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My carving

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amate posted on 09/10/2011

I'm going to leave this one rough. I'm calling it finished. Made of Cedar Elm at just under 15 inches.

laojia posted on 09/11/2011

Good vibration for this Ku! Congrats!

Your last marquisian is very successful, also the tekoteko, nice line and grain...

Will carve posted on 09/11/2011

I'm, not sure what's better.
Your carve or your pics.
You OK with me imposing my tikis over
your smoky water pics ???

bananamansl posted on 09/11/2011

Loving your work! First class carves!


looking very cool

Creative Chimp posted on 09/12/2011

great work amate.....very nice indeed

amate posted on 09/12/2011

Thank you all for lookin' in and the compliments.

Jerome - I am pleased with the way the marq turned out. I have more of them planned.

Will - I enjoy making the photos and it doesn't require as much patience as the carving. If you can use the photos, you are more than welcome to.
Bye the way, you guys in Florida are killing us with those grinders. :wink:

amate posted on 09/25/2011

Another cedar elm. This one is 30 inches.

Watango productions posted on 09/25/2011

love these last guys,cedar elm looks a treat to carve.Cheers Watango

laojia posted on 09/26/2011

Very nice Tekoteko Amate.... Very nice nice! Love the face expression.
A great success.


Will carve posted on 09/26/2011

Nasty lil bastard.
Looks great.

congatiki posted on 09/26/2011

Beautiful work on the latest Amate! He looks pretty menacing,
don't think I would like to run into him in a dark alley.

On second thought, maybe I would. I could stuff him under my arm
and take him home!

TheBigT posted on 09/26/2011

Phenomenal! You are really churning these guys out. Is that the sunken gardens I spy in the background??

amate posted on 09/28/2011

Watango - I'm glad you looked in. You need to post more often. Your stuff is great!

Thanks so much Jerome. Always nice to get encouragement from one you admire.

Will - I haven't gotten around to doing a happy tiki yet...perhaps some day. Your thread has some of the coolest stuff on here right now. I even learned what a muddler is...and for a beer drinker from Texxas, that is an accomplishment. It occurred to me that I carved a billy club several years back as a prop for a piece I working on. I think it could be used as a muddler. I'll have to dig around in the closet and see if I can find it.

Big T - I've finally been making some progress now that it's cooled off. We had a couple day when it didn't even reach 100 degrees! I had to break a quilt out of the cedar chest. Yes, the photos were taken at Sunken Gardens.

Conga - It is such a coincidence that you brought up taking this guy home...I may have to send him for a visit. His foot broke off when I was putting him back in his spot in amate's spirit house after the photo shoot. Where did you buy the Gorilla Glue??? I checked at a couple of big box stores and could not find it.

congatiki posted on 09/28/2011

Too bad about the broken foot Amate--but it's a nice clean break and should be an easy
fix for you. Up here we can get Gorilla Glue at Fleet Farm, an upper midwest "anything
and everything" store.
He'd be a welcome guest at Conga's Northwoods Tiki Rehab Center...but full recovery could
take a LONG time.

Bruddah Bear posted on 09/28/2011

On 2011-09-27 17:17, amate wrote:

Where did you buy the Gorilla Glue??? I checked at a couple of big box stores and could not find it.

I found mine at a local Rite Aid, but you can check for it in your area here;



Will carve posted on 09/28/2011

I've had that happen too.
I keep the feet tied together
like on a stump, for that reason.
You could dowel it too.

AlohaStation posted on 09/28/2011

Its always gonna be a weak spot, due to the location, I suggest using dowels and glue. That would make it strong and durable.

amate posted on 10/12/2011

I had already roughed this one out when the dual pigtails occurred to me. I had just enough material left to pull it off. I like the concept so I started another one similar to the rough and chubby fellow at the top of the previous page. It will give me more room to exaggerate the "dualies".

TheBigT posted on 10/12/2011

Duuuuude, you are killing it! If I win the lottery I'm gonna come over and buy your whole spirit lodge. :wink:

I need to come through SA and pick up some tips from you this time!

NIxxon posted on 10/12/2011

amazing work amate...keep it up

congatiki posted on 10/13/2011

Nice work Amate.....good looking tiki :)

Will carve posted on 10/13/2011

Ya Man,
Nice, CHA-CHING extra credit.
The swept back head dress braces it so you can make the legs thinner.

amate posted on 10/22/2011

Nixxon/Conga –Thanks for lookin’ in and the comps. Always appreciated!

Will – It was a long time before I attempted a Ku and now I’m really enjoying them. I don’t think I copied the dual pigtails but my subconscienc may have picked it up somewhere along the way. I'm just trying to incorporate more air into these as they evolve. Got a couple more on the way.

