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Exotica/Surf full-length by Chicago+Sweden's Travelers of Tyme

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prof_yaya posted on 09/29/2011

Hello TikiCentral and fans of all things Exotica, the debut Travelers of Tyme full length has arrived in stereophonic sound!

The music of Travelers of Tyme is lush, varied and versatile, incorporating elements of exotica jazz, 20th Century classical music, surf rock and various genres of European electronica to effect a unified sound designed to be played in the background. Travelers of Tyme compose instrumentals almost exclusively, incorporating the primary ideal of the now-defunct Easy Listening genre: that life should have a pleasant soundtrack. Travelers of Tyme strive to achieve “musical wallpaper,” a backdrop to a dinner party, a train ride home, a road trip across the desert or a jog through a local park. Wherever you happens to find yourself, the Travelers of Tyme strive to improve your environment.

Streaming in its entirety & Downloadable from Bandcamp here: http://tyme.bandcamp.com/album/travelers-of-tyme (Tiki-Central 40% discount code, just input: "tikicentral")

and on iTunes here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/travelers-of-tyme/id468950762

Enjoy friends... raise a glass and clink!

  • Prof. Yaya from the 8th Dimension
socksoff posted on 09/30/2011

swank! and i love the presentation. thanks for sharing and will be definitely be making a purchase.


prof_yaya posted on 09/30/2011

On 2011-09-29 19:09, socksoff wrote:
swank! and i love the presentation. thanks for sharing and will be definitely be making a purchase.


SocksOff... Thank You/ZankouChicken for your support, enjoy the smooth sounds of relax! - THe PrOf.

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