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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki

Erotic Home Decorating

Pages: 1 5 replies

tikifish posted on 11/19/2003

This is not a plug for my auction, (however if you want to bid I certainly won't stop you) but this book is so damn funny I just hade to share with the class.

I'm off to set up my dry ice machine now, excuse me.


Basement Kahuna posted on 11/19/2003

Rminds me of that movie "The Apple" that came out around 1979..."Bim's on the way"

DawnTiki posted on 11/19/2003

My best friends parents in 8th grade (1979) had an environment room. It looked just like the sauna you have pictured. It had heat lamps, a mister type shower, a sauna inside, then it would dry you off with a light warm wind. It looked cool. I never went inside, all I could do is picture her big hairy biker Dad nekked inside that thing getting blown...dry. :P shudder

thejab posted on 11/19/2003

I NEED a round bed. Elvis had one, Flint had one, even Johnny Cash had one. But where do you buy round sheets?

Alnshely posted on 11/19/2003

King Kukulele has the killer round bed. Like Dean Martin's Matt Helm.

Johnny Dollar posted on 11/19/2003

On 2003-11-19 12:04, Alnshely wrote:
King Kukulele has the killer round bed. Like Dean Martin's Matt Helm.

Does his round bed move and slide him into a huge bubble bath pool equipped with Lovey Kravesit and easily-accessible scotch?

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