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Flounder on BoingBoing.net

Pages: 1 19 replies

Swanky posted on 11/12/2003

I noticed that Flounder got a plug on http://www.BoingBoing.net today. If you aren't familiar with that site, they are regularly one of the top 10 most popular sites on the net. A great source of interesting stuff. It should give our man a giant spike in his web site hits! Yeah Flounder!

tikijackalope posted on 11/12/2003

Cool stuff! So, Flounder, how much of your material sold after the link from http://www.BoingBoing.net? Are such sites the uber-promotional tools we've been told they are?

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/12/2003

Man oh man, what a day. I sold ten pieces, and have about ten more commisions. I didn't paint a lick today, just answered emails one after the other.

At the same time I'm also painting three burlap paintings for a new tiki bar, and doing tiki playing cards for a game company. I think I need an apprentice.

Oh yea and I'm trying to finish my tiki/robot series.

Need more coffee! Much more.

Thanks for the thread Swanky

Swanky posted on 11/12/2003

Hukilau got 12 hits from FlounderArt.com today, so you must have gotten some serious traffic. That beats the Tiki Farm hits.

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/12/2003

Damn Swanky, does this mean I'm famous yet?

TikiGardener posted on 11/12/2003

Congratulations Flounder!!!

But pace yerself son!!!!

Don't burn out, I want to be able to know I can get a few more pieces out of ya when the time comes...

Best wishes for your success continuing!

[ Edited by: TikiGardener on 2003-11-11 21:29 ]

Rain posted on 11/12/2003

damn, dude! congrats.

kctiki posted on 11/12/2003

On 2003-11-11 20:57, FLOUNDERart wrote:
... and doing tiki playing cards for a game company.

A tiki puzzle would be fun too. In your spare time (ha ha). Congratulations!

Tiki Mon posted on 11/12/2003

Enjoy your well-deserved success. Tiki puzzle is a great idea. Let us know if you decide to do one.

tikimug posted on 11/12/2003

Yo Flounder! It's great to see you getting some well deserved exposure. Your art rocks da house yo!

It was a blast hangin' wit' you at the Hukilau!

Greetings from the land of "Giant Ants on Buildings"


sweetpea posted on 11/12/2003

Congrats, but of course just my
luck. Was gonna git on here today to purchase BLue and Purple heehee,
A day late and a dollar short, as usual. :wink:
I'll be patient Pea, and wait until there is MORE stuff. heeheehee.
Flounder, do you take Visa?

SES posted on 11/12/2003

NICE! Guess that lunar eclipse liked you!

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/12/2003

Thanks everyone! Am I famous now? If everyone starts saying I'm famous well then I'm famous, right? Come on help me out and lie a little.

Seriously thanks everyone.

pablus posted on 11/12/2003

Even though you can't associate with us now from your lofty throne of fame, we still remember you fondly and are proud.

Very cool, Flounder -

What a great site, too.
Check out this page on Ukes:


TikiKing is linked there, as well as a few other familiar names.

Kailuageoff posted on 11/12/2003

You're already famous for leaving your wife stranded amongst strangers, while perching yourself on a bamboo barstool.

Swanky posted on 11/13/2003

FYI, you can get puzzles made of any picture at most film developing places, should you have the desire.

SES posted on 11/13/2003

I haven't been able to access that boingboing site. I keep getting the "can't find server" page. How many friends do you have trying to check out the page?

tiki_kiliki posted on 11/13/2003

Congrats Flounder! I'm glad to see your success and I'm glad to soon be the proud owner of my 3rd piece from you. Everyone that has checked out the site - I commissioned Flounder to do the Tiki Jo from the matchbook that I have. As soon as I get it framed and my bar in place I'll post pictures.

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/14/2003

Thanks for all the support, I'll try to make you all proud.

GECKO posted on 11/14/2003

dats my boy! congrats, you desrve it brah!

Pages: 1 19 replies