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TheBigT posted on 09/09/2011

On 2011-09-08 12:45, AlohaStation wrote:
This is for BigT and Conga - they all grind. All 3 are carved in Mahogany. I started small and went bigger till Will made his monster. Then I made the one in the middle. I still need to take some glamour shots of the smallest one (9.5" tall) the biggest is 14".

So it wasn't good enough for Tikis to just sit around lookin' all cool and everything... You had to make them look cool, AND grind pepper! Swell.

Fantastic work AS. I love all your work man. I like the tall one the best with all the extra elements you added to him. Bravo to you. :)

NIxxon posted on 09/09/2011

You really do amazing work...I would love to have one of those in my kitchen :)

laojia posted on 09/11/2011

On 2011-08-23 07:19, AlohaStation wrote:

WOwow! Awesome job Tom! AWESOME!

Benzart posted on 09/12/2011

Hey Tom, Excellent work on these grinders, Tight detail, Excellent finish!

AlohaStation posted on 09/28/2011

Here's another one - Tiki Grinder. Carved in Mahogany and getting close to being finished. Not sure how I will do the finish on this one.

MadDogMike posted on 09/28/2011

So his head will turn around like an owl when you grind pepper? :D Nice carve Tom

pjc5150 posted on 09/29/2011


amate posted on 10/01/2011

All four are outstanding... but I guess everything you carve is. I like the one with the faces in his hat. Kon-tiki?

AlohaStation posted on 10/04/2011

Just finished up this carving. It is approx 3' tall - it is carved from a remnant piece of palm from one of WillCarve's monster tikis. This was a fun, quick carve - I probably have more time in finishing than the carving. It shows if you look close, but I like the rough look.

I could have spent more time sanding but wanted to keep it simple so I could sell it cheaper than if I spent days sanding. He will be on sale at Revenge Of The Tiki 3 - this Saturday in Ft Lauderdale.


[ Edited by: AlohaStation 2011-10-04 08:22 ]

NIxxon posted on 10/04/2011

carve deeper!!


surfintiki posted on 10/05/2011

He looks like King Kukulele.

TheBigT posted on 10/05/2011

On 2011-10-04 11:43, NIxxon wrote:
carve deeper!!


carve deeper?! bahahahah!

Nice mask - i like.

AlohaStation posted on 10/05/2011

Yeah, I guess I deserve that. I'll try and redeem myself on the next one. There another piece of that palm floating around and its screaming at me. I have some other projects to finish first. Grinder #5 is alost done, along with a small mahogany moai. Pics soon.

NIxxon posted on 10/06/2011

lol...I saw an opportunity and had to take it...

Looking awesome...cant wait to see the new grinder...those are just way too cool

AlohaStation posted on 10/06/2011

Here's a sneak peek at TikiGrinder #5. I'll take some better pictures by this weekend.

NIxxon posted on 10/06/2011

WHOOOOOA!!! Now that is probably one of the coolest pieces i've seen on this site...very nice work. The detail you get out of those is just awesome...humbling and inspiring all at the same time.

MadDogMike posted on 10/06/2011

Tom, I like the intentional asymmetry - gives him an attitude

NIxxon posted on 10/06/2011

Have you been drinking MadDog? It is a grinder after all...

MadDogMike posted on 10/06/2011

:lol:!!!! OK, ya got me Nixxon!

zerostreet posted on 10/07/2011

Looks amazing Tom!

amate posted on 10/08/2011

Correction...#5 is now my favorite

Watango productions posted on 10/09/2011

Man,thats way kool!

AlohaStation posted on 10/23/2011

Something new. I found these snail shells at a local park and have been wanting to try to incorporate them into a carving. Wa-la!

McTiki posted on 10/23/2011

Lil creepy, but I actually like it!

Do they squirm when you put gorilla glue on them?



McTiki posted on 10/23/2011

[ Edited by: McTiki 2011-10-23 15:19 ]

cy posted on 10/23/2011

That's incredibly great AlohaStation. The snail shells make him look whacky!

MadDogMike posted on 10/23/2011

Looks like he's been hypnotized - "You are getting very sleepy..." :lol:

Great idea Tom

Edit - are the shells pretty strong and thick, or will you need to fill them with resin for strength?

