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Tiki events in NW

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Are there any Tiki events in the Pacific Northwest? Check out the Tiki drums @ http://www.cajondrums.com

No worries, Cajondrum, there are those of us in the damp northwest who are, even as we speak, plotting the Great NW Tiki Crawl II! More info in a future post , but for the time being, pencil in May-ish. Contact me offlist, please, as I'm trying to establish contact with as many NW tikiheads as possible before the event. Look for my email in my profile.

Maybe it's time for a NW party email list a la the Hoiti Toiti & Bay Area lists?

Y'know, that's a good idea, Humumhumu. We all have various happy hours and such, in addition to the NW crawl coming up. I'll get it started. Selector Lopaka, feel free to post your gigs on that thread when I get it going. Any other performers in the NW too.

I'll start it with a dummy post (not a stretch for me...)

Speaking of dummies... Duh - this is that post. Okay. By the powers vested in me by the big honkin' mai tai I'm holding in my hand, I hereby declare this the official NW
Tiki Event thread. And, since this is my SECOND big honkin' mai tai of the evening, I will be so bold as to define NW as being that geographic are stretching from Shasta to Seattle, and from Astoria to the Idaho border.

All Tiki Centralites who reside within these boundaries are welcome to post their gatherings, show, openings, shindigs, happy hours, sales and other events to this post.

So let it be written, so let it be done.

Great thread idea!
My 2 cents:
I propose you stretch the boundary north to Vancouver. We musn't exclude our Canadian tikifile brothers and sisters to the north. There's bound to be something going down at the famous Tahitian Room at the Waldorf Hotel in the future that many NW TCers would attend. I do believe someone recently posted something in regards to planning such an event, and I know Lushy were part of huge throw down there last New Year's Eve.

[ Edited by: Selector Lopaka on 2003-11-19 23:53 ]


The month of May, you say?

The full moon in May 2004 is on the 4th, so the closest weekend day with a full moon would be Saturday the 1st.

Mother's Day weekend is the 8th & 9th so I'd think that would be out.

I just found an error on my Shag 2004 calendar: they put the Summer Solstice as Friday, May 21, and then again on June 21st...

Since we are in the Ring of Fire, we could honor our own Volcano in this region--Mt. St. Helens--and celebrate a day or two after May 20th.

The 29th puts us into memorial day weekend.

Well, that's my party planning input...for now. :)

Vancouver? But of course!

By the power vested in me by this bottle of aspirin and this cup of strong, black coffee, I hereby declare Vancouver, Canada to be part of Tiki Central's Northwest Territory. Welcome, eh?

Yah, you definitely have to include Vancouver -- remember, Vancouver is actually closer to Seattle than Portland is, plus there's a nice smattering of tikiphiles there.

Maxton, you have to start a new thread for the email list, because the person who created the thread is the one with the ability to edit the title & keep all the addresses in one nice block in the first post. Check out the format here.

As per the sacred proclamations.


You know, with all this talk recently of the Jasmine Tree, and it's possible demise, and then not,,, wouldn't it be cool do do a revival party there like the Hoity Toity's did for the Aloha Room a while back?
Even if they weren't into it per se' , they book bands there, so we cound book entertainment, advertise, perhaps do some extra decorating, and pump some new life into the place. The Alibi is great and all, but that damned Karaoke can get on ones nerves sometimes. It would be really cool to take over the JT for a night and show 'em just how a real TikiBar can swing.
Ideas ??

[ Edited by: seamus on 2003-11-20 13:20 ]


Someone on TC was recently asking how many folks would travel to Vancouver if an event was held at the amazing Polynesian Room at the Waldorf Hotel. I would do a road trip to the Northwest if there is an event there! What's the status on a possible event there?

Actually, Jasmine Tree is the jewel in the crown for next year's NW crawl. They have a great space, and unlike Alibi, they give a damn about the tiki community. We plan to have a full bill of entertainment and hopefully merchant displays for the crawl (which will be like a cross between a crawl and one of the formal events). Seamus, I hope we can count on you to bring some of your work to display and sell!


Right on!! Now we're talking Tikicrawl. My only apprehension to setting up to sell stuff is that I don't want to miss out on the other stops. Especially if the Home Bars like yours and MrTikibars are going to be included this year. Got any hints as to who might be doin the entertainment?
I'm getting excited already!

Sign me up for any NW events. I recently arrived from So Cal and I need a good mai tai
to keep the thin blood in my veins from freezing!


Plus maybe another one (or 100) for what happened on Saturday.

Hey, it looks like Tiki is alive and well in the NW. I look forward to the next Tiki Crawl. http://www.cajondrums.com

[ Edited by: Cajondrums on 2003-11-25 15:46 ]

I'm beginning to think we oughta have a once-a-month get together at one of our local watering holes. Maybe alternate between Alibi and Jasmine Tree. How would that hang with you Portlanders? Like if we did a first-Friday-of-the-month happy hour or something like that?

Kim posted on Tue, Nov 25, 2003 5:25 PM

I know Tikitronic would think it was swell-- he's forever trying to get me to go to the Alibi, and a social function would motivate me a whole lot more!

I like it. Tikimaxton, name the first stop and I will enter the data into my Palm Pilot. Okay, I don't have a Palm Pilot. I will, however, pencil it in on my calender.

I'm all for it!


I'll make the drive whenever I'm able.

Cool - for the sake of simplicity let's call the first one AFTER the holidays. How 'bout Jan 2? 6pm? Let me know and I'll set up an email reminder for it...

Works for me -
Heck - we might even have the basic NW site live by then!

Count me in gang,

January sounds like the perfect time for a road trip. It's been a while since I've been to Seattle, and I feel so badly that I missed my chance to meet up with the Portland gang when I was there earlier this year.(work obligations)

My fiance will definitely be along for the ride, he's gradually being sucked in by the wrath of the Tiki in our home.

Aloha, eh?
Queen of Vancouver Island Tiki,

Tikiwahini, I've taken the liberty of adding you to the Northwest Territory Tiki Event Mailing List, so you'll be alerted of this and other NW events.

Thank you kindly TikiMaxton!

My duty now is to find out what the heck happened to the Trader Vic's from Vancouver. I hear it's hidden about 20 minutes away from me, in a little seashore town. I'd love to know what the owner intends to do with it!(or has done with it already)

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