-07-25 04:13 ]

blacklagoon posted on 07/25/2011

Went to Rennagers in Orlando this past Saturday and found a treasure trove of Tiki! I think we found around twenty mugs and many Coco Joes. I plan on posting a group shot of all the tikis.

As I approached one vendor I noticed this mug right away. I asked how much is your funny clown mug, my aunt collects clown items. The vendor looked at me and said " you mean my Stephen Crane Kon Tiki Mug"?

I said okay, how much? After a little bargaining I got it for $60 and it's dead mint! I found a few very large Coco Joes and some other rare mugs as well.

I think this is the rarest mug I've found in the wild and one we're pretty happy with even at $60. I know I could double my money on ebay, but this one is a keeper!


[ Edited by: blacklagoon 2011-07-25 06:54 ]

TikiRootsRocka posted on 07/25/2011

Great finds!!! Here's a few things from the last couple months.

A) Kahala Hilton swizzles, matchbooks, and little scooper from the Maile Room

B) Don the Beachcomber keychain...does anybody know when/where this is from? I haven't been able to find any info.

C) Thrift shop find...I have no idea what this is, please help... I was attracted to the tapa cloth clothing and what appears to be palm husk on the inside of the tapa cloth, to give the doll some structure.

Thanks for looking and any info is greatly appreciated!!!

blacklagoon posted on 07/26/2011

Here is the rest of this past week's finds.

Thanks for looking,


Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 07/26/2011

Excellent mug haul from my weekend trip to Calgary.

L to R:

Westwood mug from a church rummage sale for 25¢. I coulda had three more but I missed 'em by a few minutes.

Tikifarm. A gift from my buddy's uncle. He found it at a garage sale with those crazy straws in it.

Daga mug marked "Mauilu Resort." A trade with Slacks Ferret (for "future considerations").

Tikifarm Cheeseburger in Paradise. Also from Slacks.

Kanaloa Kannibal. Limited edition made by Slacks Ferret, available only to visitors to the Kanaloa Lounge.

mrsmiley posted on 07/26/2011

On 2011-07-22 11:02, Bora Boris wrote:

On 2011-07-22 07:11, TikiPug wrote:
Not really tiki, but does anybody know anything about the two mugs from the Timberwolf Lounge at Harvey's Lake Tahoe?

Tiki Pug,

According to a "Old Timey Lake Tahoe" co-worker of mine Harvey's Inn was also owned by Harvey Gross like Harvey's Wagon Wheel Hotel and Casino. It's now the Lakeside Inn.

Are those OMC mugs?

I also have a pair and wondered if they were OMC -no stickers on mine. Thanks Boris!

8FT Tiki posted on 07/28/2011

The next time I search all day and find nothing or when I'm having a long dry spell, I will remember today. A few little chips but all new to me and I needed the smile these finds gave me. You just never know.

SilverLine posted on 07/29/2011

Whoa! The Steve Crane mug is awesome! Where did you find it???

8FT Tiki posted on 07/29/2011

Ye Olde Thrift store. For the hefty sum of $1.00 Like I said, you just never know. It almost jumped into my arms. :D

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 07/29/2011

Good finds! I so need to find a better class of thrift stores.

Pittsburgh pauly posted on 07/29/2011

Some recent finds, from Pittsburgh to the Jersey shore and points inbetween:

Pittsburgh pauly posted on 07/29/2011

On 2011-07-28 20:46, 8FT Tiki wrote:
Ye Olde Thrift store. For the hefty sum of $1.00 Like I said, you just never know. It almost jumped into my arms. :D

For a lousy DOLLAR! Criminy! I'll give ya $3 for it...triple your money! :) Amazing score!

Bongo Bungalow posted on 07/29/2011

Amazing finds... by all of you, that is. Not me. But I'm not complaining. I'm happy to run into these fog cutters I did not have.

Limbo Lizard posted on 07/30/2011

On 2011-07-22 10:22, GROG wrote:
It's hanging down to his knees. Maybe it's anatomically correct for Crazy Al, but not so sure about the rest of the world.

What, you mean that's not normal? Oh, no, suddenly, I feel so embarrassed!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 07/30/2011

I won't even bother with the smalls i found this weekend...... But i did manage to pick up this huge witco tiki. Now that's worth mentioning!!

bigbrotiki posted on 07/30/2011

Good find, Dave. The only other one I ever saw of these was at the Chin Tiki:

danlovestikis posted on 07/31/2011

The Witco find and then the Chin photo would just give me chills if I'd been the treasure hunter who had scored this. But just knowing this information is a treasure too. Thanks men for posting, Wendy

Tipsy McStagger posted on 07/31/2011

Thanks sven- I didn't know that chin had one of those.....

