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Michael Jackson in Neverland - Needs your help

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tikifish posted on 11/19/2003


I hope they finally make the charges stick this time! Touching little boys is about as un-zazz as it gets.

(oh come on, what ELSE would it be?)

Unga Bunga posted on 11/19/2003

This article preceeds the deed.

A Tiki Cheers To You!

Take A Video Tour Of Unga’s Tiki Bar

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2003-11-18 17:57 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 11/19/2003

Rain posted on 11/19/2003

On 2003-11-18 16:46, tikifish wrote:
Touching little boys is about as un-zazz as it gets.

being michael jackson is about as un-zazz as it gets. i have my moments of sympathy, but he's too freakish even for me.

and this is way off topic, but the store-brand seltzer at stop-n-shop here in providence is called "ZAZZ."

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/19/2003

TikiMikey posted on 11/19/2003

*On 2003-11-18 16:46, tikifish wrote:*I hope they finally make the charges stick this time!

Ditto. I'd like nothing to see him finish rotting in prison.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 11/19/2003

Can't wait to see the Jackson-Liza movie mentioned in the BBC article:

He concluded that his future plans included make a movie with Minnelli.

"We are planning a movie together. It's about two struggling entertainers trying to make it.

"They get turned away everywhere they go. With some of the best dancing ever."

No way this is going to be an embarrasing, self-indulgent pile of crap.

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.

[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki on 2003-11-19 10:37 ]

SES posted on 11/19/2003

still trying to erase that previously posted group photo from my mind and now I've got these etched into the brain.

Feelin Zombified posted on 11/19/2003

I just heard on NPR- Arrest warrant issued.


Feelin Zombified posted on 11/19/2003

I heard he'll turn himself in if they put him in Juvee.

Could it be that his marriages didn't work because he wanted kids and his wives didn't?

Seriously, I still DJ weddings once in a while and I was thinking that my fave set starter, "Don't Stop Til You Get Enough" might not be PC anymore. But then he was such a completely different person back then (or so it seemed) that people might not even associate music of that era with him now. what do ya think?


freddiefreelance posted on 11/19/2003

On 2003-11-19 12:50, Feelin' Zombified wrote:
I heard he'll turn himself in if they put him in Juvee.
Could it be that his marriages didn't work because he wanted kids and his wives didn't?
Seriously, I still DJ weddings once in a while and I was thinking that my fave set starter, "Don't Stop Til You Get Enough" might not be PC anymore. But then he was such a completely different person back then (or so it seemed) that people might not even associate music of that era with him now. what do ya think?

What about the love theme from "Ben"?

Shipwreckjoey posted on 11/20/2003

I think Michael Jackson will wind up in a cell with Phil Spector and the result will be "Ben - the wall of sound remix"...and no matter how much everybody moans & groans about it we'll all go out and buy it because it'll be collectable and we can sell it on eBay to see us through a few more weeks when we're old and feeble and our social security runs out!

Kenike posted on 11/20/2003

What the hell kind of parents would let their 12 y/o hang out with MJ in the first place?


Jungle Trader posted on 11/20/2003

What I find shameful is the parents of the boy who settled out of court for money, a few years back. What does that tell the boy? Very sad.

Futura Girl posted on 11/20/2003

Whatever happened to "Innocent until proven guilty?" Our Constititution's 14th Amendment gives us ALL the right to due process.

you know what? he wasn't convicted before!!! what does that say about the parents of the boy? they were more interested in the $$$ than truth and justice. to me this makes the whole thing look very fishy.

By damning the man who has done so much good for so many other children, before any evidence (other than heresay) has been judged, this thread sounds like a lynch mob.

just because a guy looks and/or acts freaky doesn't mean he's guilty. STOP IT everyone!!!!!

Jungle Trader posted on 11/20/2003

Damn good point Futura Girl... we forget and assume. Maybe the parents took the money because they knew nothing happened. For a grown man to put himself in that position though, to allow children to sleep in his bed, even if nothing ever happened, and with all the money he has? Why would he even go there?

Futura Girl posted on 11/20/2003

michael has always maintained that he never has slept in the same bed as the kids... if he was having a 'slumber party' the kids took the bed and he slept on the floor.

the English interviewer, Martin B.S. Bashir, that did that long videolog on him came across as more of a pervert than Michael. He was just looking for things to twist. i knew there was something wrong with him when he couldn't get over Michael having a little cart to drive around the hotel floor in Las Vegas. Come'on you're locked in the hotel with a load of dough - what else do you do? I thought that looked like fun!

that guy totally slanted the piece in a very sleezy way. a good reporter merely reports the news without inserting personal opinions.

Futura Girl posted on 11/20/2003

putting myself in the world of an injured, underpriveleged or sick child - it would be so exciting to spend the day and night with a grown-up kid like Michael.

Doesn't anyone remember wanting to sleep in the same room as 'big people.' why have we become so depraved that we have to make everything 'sexual.'

Jungle Trader posted on 11/20/2003

Yeah, I do remember Michael saying he slept on the floor, but still with the kind of money he has...he's opened himself up.....to money grabbers and gossip mongers who are a sad lot as well.

tikifish posted on 11/20/2003

Michael will be found guilty this time... my crystal ball predicts it! I don't think the cops are going in on just hearsay from that kid... (btw it's the kid with cancer from that documentary). I think they have some hard evidence this time, or why else would they bother.

