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Tiki Tattoo

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BigRed posted on 10/30/2003

I have finally decided to get a tiki tattoo. Though when I go to try and get some bases for my design, I find that there are like 2 tiki tattoos out on the web. I am trying to find resources online to get designs. I am looking for more modern tikis. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it. My e-mail is chugchug@bellsouth.net

Tiki-bot posted on 10/30/2003

Hey, BR, just use the "search" button on the top right side of this page and enter "tattoo" and watch the results fly.

tiki_kiliki posted on 10/30/2003

I encourage you to bring a tiki that you love to the tattoo artist and have him sketch something from that. That's what I did - I brought a coco joe's lono tiki in and he sketched it out. It took 3 times but he eventually got enough detail that I'm happy with it. It's on my forearm.

Take the advice though and search for it on this board. I posted my picture there.

FLOUNDERart posted on 10/30/2003

Tiki Kiliki you read my mind I was going to say the same thing. Not only that but as I was thinking about it I had an image of your Tat flash in my mind. I only saw it for a split second in the hotel lobby at Hukilua but it looked sweet!

Hows about you give us a peek and post it for BigRed and myself.

fishhead posted on 10/30/2003
fishhead posted on 10/30/2003

most tattoo artist's are indeed artist's i have designed my own work [not tiki] fish of course.I would have a custom image and have the tattoo artist tear it in half when complete its nice to have one of a kind.My 2cents.matt

FLOUNDERart posted on 10/30/2003

I was actually at a party once where two people had the same tattoo, its not like it's clothing that you can change. How bad does that suck?

Definitely make it a one of a kind!

Even worst than that is people who have tattoo's and have no idea what it means.
I recently met someone with an Om symbol on her shoulder and she thought it had something to do with kung-fu

Original Art by Flounder


[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2003-10-30 13:47 ]

fishhead posted on 10/30/2003

very crappy!When I turned 21 [sigh] i got a piece of flash of a eagle with a snake in its claw i think its like latin pride or somthing like that ,well i kept it for a few years and covered it with a tribal shark with fish hooks that I drew.That was imbarassing to saw the least.

Kon-Hemsby posted on 10/31/2003

I already have a Moai tattoo and I was looking to get Tiki'd on the other arm. I was given the tip of looking at some of the past Tiki News and Grog Log/Intoxica for some good drawings of various tiki. And there are plenty.

Re: not knowing what your tattoo means. I read in the news paper here that someone got a Chinese symbol tattoo on there arm thinking it meant wealth or something. When the guy went to a party and showed his new tattoo off a group of Chinese girls laughed at him. The tattoo artist who did the tatoo was fed up working in the studio and on his last day did this tattoo. It actually meant....UGLY KID

SES posted on 10/31/2003

[ Edited by: SES on 2004-01-02 03:02 ]

Raffertiki posted on 11/01/2003


If you want, check out the "Concert Poster" design at http://www.nicefishy.com . The Tiki Conga Drums would make and awesome tattoo. But what do I know, I got a mermaid on my leg.

tiki_kiliki posted on 11/01/2003

Sorry, I haven't checked in for a couple of days. Here's a pic of my tatt. I am thinking of adding some flames around it, what do you think?

Tiki_Bong posted on 11/01/2003

That's a cool piece Tiki K. Flames or no flames? That's a tough question. I prefer all black ink myself, but hot rod flames would be nice behind him.

divychic posted on 11/01/2003

Cool tat! I would add some tiki torches coming out abit from the sides and have the flames red.

Raffertiki posted on 11/01/2003

I hate to say it, because I usually prefer black tats, but yours screams for some color. Keep it restrained of course, but some brown or yellow ochre hi-lights would make it pop.

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/01/2003

Don't you dare touch it baby, I love that tattoo! Please I beg you not to add flames, I'm so tired of flames. Well that is of course if it's not with an eagle and a snake.
Thanks for posting the tat, I couldn't quite remember it but knew it was cool.
Kiliki do you still have the same email?
Drop me a line.

