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Bachelor Pad Magazine 17 featuring Indigo Blue in here!

Pages: 1 2 replies

javabachelor posted on 08/06/2011

Issue 17 is in the works and should be out in early September. Need back issues? How about a Sampler Pack? Or better yet, a "Back Issue Bundle!" You now get more issues at the same low price!

Here's what's coming up in the new issue:
#We check in with "The CEO of Burly-Q" and the current Reigning Queen of Burlesque, Miss Indigo Blue!
#Va-Va-Va-Boom! The explosive pin-ups of the Texas Timebomb!
#Our hot toddy is made extra hot with help from pin-up, burlesque dancer, and model Brandy Valentine!
#Texas jewel and member of the Jigglewatts Burlesque troupe, Pearl Lux!
#We hear about the classic spoken word album "Tales of the Frightened," it's remake, and sample one of its stories.
#Catherine Tomasko teaches you the ancient art of "How To Cook a Bachelor's Goose."
#More spy shenanigans in another episode of "The S.U.I.T." from Scooter Harris.
#Chapter two in the return of Untamed Highway by Noah Snodgrass.
#Don Spiro's Speak-Easy Review.
#More lushy laffs from Tipsy Thomas.
#Gags from TJ Rappel of Krushervision, Scooter Harris from Studio Hadra, Frankie Ill, and Sergio Avenia!
#Columns from Penny Starr Jr., Will "The Thrill" Viharo, and ultra-modern living advice from Cherry Capri!
#Drink recipe from mixologist Dr. Bamboo.
#And much, much more!

All subscriptions start with issue 17!

Subscription rates:
Bachelor Pad Magazine:
Single Issue (issue 17):
(shipping included)
$7 US/Canada
$14 worldwide

Subscriptions (starting with Issue 17):
(shipping included)
4 Issues-$20 US/Canada
4 Issues-$35 worldwide

Renewal Rate (starting with Issue 18):
(shipping included)
4 Issues-$20 US/Canada
4 Issues-$35 worldwide

Go to the Bachelor Pad Magazine website: http://www.bachelorpadmagazine.com and click the "Subscribe Now" button. This is all being done via PayPal, so you will be directed to their checkout page.

If you want to send a check, e-mail me-- java_at_javasbachelorpad.com --and I’ll give you an address to send that to.

[ Edited by: javabachelor 2011-09-18 19:40 ]

TikiGoddess posted on 08/07/2011

This issue is gonna be killer, can't wait!!!

javabachelor posted on 09/19/2011


The issue is out and being mailed to subscribers.

For those new to Bachelor Pad, we offer our Back Issue Bundle. Issues 12 through 16 PLUS a 4-issue subscription starting with 17 for only $40. And right now, we have some extra swag (Tipsy Thomas cocktail recipes, coasters, tradings cards, and swizzle sticks) we are including with every bundle.

Order your bundle now! http://www.bachelorpadmagazineonline.com/pastissues.html

Pages: 1 2 replies