Tiki Chris posted on 11/20/2003

On 2003-11-19 23:09, jungletrader wrote:
Yeah, I do remember Michael saying he slept on the floor, but still with the kind of money he has...

w/ the kind of money he has, you think he could buy another bed!

donhonyc posted on 11/20/2003

For starters...why is Michael Jackson as big a celebrity as he is? I mean he was great in the early days with the Jackson 5, and 'Off the Wall' and 'Thriller' were okay. But why he has been as big a sensation as he is for so long is beyond me. I don't think he deserves the 'king of pop' status AT ALL. So what... he dances and sings. They've been doing that stuff in Vegas and on Broadway way before MJ was even in exsistence.

As far as all this current news goes, sounds a little fishy to me. You would think that parents would keep kids away from this wacko after the other allegations 10 years ago.I'm not saying MJ is innocent or defending him, but the guy has deep pockets, 'nuff said.

The guy's a freak and he shoulda been in the cut-out bin years ago. As mentioned earlier on this thread...sounds like lynch mob stuff. I smell another O.J. style televised trial. More crap to distract America from the REAL issues at hand. :drink:

tikifish posted on 11/20/2003

Another thing the people seem to forget is that if he loves all children so much, why does he only have sleepovers with little boys?

On the other side of the coin, any parent who lets their son go to Michael's house for a sleepover needs their head examined.

And ANOTHER thing, If I was a 14 year old male cancer patient, my dying wish would probably be to see Britney Spears topless, not hang out with MJ.

They're all nuts!

tiki-riviera posted on 11/20/2003

Would you let your kid spend the night at MJ's house? Only if your looking to sue for a couple million. One one hand, innocent until proven guilty, on the other, don't be completely naive.

Johnny Dollar posted on 11/20/2003


And ANOTHER thing, If I was a 14 year old male cancer patient, my dying wish would probably be to see Britney Spears topless, not hang out with MJ.


tikifish, you possess a unique insight into the complex male mind :) :tiki: :)

tikimug posted on 11/20/2003

On 2003-11-20 10:15, tikifish wrote:

And ANOTHER thing, If I was a 14 year old male cancer patient, my dying wish would probably be to see Britney Spears topless, not hang out with MJ.

They're all nuts!

I'm not 14 and I'm not a cancer patient.... oh never mind...

Unga Bunga posted on 11/20/2003

Interesting article on his financial situation.

A Tiki Cheers To You!

Take A Video Tour Of Unga’s Tiki Bar

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2003-11-20 12:34 ]

Tiki Chris posted on 11/20/2003

jacko's in police custody:

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tikichic posted on 11/21/2003

and he's free on $3 millon bail.


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emspace posted on 11/21/2003

Futura Girl, your supportive comments on this potentially innocent man are very touching indeed.

Now, can we please get on with the business of getting this freak pervert locked away?


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Hot Lava posted on 11/21/2003

MJ probably posted bail on his American Express card, so he'll get a nice trip out of it.

Do you get Double Miles on incarceration?

tikifish posted on 11/21/2003

Futura, Bashir is allowed to be as biased as he wants - it was a documentary, not a news report. That being said, the impression I got was that Bashir really wanted to like Michael Jackson, but after witnessing the creepy way he has with children, got really disgusted and wanted to show what was really going on.

If you read the original child's allegations on the Smoking Gun, you will never think about MJ the same way again...

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emspace posted on 11/21/2003

Damn right...and that Garagos...a real hard-core criminal-loving mouthpiece of the most horrible and cynical kind. Makes me sick how swine like him have perverted the justice system. Chris Pixley, I'd like to give him one in the nuts. And all their ilk...here's a suggestion: if a lawyer is caught lying about their client's guilt, they must be publicly humiliated in stocks and all proceeds from their fees given to the victim or their family. I mean, do any of us imagine these people really believe their clients to be innocent? Not on yer life.

First thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.

  • W. Shakespeare, Henry VI


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hanford_lemoore posted on 11/21/2003

Tikifish, everyone:

Here's an interesting article to read, it is an interesting take (quite 180 degrees from the Smoking Gun stuff, remember the smoking gun stuff was testiomony from someone who ended up getting 20 million in an out of court settlement and never felt jackson had be to procecuted):

theaustralian: smoke, but fire?

It has been 10 years since the allegations first surfaced that Jackson had sexually molested a 13-year-old boy named Jordy Chandler.

Throughout the intervening years, one aspect of this case has proved particularly puzzling: Where are the other victims?

A 1994 investigation by GQ magazine raised similar suspicions, discovering that the boy only made the allegations after he had been injected by a dental anaesthetist with a powerful barbituate, sodium amytal, which is mistakenly believed to act as a truth serum.

That magazine also uncovered a taped conversation in which Chandler claims: "Michael's career will be over . . . it will be a massacre if I don't get what I want."

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2003-11-21 01:22 ]

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2003-11-21 01:25 ]

tikifish posted on 11/21/2003

Well if the 'where there's smoke there's fire' theory proves anything, this list may be usrseful:

'A Pederast is a male, who prefers young pre-teen amd teen boys that are either beginning puberty or who have already reached puberty.


Are popular with children, teens and adults.

Appear to be trustworthy and respectable.

Have good standing in the community.

Prefer the company of children and teens.

Feel more comfortable with children than adults.

Are mainly attracted to prepubescent boys and girls.

Can be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual.

"Groom" children with quality time, video games, parties, candy, toys, gifts, money.

Single out children who seem troubled and in need of attention or affection.

Often date or marry women with children that are the age of his preferred victims.

Rarely forces or coerces a child into sexual contact. Usually through trust and friendship.

Physical contact is gradual, from touching, to picking up, to holding on lap, to kissing, etc.

Derive gratification in a number of ways. For some, looking is enough. For others, taking pictures or watching children undress is enough. Still others require more contact.

Find different ways and places to be alone with children.'

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RevBambooBen posted on 11/21/2003

televised trial. More crap to distract America from the REAL issues at hand.


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