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Tiki Music Defined

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bigtikidude posted on 10/18/2011


Judd's band the Mai Kai Gents played Tiki Oasis many times.
I don't know for sure, but....
Maybe the Smokin' Menehunes being "banned" or not asked to play there was personal,
and not a musical choice.

Sometimes there are consequences for peoples actions or words.

And I called you a douche in a text message not a email.
and I am sorry I did.
but you got me all riled up.

The thing that is most funny about this is,
the music that you guys are complaining about is at Tiki Events,
and either of you never or hardly go to Tiki Events,
So why does it matter?

And So. Cal. is the center of the Tiki world,
like it or not.
If Tiki Oasis was in Vancouver,
I can assure you there wouldn't be Thousands of people there.

Lucas, you missed me playing all kinds of Happa Haole tunes, from vinyl this weekend.
I even played a few Smokin' Menehunes songs from that cdr you gave me.
But you don't go to Tiki event's, unless its the odd one that you get asked to play.
So you wouldn't know that.

I was wondering what yer take on Ape, Tikiyaki Orchestra, Closeaux, and Combustible Edison is?
And if they have any play in the modern tiki scene?


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bigtikidude posted on 10/18/2011

p.s. you guys will probably rip me a new one,
or take pot shots at my post.

But those are my thoughts,
and I am sticking to them.

oh and are the Menehunes broke up or not,
seems like you guys can't make up yer mind.


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tiki mick posted on 10/18/2011

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2016-09-23 13:17 ]

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emspace posted on 10/19/2011

I try to keep it simple and not discuss individual bands beyond the stuff that to me is excruciatingly, glaringly NOT Tiki. Because if they are, then here's my favorite Tiki mug:


...and here's my favorite Tiki restaurant:


Ya see? Tiki music just isn't whatever you think it is, because if that's true, then my mug and my restaurant are equally true. JOHN-O's original post says just that, and I took issue with it. The rest is history. :)

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Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/19/2011

On Man, I was done posting in this thread, because of emspace's vitriol

First if "You" would shut the hell up for one moment and go back and read the other posts
you will see that not one person ever said Punk & rockabilly was "Tiki"

I myself said the classic Hawaiian music was part of the mid century Polynesian Bar/SupperClub scene
and because of that I label it as "Tiki Music" if there ever was such a thing as Tiki Music in the first place?

So what does Punk Rock got to do with any of this?

Many of the founding members came out of the Mid to late 1970s music scene (Punk Rock)
Yes I was one of those, we rejected the long hair, Arena Rock & Disco of the "Me Generation"
we embraced the past, Mid Century Modern, Vintage Cloths of the 50s & 60s, Even at that time "Old Music"
Before anyone cared about it, it was unpopular & out of style, you could buy a pristine 1950s suit for $10

A 1950s Eichler could be bought super cheap, because nobody wanted one, it was just an old house to the mainstream.

And if you where a child of the 50s& early 60s in Southern California you where surrounded in "Tiki"

We embraced it, wanted to live in that world again, so we got older but still held on to those roots
and a group of those people started the "Tiki Revival"

The "Hapa Haole" scene (Was there one?) had nothing to do with it what so ever!

As for your blanket statement that all punk rock is juvenile crap, I give you the very small example
of the bands "The Clash" "X" & "The Blasters" just to name a very few, that did and some are still doing
incredible music, You don't have to like it, but these are great song writers & Musicians
and proof you are talking out of your ass.

So if someone wants to combine their roots & "Tiki" into something original, who the hell are you
to say any different.

And not one of those bands is making a killing doing it.

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JOHN-O posted on 10/19/2011

Chuck Tatum…

He's my friend. :)

And yes I am also of the opinion that it was Punk rock idealism that added the real fuel to the Tiki Revival fire.

I give credit to the Punk and post-Punk ironic embracement of mid-century Lounge culture and anything else that was pre-British invasion.

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The Sperm Whale posted on 10/19/2011

Punk is anti eastablishment, Musicianship "sometimes" isn't as important as expression and experimentation. IMHO so Fuck You you wankers. Ha Ha see I am making light of my statement because thats how I roll. Anyway, Tiki is not Punk, in my book. Punk doesn't have "too many" rules...