Okay, this is gonna sting a bit for you fellow tiki hunters out there.....

just when you think the weekends tiki finds couldn't get any better, check out these three united airlines foam and fiberglass tikis i pulled out of an incredible house this weekend !! - The house was built in 69' and the couple that owned it traveled extensively - they loved to entertain and she was an interior designer. She actually made all the fake palms you see in the photos below- i have included pics of where these tikis were located in the house by the indoor pool. There was a bar poolside with a fireplace next to the pool (not shown). The basement had a huge semi circular bamboo bar with palm trees and decor. The house was right out of a shag painting, with sunken bathtub, circular kitchen and more.....

The barstools downstairs (not the ones poolside, though those are now sold ) went to another t.c. member at this sale as did the witco wahine shown in the picture below. The house was huge and incredible....it's on the market now for I believe $1.5 mill.

It always amazes me that this late in the tiki revival, after most old school tiki bars have been rediscovered, one can still find basement home bar hideaways, rec rooms and tropical bars that are virtually untouched, Every once in awhile a sale this awesome comes along.

This witco wahine was different - There was some question as to it's authenticity because of the painted background on black vinyl so I contacted ken pleasant and he said that it was an original piece- There is a picture of that style of witco with hand-painted background in the witco catalog.

TikiG posted on 07/31/2011


Big Kahuna posted on 07/31/2011

Way to go, Tipsy! :o
I want that house!

Munster's Address!

[ Edited by: Big Kahuna 2011-07-31 16:38 ]

Dustycajun posted on 08/01/2011

Found this basket/bird cage looking thing at the thrift and decided to turn it into a lamp.

Consulted with BongoFury the lamp genius and he gave me lots of good advise. Stopped by the thrift store on the way to OSH for the lamp parts and founds these.

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A nice little Maori tourist statue from New Zealand and a Treasure Craft Hawaii 50th ashtray.

Here's how the lamp turned out.

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Looks good in my Tiki corner of the kids room.


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BambooLodge posted on 08/01/2011

On 2011-07-31 15:11, Tipsy McStagger wrote:

This witco wahine was different - There was some question as to it's authenticity because of the painted background on black vinyl so I contacted ken pleasant and he said that it was an original piece- There is a picture of that style of witco with hand-painted background in the witco catalog.

Dave, thanx for posting! What a wonderful sale, and glad you wound up with such great gets!

We actually picked the Wahine Babe up for our collection, but realized when we got her home, that she was just too Gia-normous for our little basement space, so we turned her over to Betty and Duane at the Chef, and we can visit her any time we want! :D

BaMbOoLoDgE...where the South Pacific meets the Great White North!

[ Edited by: BambooLodge 2011-08-01 06:33 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/02/2011

Thanks- you should post pics of those 6 crazy bamboo stools you dragged out of that basement.....

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 08/03/2011

seriously cool finds from everyone. unreal! havent been hunting much, but did stumble onto this postcard. the image looks familiar, but cant find it anywhere. on the back its says: "New Tropical Pool- The Curtis Hotel and Motor Lodge Minneapolis" (crappy photo, but i dont have a scanner)
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HB TIKI posted on 08/04/2011

Found some old Sams Seafood items at estate sale in Newport Beach.Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/10038/4e3a3c65.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=b4d26865355b23f356771e2db0c1f24d

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tikipaka posted on 08/04/2011

Nice finds there HB! :)

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 08/05/2011

Wat a killa find hb tiki. looks to be bout 3'tall Roger. tell me mo!
i've always had a soft spot for anything from "Sams" I have several mugs including the one spawned from your carved tiki and a "sams" ashtray. pales in comparison to your newguy. Congrats

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TabooDan posted on 08/05/2011

On 2011-08-04 20:46, nui 'umi 'umi wrote:
Wat a killa find hb tiki. looks to be bout 3'tall Roger. tell me mo!
i've always had a soft spot for anything from "Sams" I have several mugs including the one spawned from your carved tiki and a "sams" ashtray. pales in comparison to your newguy. Congrats

Hey, hold on a second there nui 'umi 'umi, HB's find is awesome but you sound like you got a couple goodies from Sam's as well! Are you able to post a couple pic's of your items here or even better, over in the locating Tiki thread under Sam's?? Would love to see the Tiki mug and the ashtray.
Thanks in advance!!
Mahalo, TabooDan

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 08/05/2011

hey T D gonna post those pix asap. i have a decent camera but i haven't figured out how to use the MacPro my wife recently bought me. in conjunction with my brother tikivato i figured out a roundabout way to do it although it's a small p in the a. glad to do it and thanks for the interest.

