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Carvings from Frog Island Tikis

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cy posted on 03/12/2011

Hope you enjoy these carved tikis from Oregon. Thanks mucho Hanford_Lemoore for the space to indulge.

" El Boracho"

"Flip" on the left and "Dick" His mouth and top light up with an eerie orange glow.

I think this was my third tiki done in about 2001. My 8 year old nephew asked me what his name was, but I did not have one. "How bout Hans?" The kid is brilliant.

Tommy, Mehevi, Toma, and Whitey's Frog

Airic, Paddleman, Juan and Atu, Heimlich, and Jimbo


I carved this out of an old piece of something from the barn. I think it's fir. Made a copper bracket for the shade (which is just marker on watercolor paper) and colored the clock face the same.


"Willard and Ben" This was the gnarliest bit of palm ever carved. The hollowed out insides were at one time rat invested. One of my favorites.

[ Edited by: cy 2011-05-29 18:28 ]

[ Edited by: cy 2011-05-30 17:24 ]

NIxxon posted on 03/12/2011

very cool stuff...what kind of wood is that?

skootiki posted on 03/12/2011

Thanks for posting, I like the lamps.
TiKi lamps are always cool.......and the bigger, the better.

seeksurf posted on 03/13/2011

Some Great looking works! Welcome you will fit in just fine around here.

cy posted on 03/13/2011

Thanks for the comments. The wood used is either cedar or redwood that falls in my yard. It is a bit soft and holding detail is tough but it is easy on tools.

McTiki posted on 03/14/2011

Welcome CY.

I always like seeing Cedar/Redwood work. Thanks for sharing.



amate posted on 03/21/2011

Very distinctive. I really love your style and look forward to seeing more.

cy posted on 03/22/2011

I appreciate the props Amate. I have followed you and the other great carvers that have commented and am pumped by the response. I will keep adding and will post my latest as soon as it gets warm enough to paint.

kirby posted on 03/22/2011

I really like the guys holding their heads off there bodies!!

RevBambooBen posted on 03/22/2011

dig the Picassoims...

free form and not too perfect!

laojia posted on 03/22/2011

SUREALISTIC! Lot of great thing on your ground, I like especilally "Walker" and the black PNG figure. also love how your work on all side of the trunk.
André Breton did not deny this fantastic collection of tiki.

Great work!


cy posted on 03/23/2011

Whoa! An Andre Breton reference! (i had to look him up- You are too kind mon ami laojia) Thanks BBBen, I'm a long time fan. Glad Kirby liked the floating heads. I'm just a hacker whackin' my wood, and enjoy myself just like you all do.

[ Edited by: cy 2011-03-26 20:20 ]

Matt Reese posted on 03/23/2011

Great collection of work going on there. You have a cool whimsical style. I also dig the way you name the tikis and almost give each one a back story. That is a great touch and fun. Keep it up man, looks great.

congatiki posted on 03/23/2011

Hey Cy....

been checking these out for a week or so and keep going back.
Looks like you are grabbing your influences from every-which-a-where,
and I think that's cool. A little bit of this...a bit of that...
and some very interesting carvings are the result. Great colors too.
Welcome aboard.

cy posted on 03/24/2011

Thank you Matt Reese- After spending so much time with them they really do develop a story. Conga I have admired your work since I started checking out this forum about a year ago. You also have a wide variety of influences.

[ Edited by: cy 2011-03-28 19:03 ]

cy posted on 05/30/2011

Here are the five tikis that will be in the Skootiki show through this month.

This is the group that's going to the Artwalk here in Gresham this Saturday the 16th. It's not a tiki show and I don't really fit in with the other art there but that's what makes it so fun. Some people avoid my tikis like the plague but others really embrace them. If you live in the area come on out-I promise not to shrink your head.

This is what the Artwalk looked like. Even with a little rain in the morning I had a blast and met some great people.

I wanted Paddleman done for this show but I took him as a work in progress.

The back.

There are some cool worm or insect marks that look like an intricate tattoo. No way I could carve that well so I left as much as possible.

Finally finished "Jimbo". He is named after the Reverend Horton Heat's bass player.