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The Sperm Whale posted on 10/19/2011

My idea of escapeism has nothing to do with Punk music. Paradise is more mellow and relaxing...you know the stuff "we" like in a indoor paradise. Anybody who has been here for a while knows WTF kind of music gets played in a Tiki Establishment. Either you "get it" or you don't. Why was this thread started again? O I think the Pot was trying to stir itself? Ha Ha

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JOHN-O posted on 10/19/2011

Well actually Spermy if you go back to page 1 it was YOU who gave me the original inspiration to start this thread. Thanks Bro !! And it's all cool. So far no one's been kicked off TC or had to go to the hospital. And we did get Lucas and emspace pretty engaged, two very opinionated SOBs (that TC needs more of).

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Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/19/2011

Here you go.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8faq5amdK30&feature=player_embedded

[ Edited by: Chuck Tatum is Tiki 2011-10-18 21:55 ]

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emspace posted on 10/19/2011

Bah! The Clash made a frickin' fortune selling millions of records, WTF are you on about Chuck? Juvenile, hell yes, pseudo-working class Commie bullcrap, knee-jerk European anti-Americanism, whuddevah! I respect Dave Alvin, but how DARE you call the Blasters punk? "Long White Cadillac" is punk? My god, I'm not deaf you know! Anyway I am in midlife, I have a family and a home in the burbs, punk is for children with their sophomoric so-called ideals that I call an unhealthy childhood affliction that mercifully fades when you grow up, I'm not a child any more, end of story.

Who brought up punk/tiki? What the hell would you call the Creepy Creeps? And didn't your name used to be Atomic Tiki Punk? Are we reading the same thread? I never talk out my ass, Chuck. I never play from a position of weakness, unlike some folks who have to resort to name-calling to get their nonexistent point across. Anyway I agree with your final statement if nothing else: we aren't talking about Tiki here - we're talking about "people combining THEIR ROOTS with Tiki", which is pretty much what I've been saying all along. Congrats: collect your Doctor of Smartology degree at the door.

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emspace posted on 10/19/2011

On 2011-10-18 20:04, The Sperm Whale wrote:
My idea of escapeism has nothing to do with Punk music. Paradise is more mellow and relaxing...you know the stuff "we" like in a indoor paradise. Anybody who has been here for a while knows WTF kind of music gets played in a Tiki Establishment. Either you "get it" or you don't. Why was this thread started again? O I think the Pot was trying to stir itself? Ha Ha

What the man said, bravo!

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The Sperm Whale posted on 10/19/2011

On 2011-10-18 20:32, JOHN-O wrote:
Well actually Spermy if you go back to page 1 it was YOU who gave me the original inspiration to start this thread. Thanks Bro !! And it's all cool. So far no one's been kicked off TC or had to go to the hospital. And we did get Lucas and emspace pretty engaged, two very opinionated SOBs (that TC needs more of).

I Love All of You !! I didn't even realize this thread goes back that far. LOL John O "if you use me as your muse of inspiration, "It will only lead to trouble" ha ha

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Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/19/2011
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Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/19/2011

On 2010-03-31 20:37, Hakalugi wrote:
Speaking of Punk and Tiki, let's not forget about the Hula Punk CD:
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While postulating.....

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emspace posted on 10/19/2011

Chuck, that is an awesome video. See, you DO have good taste! Now all you need to remember is that Tiki and punk live on opposite sides of the galaxy, and we're cool for life.

Edit: uh yeah, I believe that poster has been posted already. Now I have to go take more Gravol.
Edit 2: AND take back what I said about good taste. Darn it Chuck! And you accuse ME of redundancy!

It's never too late to have a happy childhood!

[ Edited by: emspace 2011-10-19 10:21 ]

[ Edited by: emspace 2011-10-19 10:22 ]

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emspace posted on 10/19/2011

"Hulapogo"...get stuffed. I think you're trying to torture me with explicit XXX rated displays of human stupidity now, I swear.

