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Newly Made 1963 Duncan Moai Mold Mugs for Sale

Pages: 1 3 replies

Trader Tom posted on 09/12/2011

Howdy. I just got these newly glazed Moai Mugs back from the kiln and have put them up for sale on Ooga-Mooga.

These are something I make for fun with assistance from Grog's kilnworks from time to time.

So far, I've made 20. I've kept some of my favorites, but I'm releasing the following out into the wild. $30 each.

If interested, send me a message.

Cracked Egg Moai

Molten Brown Moai

Molten Agate Moai

Purple Crackle Moai

Luki posted on 09/12/2011

The purple crackle is really cool!

Trader Tom posted on 09/15/2011

Thanks! The Molten Agate Moai is sold but the others are still available.

Trader Tom posted on 09/20/2011

Purple Crackle is sold but Molten Brown and Cracked Egg are left.

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