"Lombardo" is done. He was like carving a mixture of shredded wheat and pumpkin. His soft head makes him endearing



Also completed "Airic" and "Claude" (below)
Thank you for checkin' in

[ Edited by: cy 2011-07-06 11:39 ]

[ Edited by: cy 2011-07-11 20:16 ]

[ Edited by: cy 2011-07-19 21:02 ]

amate posted on 06/02/2011

Some very original (at least to my eye) and cool stuff going on here !!!! I remember the first time I dialed in to page one of Conga's thread. These impact me the same way. Laojia nailed it. . . "Surealistic"

surfintiki posted on 06/03/2011

Wow! Rad stuff! Looks like some big logs, even Palm!
You've got a friend in Jimbo!
Keep 'em coming!

tikigodz posted on 06/03/2011

Your stuff is sooo different and a breath of fresh air. Better yet your suroundings are AWESOME!!!

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cy posted on 06/03/2011

Trust your eye and nice to here from you again amate. Originality is very important to me. I just don't get the same kick from the finished product if I copy something else. And yes laojia and bamboo ben had good descriptions. I like to use what the wood gives-knots, cracks AND insect/worm marks .Thanks surfintiki- Paddleman is a handful of cedar at 7' tall, and the palm came from my brother-in-law from so. cal. We ALL have a friend in Jimbo.
A great compliment tikigodz- The rain gets old but I do live in paradise.

[ Edited by: cy 2011-06-02 21:32 ]

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danlovestikis posted on 07/08/2011

You are a free spirit full of creativity and fun. Wendy

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cy posted on 07/09/2011

To me the spirit is what tiki is all about so I very much appreciate the nice comment Wendy. Most people that know me say I'm full of something else however.

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cy posted on 08/22/2011

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Got "Paddleman" done this weekend. 7 ft. of cedar.
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Here is the back.
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I am really enjoying carving this piece of plum. It's hard enough to hold great detail. The base is out of my barn and guessing it's fir.

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zerostreet posted on 08/22/2011

Nice work cy! Paddleman is very cool!

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AlohaStation posted on 08/22/2011

I love your stuff! so fresh and original. I hope you did well at the art walk? Those are hard to judge because you get a mix bag of enthusiasts. Offering a wide variety of price points can often spur the bigger sales.

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Luki posted on 08/22/2011

These are really great...I'm gonna have to agree with the others here who dig your different kind of style. Very cool!

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cy posted on 08/23/2011

Thanks for the compliments! I didn't sell a friggin' thing at the artwalk but still had a great time and will certainly do it again next year. My carvings are a bit different and it is great to hear encouraging words from tiki people I like to follow.

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TheBigT posted on 08/24/2011

You didn't sell anything?! What's wrong with those people?? Hopefully you caught some eyes and made some good contacts.

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cy posted on 08/24/2011

Exactly what I thought BigT but this event is not related to tiki in any way. It is a local show where you find garden art on a stick, photographs of kittens and puppies, and lots of jewelry. Some people are afraid I will shrink their heads or something and take a wide berth around my display, but most get it and embrace them.

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cy posted on 10/10/2011

Here's the latest.
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I brushed linseed oil on "Power", He is a piece of plum with a fir base.
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I made a spooky lamp out of him using an old bamboo sticky rice cooker as a shade.
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A piece of doug fir and a hunk of cedar.
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A Halloween Tiki. The middle will be hollowed out and a candle will burn behind.

[ Edited by: cy 2011-10-11 21:06 ]

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Watango productions posted on 10/10/2011

Way kool stuff cy,be a tiki carvers dream come true hav'n a forest for a backyard.
I really dig the little guy on the drum.Cheers Watango

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cy posted on 10/10/2011

Thanks mate- My surroundings are fantastic and influenced my decision to start carving more than anything. Free limitless wood! (As long as it's cedar)

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tigertail777 posted on 10/10/2011

Hey Cy nice to see a fellow Oregonian. I did not know you carved or were a tiki fan, but your company does great silk screen stuff. You probably don't remember me but I and my sister had you do some shirts for a portable mini golf years back called "A Putt Beyond". You really do some great unique carvings I will look forwards to seeing more. :)

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cy posted on 10/10/2011

It's a small tiki world. I have seen your work for a while here on TC but did not see you were from Oregon. I remember that your brother did an excellent job on the art for the t shirts. Hard to believe I have been in the t shirt biz for over 30 years now.

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tigertail777 posted on 10/10/2011

Just to clarify: I am the brother that did the art. It's all good I know its been a long time I am surprised that you even remembered it with all the customers I am sure you have had since then. Mahalo for the kinds words about my art. :)

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Keylo posted on 11/09/2011

Was glad to see that the Spotted Owl has shared some lumber with you.
Some of your tikis give off a Salvador Dali surrealism feel. Really cool pieces!!

