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For Sale: 8-ft BOSKO Tiki - not on eBay - $2500

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TikiLady23 posted on 10/12/2011

This is a special piece - hand carved in intricate detail by Tiki Master BOSKO.


8 feet tall and two feet in diameter.

BOSKO still carves tikis, but I have never seen one this big before or since. I paid A LOT more than $2500 for it.

Anatomically correct (it has a wiener).

Condition is perfect. Been kept outside but completely shielded from the elements.

Not sure what this weighs (it's had about 15 years to dry out in this location), but I do know you will need two people and heavy gloves (palm trees SPLINTER) to move it. And a truck.


New here so I don't know how to post photos, but will email them to you on request.

I have three others as well but this is the biggest one.

[ Edited by: TikiLady23 2011-10-13 13:32 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 10/13/2011

On 2011-10-12 15:22, TikiLady23 wrote:

I have three others as well but this is the biggest one.

Weiner wise?

TikiLady23 posted on 10/13/2011


Only the one has the wiener. Sorry.

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