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/04/2003

Jaksin ought to weigh in on this...he's an expert tattoo artist.

the75stingray posted on 11/07/2003

On 2003-11-01 12:50, divychic wrote:
Cool tat! I would add some tiki torches coming out abit from the sides and have the flames red.

I agree! I'd like to see some color too. But torches would add just the right touch.
If I had bigger arms, I do it myself...but I'm a wuss!!

By the way, what the hell ever happened to Hoffa in Columbus?!

tikijaksin posted on 11/09/2003

Basemnent Kahuna thanks for the compliments but im not an expert as a tattoo artist/ collector ,Im still at, and forever will be at the aritist/ student level (you never ever stop learning) but I'll try and help out here. Kiliki, you can always do the flames in black and grey.(like that ev erybody om TC is happy) but yeah I think adding flames would go really nice with da tiki fer sure.as for the original topic just remember with tattoos the smaller its gonna be, the less little lines you want in it.cause in the future it will only look very messy and undistinguishable. wow! (long werd).remember some artists will scratch anything on you for the sake of makin' $$.and always make sure you are getting quality work from a clean shop. ask to see their autoclaves and ask about their strilization process.if an artist makes you feel uncomfortable because you dont have tattoos all over, or for some other dumbshit reason. leave!! there are plenty of us nice artists who will sit down and shoot ideas back and forth w/ you till something that works comes up. oh and really an eagle and a snake has nothing to do with "latin pride" it's an ageless classic traditional tattoo design that has and will be around forever .besides american traditional tattoos are da shit, and can hold up for a couple a months after yer dead. good luck...kreepy tiki jaksin

SES posted on 11/09/2003

In Japan they have art galleries and museums to display irezumi. They would make a down payment on the skin and collect it when the person died.

tikiangi posted on 11/13/2003

That is a sweet ass tiki. If it was mine, I'd hilite with bright yellow and have it standing in a giant fire ball using red, orange, and yellow. Fire is cool. You could even sneak in some demon faces looking out of the flames for extra impact.

tiki_kiliki posted on 11/13/2003

It's been suggested to me to get a tatt on my other forearm as a mate. Don't know if I'll do that but another is certainly on the way!! Probably a hula girl on my upper arm.

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It's all about ballance. If you get one on one arm, you got to get another on the other arm. If you get one on one leg, you got to get another on the other leg. Got to keep even!

Just my 2 tattos worth. (actually 12. Well hidden and planned that way for my future "real job". This was my thought back in the early 80's. If I knew I'd be a starving artist for my "real job", placement would have been different )

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0cfa20529f65cf6d4b25b202f6433ede?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

For my 2 cents worth....Keep the tattoo black, it suits the Tiki style. Definately agree on the balance 'thing'. I've one arm with a tat, now I NEED to get the other arm done to even it up. Tiki-Kiliki, your hawaiian woman sounds cool or you could try a Moai?

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Actually, in much of traditional Polynesian tattooing, an asymmetrical pattern was used. This was particularly true with Hawaiian tattoos. Often, only one side of the upper body was tattooed and the opposite side of the lower body was tattooed.

But damn if they aren't addicting once you get one! Mine are all traditional black ink.

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Thought I'd share my Moai tattoo with you.

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Now I want to get the top of my other arm tattooed with tikis in a similar style (bold blacklines and shading). Although I am not sure whether to have one large tiki, or have 4 or 5 tikis (similiar to my Moai design). I have searched and found a few pictures that I can show to my tattooist for him to draw up but nothing fantastic yet.
If anyone of you artists care to submit some sketches to me that I can draw inspiration from, it would be really appreciated.

Mahalo and rockin regards

[ Edited by: Kon-Hemsby on 2004-02-10 13:37 ]

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nice black and grey, clean lines, nice shading.
very cool Kon

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Well i finally got my other arm tattooed and I'm really pleased with it. Compliments the Moai on my other arm. here it is:

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and my Moai

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[ Edited by: Kon-Hemsby on 2004-06-13 06:00 ]

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I hate to say it, because I usually prefer black tats, but yours screams for some color. Keep it restrained of course, but some brown or yellow ochre hi-lights would make it pop.