[ Edited by: Keylo 2011-11-09 09:49 ]

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cy posted on 11/09/2011

Those birds are protected you know Keylo, and I could not get the damn thing off my tiki. I have drawn/painted for a long time and although that artwork is not usually tiki related it is very surreal looking and that style has definitely transferred to my carvings. Thanks and keep up the great work.

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Badd Tiki posted on 11/10/2011

J-I-M-B-O... JIMBO! lol, dig him!

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cy posted on 11/11/2011

Thanks Badd Tiki- I had a lot of fun carving that tiki. I emailed pictures to J-i-m-b-o! after I had him completed and he wanted to see it when they came to town this past August. I met with the band and crew and they could not have been any cooler. He hooked me up with tickets and backstage badges and although I didn't go to sell anything they ended up buying him! We wrapped him in an old quilt and shoved him into a beautiful carpeted storage unit under the tour bus and away he went to his new home in Texas. Here is a shot of the REAL Jimbo.(He's on the left.) Note sweat band.
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[ Edited by: cy 2011-11-10 19:30 ]

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tigertail777 posted on 11/11/2011

Jimbo is awesome. I had to go back in the thread to look up the reference since I don't think I have ever heard Reverend Horton Heat music (I do know of him, because one of my all time favorite graphic designers did some cd packaging work for him: Art Chantry). All your carvings are incredible I am sorry I missed seeing them in person at the Gresham Artwalk. Hopefully there will be another opportunity in the future. Do you have any new pieces in the works? I'd love to see some step by step photos of you creating them, I know next to nothing about carving but always am interested in learning new art techniques.

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cy posted on 11/12/2011

Thanks a bunch Tigertail. You need to venture over to next years artwalk as it draws some really fine artists. Since carving takes so long I only post here once a month or so, but I always have two or more pieces going. I do post every Sunday on frogislandtikis.blogspot.com if you want to see more of how things progress.

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Creative Chimp posted on 11/13/2011

man i love seeing your stuff.......you have a unique view and brand of tiki and style........very fresh and great design.

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cy posted on 11/14/2011

I really appreciate that Creative Chimp. It is nice to know that some great carvers on this forum accept my stuff as tiki. I was just admiring the piece you did for laojia and drooling over the beautiful mahogany that Florida guys have access to.
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Here is 'Ohiki a piece of cedar I'm working on.
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I really wanted to do a sand crab after lounging on the beach in Maui last year and watching the little bastards run from their hole and back.
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This is a memorial tiki I did for Kit who passed earlier this year. He was a fan of the movie "Slingblade" so I put a mower blade in his hand. A hawaiian shirt was his usual attire and some of his remains are stored in the heart area in a curry can.
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After I got into this piece I discovered a huge amount of rot behind the right eye and was about to scrap him when his widow told me that that was the area where his cancer began so we left Kit as he was.
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"Doug" is a 7 foot piece of fir.
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I will add a head to the little guy on his shoulders

[ Edited by: cy 2011-11-14 18:01 ]

[ Edited by: cy 2011-12-15 16:56 ]

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cy posted on 01/03/2012

I don't make the progress of most of you but wanted to update and stay on page one with my TC pals
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Here is the top shell design on the crab.

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Also signed up to vendor at Tiki Caliente this year so I started this bass wood carving to add some variety.
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Something different is this backlit paper mache mask.
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It has been cold and DAMP in the NW
[ Edited by: cy 2012-01-02 18:50 ]

[ Edited by: cy 2012-01-02 18:58 ]

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NIxxon posted on 01/03/2012

1st of all you have some amazing progress!!

2nd of all it looks like you have one of the coooooolest environments to carve in...I love all the life in the background of your pics...Im jealous.

3rd of all I really enjoy updates in your thread...you have a very unique style and your carves are awesome.

Keep it up...Happy New Year!!!

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MikeyTiki posted on 01/03/2012

I really like your carvings, and am sad that I didn't see that you had your work displayed at the Gresham Artwalk, I would have come just to see your stuff! (I especially like "Paddleman"!)

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Captain Jack posted on 01/03/2012

WoW!! Must have missed this thread! You do some fantastic and unique carving! They look great ..... and the mushrooms growing out of that dude's eye is way cool!

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cy posted on 01/04/2012

Hi NIxxon and thanks mucho. You hit it on the head, there is lots of life around my place. I have been here since 1995 and I still can't believe my good fortune. MikeyTiki come on out to the Artwalk this year in July or I will be at the Tiki-Kon event through Elroy Artspace around the same time. Glad you stumbled on this thread Cap'n, I appreciate the feedback.

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