Be good to yourself and to the ones you love

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2011-10-23 15:51 ]

laojia posted on 10/24/2011

[i]On 2011-10-23 14:49, AlohaStation wrote:[/i

Can't wait to see him finished!

Creative Chimp posted on 10/24/2011

those shells look awsome.....cant wait to see the finished piece.

Keylo posted on 10/24/2011

Dude those eyes cracked me little brian up into a million laffing pieces. Now I have to sweep up the floor. Awesome! It is really fresh!

amate posted on 10/25/2011

On 2011-10-23 15:43, cy wrote:
That's incredibly great AlohaStation. The snail shells make him look whacky!

I like whacky. That's fun.

surfintiki posted on 10/26/2011

Insanely MAGICAL!!!!! Awesome!!!

AlohaStation posted on 11/02/2011

The snail shells are fun, but difficult to fit. I've spent as much time trying to get them to fit as I spent on the whole carving. I'm pretty happy with the way they fit - now its on to sanding and finishing.

McTiki - no squirming, the birds picked them pretty clean. I did soak them down with Clorox to kill any leftover bacteria.
Cy - I'm not too sure who's whackier - him or me?
Mike - The shells are very sturdy - I've dropped a few with no visible damage. These are the invasive Channeled Apple Snail. http://www.invasive.org/browse/subinfo.cfm?sub=9395

[ Edited by: AlohaStation 2011-11-04 06:50 ]

NIxxon posted on 11/02/2011

Very cool looking piece, cant wait to see it all finished.

McTiki posted on 11/03/2011

I have always coveted your style Aloha. Excellent!



Benzart posted on 11/05/2011

Cool tiki with the snail eyes Tom, he looks a bit Dizzy tho...Like!

AlohaStation posted on 12/04/2011

Time for an update. I've had the this fish done for some time, but never took any glamor shots - till today. The fish was carved in a very wet piece of palm. I ts was a quick carve simply because I wanted to do "other things with it. I taught myself how to tie the float and wire it with a red LED, powered by a 9-volt battery (see panel on back). I'm no electrician, but it works and really looks great in low light settings (pics soon). The teeth were inspired by GreenTiki Pat (has has a painting with a custom frame that used the thorns), the teeth are actually the thorns off a Washintonian Palm. Those suckers are sharp. I made the fins so they can be removed. I love this piece! Number 2 is already in the works. Originally I had made a mug to be placed in its mouth (representing a "lure" tongue), but after a trip to the West Coast (Fort Myers) I had a new solution. While shell hunting on the Gulf Coast I stepped into these clam shells. They are in excellent condition and still connected - They fit perfect!

Next is the finished Shell King. I found these shells at local park and immediately knew I needed to use these in a carving. I had already started the basic carve and made some adjustments to get the shells to fit. The piece of wood is a scrap from this tiki http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=39705&forum=7&start=0. The bark is actually the back of the piece, I left it on for effect. This was fun carve, kinda wacky (some say its a family trait) - I have more of the shells.

NIxxon posted on 12/04/2011

Both look really great. I really like the fish and the shells definitely add some flavor...cant wait to see the lighted pics!

surfintiki posted on 12/04/2011


amate posted on 12/04/2011

Holy.....:o excellent!

Keylo posted on 12/04/2011

This stuff is mind blowing!! I agree with Surfin, definitely Finomenal!!

Keylo posted on 12/04/2011

This stuff is mind blowing!! I agree with Surfin, definitely Finomenal!!

GROG posted on 12/04/2011


pjc5150 posted on 12/04/2011

Very nice.

Brilliant use of those shells for eyes.

Good stuff bro.

McTiki posted on 12/05/2011

That Angler came out stellar man! (I knew it would too!)

Great job mang!



Creative Chimp posted on 12/05/2011

wow tom,,,,i love the lantern fish and the shell eye guy.....awsome stain job. you have been busy lately....pumping out the stuff.

AlohaStation posted on 12/07/2011

Thanks for all the comps. I've been taking pictures of some previous projects - so it juts looks like I'm busy. There are several projects in process and close to being finished. In the mean time, here's another finished, older project. Tiki Grinder #5...

pjc5150 posted on 12/07/2011

That is awesome Tom.

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