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Beach Boys Video with the Hawaiian Eye Tiki

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Aloha Folks,
has anyone ever seen this?
cool early Beach Boys Video with the Hawaiian Eye Tiki.
randomly found on youtube !



[ Edited by: HelveTiki 2011-08-12 01:31 ]

Good find! Have never seen this one (I think). Years ago Domenic Priore showed me a bad quality clip of the Boys on stage at a highschool hop, I think it was live, and they had a Tiki on stage, maybe this one. The quality was so bad I couldn't use it for anything.

This is not really THE Hawaiian Eye Tiki, but it has similar slanted eyes. That "slanted eye" look was not that common, so I wonder if it was carved by the same carver than the H.E. one - who's identity is still a mystery.

And wearing their original Pendleton shirts! The reason they were going to be called "The Pendletones" ( or something like that) Must have been the most uncomfortable shirt to wear on stage ever!!


On 2011-08-12 11:36, The Granite Tiki wrote:
And wearing their original Pendleton shirts! The reason they were going to be called "The Pendletones" ( or something like that) Must have been the most uncomfortable shirt to wear on stage ever!!

Well, I know when I think surfing, I think "buffalo plaid".


Funny, I think of something else...


It must be where I grew up. :)

Cool video !! More evidence that that early 60's youth/beach/surf culture embraced Tiki as much as their lounge culture parents did.

Well, different times, different solutions. I read all the comments on that video, and I just love how the Beach Boys have inspired a fan scholarship with researchers that seem to know EVERY little detail about their history! I thought only Domenic Priore was crazy that way, but there is a bunch of dudes out there like him! I mean how deeply can you get into one trivial pop culture subject.... umm... :D

Anyway, it seems that before wet suits, in the early years of California surfing, Pendleton shirts were the surfer's gear of choice to warm you up after spending extended time in the water. Thus the Boys toying with the name "The Pendletons"

In my youth, the predominant choice was the Baja Shirt.


Dennis Wilson.......the original Punk drummer.

I still see only one drumstick, his right hand is hidden throughout the video except at 1:50 where it looks like he uses his right hand to play rhythm on his right thigh - no stick. The drummer from Def Leppard's only got one arm :D

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