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Lemonhart 151 in Austin Texas

Pages: 1 3 replies

Tikitrent posted on 09/28/2011

Hello all, I am traveling to Austin, TX at the end of October for the record swap and was wondering if anyone knew of any liquor stores in the area that carried Lemonhart 151. I know the stuff has been scarce as of late and wasn't sure if it has become available in Texas yet. We cannot get any here in Arizona and our last bottle is about gone!

[ Edited by: Tikitrent 2011-09-28 21:48 ]

Tonga Tiki posted on 09/29/2011

Contact Binny's in Chicago. They ship..

Limbo Lizard posted on 09/29/2011

Spec's just started carrying Lemon Hart 151 - technically - but it is not out to all the stores, yet. When I talked to someone in Austin, a few days ago, they only had it in their main Houston store. But, if you call the store in Austin that you will be near, I believe they can order it sent there - especially given a month's notice.

Are you driving or flying? Because you may not be able to fly with 151° rum, since it's flammable. If you're driving, I'd buy a case. You get 5% discount, if you pay cash (or debit) and a further discount for a case. If they don't have a full case on hand in a store, you still get the case price, if you buy all they have. I bought all the LH 80° they had in three different stores - 16 total - when I was down in Austin, in August.

"The rum's the thing..."

[ Edited by: Limbo Lizard 2011-09-29 10:31 ]

Hakalugi posted on 09/30/2011

Moved to Tiki Drinks and Food. Thanks John-O.

Pages: 1 3 replies