Big T. We definitely should go out for a couple of beers and talk shop. I’m just always so pressed for time when I’m down your way. I hope you got some of that rain a couple of weeks back. It rained steady here for 4 hours. I went out into the yard afterwards and was struck by the countenance on this guy. He seemed so thankful for the much needed rain and content to just drink it in.

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Since the previous Rainman is non-Tiki, I’ll post a Kon-Tiki to cancel him out.

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Pygmy headhunter’s war club/muddler. 29 inches of mountain cedar.

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Another angry Tiki.

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laojia posted on 10/24/2011

Awesome job Amate!
Especialy love the war club/mulder... a unique and revolutionary concept! "Drink shots" or "beat shots" ! :D Isn't it?

Creative Chimp posted on 10/24/2011

fabulous as usual amate!!!!! loving seeing an update post from you

amate posted on 10/25/2011

Thanks guys. Of course I was just being a wise guy about the muddler.

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Keylo posted on 10/25/2011

Muddler or a drumstick? Vic Firth might be interested in seeing that.
Righteous Dreadlocks on the Ku Boy and the little Cedar Elm Dude too. Its all
a heap of massive good stuff!

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Benzart posted on 11/05/2011

Cool stuff Amate, Absolutely Love the Doolies!

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mycargoship posted on 11/07/2011

Awesome Detail. You have spent some time getting that cool look.
Keep up the good work!

amate posted on 11/12/2011

Thanks Keylo. Looking forward to seeing more on your thread.

Ben- Glad you liked the pigtails. They were fun and I want to do more similar to that. Good to see you back in the neighborhood!

Cargoship - It's amazing how much how much I have been influenced by and learned from looking at all the great art posted here. Apprieciate the compliment.

I finished another Ku. This one is 19 inches.

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Will carve posted on 11/13/2011

The base & paint add a finish touch to it.

Creative Chimp posted on 11/13/2011

nice detail amate! that must have taken forever to do all those braids....how many hours ya got in on this one

Watango productions posted on 11/14/2011

kool peice dude!

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Keylo posted on 11/14/2011

Another killer tiki! Like what your doing on your base work too!

NIxxon posted on 11/14/2011

wow amate...your ku's are just awesome! Def like the base on this one...and I always like seeing the cool pics...very creative.

amate posted on 11/15/2011

Will, Kelo, Nixxon - That base had several knots running through it. I was debating whether to cut it off or not but tried covering it with dark walnut stain. The stain worked so well I forgot about the knots when I started to carve it several weeks later. Due to the knots, the design changed a couple of times (you may notice the back side is different) but the salvage job is acceptable.

Watango, appreciate the compliments...I like the finish you put on yours.

C. Chimp - I usually have several carvings in process at the same time so it's hard to keep track of how long each one takes. I would estimate somewhere between 10 and 20 hours.

Here's a couple more in process...

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TheBigT posted on 11/15/2011

Sweet Amate! Let me check out that sawhorse you have there - looks homemade.

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Benzart posted on 11/23/2011

Great Stuff Amate, that Ku is Killer. You have come a Long way since your first post!

Check it out?
Heres your first photo posted, which was Excellent for a first tiki.
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The Ku you just finished, and as good as it gets Anywhere!
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congatiki posted on 11/24/2011

Hey Amate...good work my friend. The body on that feller on the bench looks incredible,
can't wait to see him standing up. You're amassing a pretty impressive bunch of

amate posted on 11/26/2011

Good eye Big T....and thanks.

Ben - I am VERY flattered by you kind comments. Thank you so much. That little Kon Tiki still stands on my shelf. I still like him after all this time.

Conga - I may have to add a wing on to the spirit house to get more room! I think I may try my hand at painting on the reclining one. It will be a good project to keep my out of the weather over the winter. I'll get him up on his feet asap.

Here is a 16 inch marq. I have taken the lesson learned from this and moved on to the next.

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very cool keep up the good work

[ Edited by: tiki beat by marcus thorn 2011-11-26 13:46 ]

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Lake Surfer posted on 11/27/2011

Very nice work amate!

I especially like the Ku!
The base is a great idea to add support to the tiki and adds a great design element with the pattern you carved into it
Excellent braids and I like the addition of color to the base!

A great start on the full body piece on the bench! Looking good!

amate posted on 11/27/2011

WOW!!! First Benzart...then Marcus Thorn and Lake Surfer. I am at a loss for words. Thanks guys.
I only left CongaTiki off the list of heavies because of his unfailing support...and I do appreciate it my freind!

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pjc5150 posted on 11/27/2011

that last marq is really good man.

TheBigT posted on 11/28/2011

I like the beauty shots, Amate. I really need a sunken gardens around here! Great work.

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McTiki posted on 11/28/2011

Beatiful shapes and attention to the details are common with your thread sir. Very well done!



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surfintiki posted on 11/28/2011

Killer KU!! And the marq is beautiful, love that wood. Really bold and clean.

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