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Witco World Piece With Pan Am Jet????

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Burgersurfer posted on 10/25/2011

Has anyone ever seen a Witco World Map with a Extension that carries a Pan Am Jet and it attaches to the metal rod that half circles the globe??? This piece came out of a large Mid Century Collection. The owner was a avid collector and has some spectacular items. The jet and the attachment pieces are faded and have the exact same patina as the piece overall. I would post a picture of it, but it is missing the one piece that holds the plane in place. The owner told me it came from the Disneyland hotel. I can only speculate if there might have been a travel agency and it was made specifically for them, or if it was added aftermarket at that time. Again, the patina of the plane and attaching hardware and the fact this collector has a outrageous collection makes me think. Anyone??????????????

1961surf posted on 10/28/2011

Sven would be the guy to ask , especially since he put out Tiki Modern book.
I would shoot him a PM !Sounds like you scored some more Witco Jim .

[ Edited by: 1961surf 2011-10-27 18:33 ]

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