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The Sperm Whale posted on 08/05/2011

I really miss Sam's !! I really do !!

Awesome Find HB Tiki :)

[ Edited by: The Sperm Whale 2011-08-05 07:14 ]

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1961surf posted on 08/05/2011


tikipaka posted on 08/06/2011

Found this 32 oz Sang Kung volcano bowl today. Unusual because I've seen them with TAIWAN at the bottom, but this one has a large G underneath Sang Kung with Chinese characters and the vent hole in the bottom?

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Better close up of the bottom.

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And here is a Hawaii Kai mug/cup I picked up last weekend.

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danlovestikis posted on 08/06/2011

Wow, we feel like we have a great collection and then we see the things you find and say how do we miss all this great stuff. Wendy

tikipaka posted on 08/07/2011

:o @ Wendy, if you're referring to me, this is all we do on Saturday's.. Our entire house is nothing BUT yard sale finds. That's what we do. Dave collects vinyl and I collect all things to decorate with etc.. And I can only wish I had all your talents! I can't make a thing! I love all your work! Thanks :)

Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/07/2011

back at it again this weekend......

  • Timing is everything and I nearly shit my pants when i rolled into one of my favorite secret resale shops and saw these sitting there. Why would anyone get rid of these?? I guess their ignorance ....is my bliss !!

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ukutiki posted on 08/07/2011

Here is a recent garage sale find. Could not find it on Ooga-Mooga. Would anyone have info on it?
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SandraDee posted on 08/07/2011

On 2011-08-07 10:15, ukutiki wrote:
Here is a recent garage sale find. Could not find it on Ooga-Mooga. Would anyone have info on it?
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Sold at Party City a few years ago. Part of a set of 4 I think

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Trader Tom posted on 08/07/2011

On 2011-08-07 10:20, SandraDee wrote:

On 2011-08-07 10:15, ukutiki wrote:
Here is a recent garage sale find. Could not find it on Ooga-Mooga. Would anyone have info on it?

Sold at Party City a few years ago. Part of a set of 4 I think

Yes, see here on Ooga Mooga:


Dustycajun posted on 08/07/2011

On 2011-08-07 09:32, Tipsy McStagger wrote:

Why would anyone get rid of these?? I guess their ignorance ....is my bliss !!

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Nice score. Those were manufactured by Decora Designs out of Miami, Florida as shown here on this cataloge cover.

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Bruddah Bear posted on 08/07/2011

Those lamps are honeys.


blacklagoon posted on 08/07/2011

Found on the 127 Longest Yard Sale, we did 220 miles in two days and there was tiki gold in them thar hills!

Will post a group shot later.

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TikiRootsRocka posted on 08/08/2011

Well, let's start with my favorite for today...I'm not sure what I like about it so much :)
1946 Trader Vic's pomegranite grenadine syrup label
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Matson Lines ashtray
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8 chronological Matson Line menus dating from Sunday, Feb 12th, 1967 to Sunday, Feb 19th, 1967.
SS Monterey - Los Angeles to Bora Bora
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United Airlines Hawaii 25th anniversary coin
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This is about half the stuff, I also got an old Hawaiian newspaper from 1970 that was for June 11th on King Kamehameha day with lots of great advertising that needs a post all for itself.

Thanks for lookin' and good pickin's!!!

tikipaka posted on 08/08/2011

Found this pair of lamps a few weeks ago and I forgot to post them. Not Tiki but they are going into our tiki cabana! I switched out the 60 watt bulbs for 40 and it's just enough light at night..

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:) :) :)

Psycho Tiki D posted on 08/09/2011

Still speechless from Tipsy's finds, amazing and congratulations.

This weekend...

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Vintage Hawaiian Night cruise menu.

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Newer Trader Vic's drink menu.

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Pair of Westwood tiki cups.

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Hinky Dink's Anniversary glass.

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Trader Vic's Portlight mug.

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Smaller Scorpion bowl, unmarked, smaller than the OMC bowl.

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La Concha Motel ashtray.

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Lanai San Mateo ashtray.

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Los Curtos Hawaiian Gardens San Jose ashtray.

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Mark Thomas Outrigger ashtray.

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Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/5795/4e407ab6.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=74062598decfd99c626dbc73c716269d
Two clay sculpts, supposedly from Minnie's in Modesto (Minnie's Tiki's)? Asked Jungle Trader if he did these, he did not.

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/5795/4e407aa2.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=4adb06665cc08d390bc864e360890fa4
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/5795/4e407a7b.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=692e30c08e70302274e252d793320a3d
Larger wood carved tikis.



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