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Mexican D¨¦cor -- Serapes

Pages: 1 3 replies

Polly posted on 07/29/2011

Serapes. Do you like them?
Serapes, sometimes spelled Sarape, are the popular style of Mexican blankets that are often seen in Mexican restaurants and in tourist towns across Mexico. Each serape blanket has one dominant color but also contains up to 12 different colors in a recurring pattern.

Serape (place mat size) $2.95

Serape 18" x 38" $6.00

Check to see more Serapes: http://www.bambooandthatchetc.com/index.php?cPath=626_629

Bora Boris posted on 07/29/2011

Sorry Polly, you know better.

Moving to Beyond Tiki.

Unkle John posted on 07/29/2011

A friend of mine used them to reupholster his bench seat in his old early 50's pickup.
It looked really nice contrasted against the flat black paint job of the exterior. I really wish I had photos. :(

gabbahey posted on 08/01/2011

Ye old primer n' mexican blankets. It is a great look.


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