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Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/19/2011

I held back, did not want to do this.......It's time for the "Nuclear option"

You are wrong! all of you! the only "Tiki" music is

T.V. Spy Themes of the 50s & 60s, So eat hot lead!

emspace you do not ROCK! in real life your an old women with eczema, screaming at the internet
because your kids took your car key's away, The one thing you cared about was watching your half blind incontinent Poodle dance to "Hapa Haole" music, before it fell out your 2nd story window and was impaled on a cactus.

Hey it's time for a big old fucking smiley face :) :) :)

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bigtikidude posted on 10/19/2011

Is everybody happy now?

and Emspace, who the hell is Hulapogo?

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Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/19/2011

Jeff, call back the Posse and water the horses
no need for a hanging today :) :) :)

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Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/19/2011

100% joking today! I am not blowing my lid kids, just thought this thread got a little to full of it's self
having a laugh is all, nothing good on TV right now.....soooooooo......relax, watch the shiny object.......

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JOHN-O posted on 10/19/2011

Thank you Chuck.

Now I want you and emspace to hug it out...

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tiki mick posted on 10/19/2011

On 2011-10-19 11:36, bigtikidude wrote:
Is everybody happy now?

and Emspace, who the hell is Hulapogo?

You are, you crazy nut!


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Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/20/2011

On 2011-10-19 15:08, JOHN-O wrote:
Thank you Chuck.

Now I want you and emspace to hug it out...

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Do I have to hug that stinky old lady?

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RevBambooBen posted on 10/20/2011

Track 3 of Finding Forbidden Island- the new Crazed Mugs cd ROCKS!!!

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Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/20/2011

On 2011-10-19 19:56, RevBambooBen wrote:
Track 3 of Finding Forbidden Island- the new Crazed Mugs cd ROCKS!!!

Bamboo Ben gets his own song!

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Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/20/2011

I am done joking around now folks, sorry, but something good did come out of all this
Lucas was back posting and things where right in the world again, even if only for a short time.

we also settled on T.V. Spy Themes is the only Tiki music
Half Blind incontinent Poodles should not dance near open windows
and we really should blame Canada for all our problems
emspace please stop crying, I was only joking

In the words of the wise G.I.Joe "Knowing is half the battle"

Good night Tiki Central & may the Tiki Gods bless you!

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RevBambooBen posted on 10/21/2011

On 2011-10-19 20:10, Chuck Tatum is Tiki wrote:

On 2011-10-19 19:56, RevBambooBen wrote:
Track 3 of Finding Forbidden Island- the new Crazed Mugs cd ROCKS!!!

Bamboo Ben gets his own song!

Now I just need some jobs!!! :wink:

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emspace posted on 10/24/2011

On 2011-10-19 13:23, Chuck Tatum is Tiki wrote:
100% joking today! I am not blowing my lid kids, just thought this thread got a little to full of it's self
having a laugh is all, nothing good on TV right now.....soooooooo......relax, watch the shiny object.......

I hope you ARE joking, Lance-I-mean-Chuck; I've already been PM'd by one member who wants to punch your lights out. You know neither the place nor the hour...but since you told us how you really feel and then excused yourself by saying you're joking, I'll return the favor:

You're an utter asshole with no more manners than a pig in a wallow and the musical taste of a 14-year old with a severe attitude problem. Get humped with a pig-iron dildo.

Ahhh, now I feel better too, and I was ONLY JOKING - isn't the Net grand?

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tiki mick posted on 10/24/2011

I am still torn here, about some of the new theme ideas for the next tiki oasis....daniel boone tiki, with the coonskin caps instead of fezzes, OR, hippy-tiki with Big Tiki Dude's head carved into a mug.

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Hakalugi posted on 10/24/2011

Keep John-O's thread on topic. Please no more insults or threats, joking or otherwise.

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emspace posted on 10/24/2011

Can do, Hakalugi. :)

Lucas, you shock me! Carve a fellow forumite's head into a mug? :wink:

Seriously though: bigtikidude, "hulapogo" can be found on the cover of the "Hula Punk" album jacket posted on page 1 of this thread and then reposted by Chuck before I pointed out that he was being redundant and he deleted it.