Tiki-Kiliki, Please disregard this, as if you already haven't. The photo doesn't do it justice. It looks awesome in real life.

Kon, It's obvious you used the same artist. The new one looks way cool.

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I went to Tahiti and really enjoyed the Marquesan Tattoo style going on over there. It's tribal but a bit cartoonish, here is some examples:
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I like the way they always manage to insert multiple Tiki faces in the design.

By the way, Kon-Hemsby, I really like your Easter Island dudes, they are great.

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[ Edited by: Tahitiki on 2004-06-13 08:28 ]

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By the way, Kon-Hemsby, I really like your Easter Island dudes, they are great.

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Cheers, well spotted, Jon Nott, great artist.
I love your tattoo's, great choice.

[ Edited by Humuhumu to fix BBCode quotes ]

[ Edited by: Humuhumu on 2004-06-14 12:57 ]

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tres cool ~

[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar on 2004-06-14 12:51 ]

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[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 15:51 ]

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[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 15:52 ]

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Really nice tattoos! If I can get the pics posted, here's a couple I have. I'll apologize now for the bad pics...I'm taking them myself and they're on my calves!
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This one is by my friend, Jime' Litwalk, in Detroit. (http://www.eskustoms.com/) The pic doesn't do it justice at all.


[ Edited by: BARNETT on 2004-06-29 17:23 ]

[ Edited by: BARNETT on 2004-06-29 17:24 ]

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This one was done by another friend of mine, Randy Muller, in New Orleans (http://www.eyecandytattoo.com/all.htm).

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Kinda hard to see it all, but there's a little stone tiki that got knocked over by the big wooden guy.


[ Edited by: BARNETT on 2004-06-29 17:29 ]

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Nice tatts Barnett, trying to get those ESKustoms guys to come to the Tiki Pa'ina in Wisconsin, there stuff looks killa'. Got 7 tatts, no tikis yet, getting the itch bad looking at all the good tiki tatts lately though.

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[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 15:55 ]

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Thanks! I'm really happy with them. I'll probably get at least one or two more tiki oriented pieces. Tiki-Toa...what's the scoop on the Tiki Pa'ina?!

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Never mind...I just found it in the events section. I'll mention it to Jime' and Jeff...maybe they/we can make it out for that! How far is it from Detroit?

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Tahitiki tats are "Super Bad Ass"

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On 2004-06-29 18:25, TNTiki wrote:
BARNETT, great tatoos. I am partial to the first one, but both are fabulous. I have none myself. I am a whimp.

I'll second that. Love the artwork. Great choice of tat's.


TW Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/806db5c50f6a0839d62fb00277f26c20?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Check out this guy's tattoo:

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I think he copped out with the 'Independent' logo, but you never know which came first.

Trader Woody

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I looks like he's starting to fill in the "mouth" part on the bottom, so maybe the independant part will be covered up.

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0cfa20529f65cf6d4b25b202f6433ede?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

wow that's a big tiki.

I agree that he looks like that he's gonna get the Independent Logo covered up.

Where did you find that pic Trader Woody?

P Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e4645595c35ce62827b2d4e2c2a92e58?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

I think (nay hope) that he doesn't cover the independant tat - as a matter of fact because it's black, I think only black will cover it. I think it would be neat to have a tiki eating the logo. Who else could say that? just imagine his party parlay: "Sure...maybe you have a tiki tattoo also, but is yours eating the Independant logo? I think not!"

TW Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/806db5c50f6a0839d62fb00277f26c20?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Here's another massive Tiki tattoo. This one belongs to Josh Collins who organised the Wild Weekend in Spain. He was actually dressed up as a Maori at the time, so I initially thought it wasn't real, but indeed it was!

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Trader Woody

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