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emspace posted on 10/24/2011

Hmm, you've got me thinking there with the hippy-tiki idea Lucas. I think we can all start thinking about losing those aloha shirts - so outre and cheesy! - and getting some quality tie-dye shirts in hemp fabric. Replace Mai-Tais with weed, Hawaiian and exotica music with the Dead, and voila - it's the new, improved tiki revival!

I've given a fair bit of thought to polka-tiki as well. Lederhosen, accordions, steins of beer - pretty obvious really how it all fits the tiki aesthetic if you just open those closed minds...and how about Mongolia-tiki? Throat singing, fermented yak milk, big furry hats...way rad, d00ds! Hawaii my ASS yo!

Any time anyone gets tired of me pointing out the obvious, just say so.

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tiki mick posted on 10/24/2011

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2016-09-23 13:08 ]

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tikiyaki posted on 10/25/2011

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Jeff Central posted on 10/25/2011

OK, now THAT was a laugh out loud moment!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Rum Balls posted on 10/25/2011

Thank you, tikyaki!

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Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 10/25/2011

From emspace's blog:

edit:(Blog has been deleted)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011Gig time!

"Next Thursday, a week tomorrow, I am invited to sing and play a couple tunes on my ukulele at a seniors' home in the area. This will officially be my first gig playing Hawaiian music. Modest yes, but you have to start somewhere, right?"

[ Edited by: Chuck Tatum is Tiki 2011-10-26 12:19 ]

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congatiki posted on 10/25/2011

Crap...this thing has been going on for 10 pages and I just found
Hey Lucas, maybe we should drag out the djembes and crank up this
hippie-tiki idea! Just like Mickey Hart.

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tabuzak posted on 10/25/2011

On 2011-10-24 20:29, tikiyaki wrote:
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komohana posted on 10/26/2011

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komohana posted on 10/26/2011

I reckon yeh should forget the hippy crap an' go with the good ol' punk instead...

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emspace posted on 10/26/2011

Chuck, thanks for pointing out both my real name and that I am a newcomer to playing Hawaiian music - unlike Lucas, a veteran. The relevance to this thread is beyond imagining. Gonna publish pictures of my kid next, maybe the school he goes to? You can find some here on the forum if you look hard.

You are truly a prince, and if I'm not mistaken, you've been warned about your behavior lately. Angling for a second ban, are we?

[ Edited by: emspace 2011-10-25 20:34 ]

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emspace posted on 10/26/2011

tikiyaki, tabuzak, komohana - someone forcing you to read this thread? It died days ago all right - and should never have been started in the first place, given that it's obvious what tiki music is AND that there are any number of threads over the years on this subject.

And given what it's turned into - one guy in particular attacking me personally because he isn't man enough to just read someone's opinion without throwing a tantrum like a spoiled toddler - it should have been locked long ago as well and I've made that request.

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bigtikidude posted on 10/26/2011

The Thread doesn't need to be locked,
But it's funny how some people always have to have the last word.

I've given up trying to change people's minds.
I've posted this before, but it always rings true.
A friend of my dad told me.

Never try to teach a Pig to sing.
It wastes your time, and annoys the pig.

and that can be taken by both sides on this matter.
As we think we are right, and trying to enlighten the non-believer.

That being said,
I'm sure emspace will find some witty(in his mind) retort to me.
Yet again, being the last to post.

I was done before, and am truly done now.
Or should I say "I'm Pau"


edited for spelling

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2011-10-25 21:07 ]

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emspace posted on 10/26/2011

I couldn't give two shits about "having the last word" - some fuckstick attacked me, some lousy lowlife bastard I don't know from Adam, because he thinks punk music belongs in tiki and I disagree - which IMO says all anyone needs to know about how seriously to take his taste in music. I didn't join this forum, or this thread, to impress you with my wit Jeff - you're not worth it.

You people SUCK, you know that? Just finding a decent human being in this forum now is like the search for the Holy fucking Grail. Goodbye - the whole experience of returning to TC has only proven what I've felt for a long time: forums are a damn waste of time and I regret every minute of it I'll never get back. Enjoy the circle-jerk, boys.

Lucas, Hakalugi, and a few others - you know who you are - aloha.

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