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TikiVixen's Mother has passed

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Jungle Trader posted on 11/21/2003

For those of you who know or met TikiVixen, just to let you all know, her mother has passed on. She had been caring for her for a very long time. She also sounds like she's in pretty good spirits, considering. A BIG HUG for you Lisa.

Tiki_Bong posted on 11/21/2003


Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

purple jade posted on 11/21/2003

Lots of love to you Lisa, and peace for both you and your mother.

Unga Bunga posted on 11/21/2003

Condolences to you.

thejab posted on 11/21/2003

Lisa, you're a swell gal to have cared for her. My deepest condolences.

weirduncletiki posted on 11/21/2003

We're sending all our best thoughts and wishes to you and your family.

-Weird Unc

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DawnTiki posted on 11/21/2003

I am so sorry to hear about your loss, you have my deepest sympathy.

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Alnshely posted on 11/21/2003

All our best to you.
Al and Shelley

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SES posted on 11/21/2003

love and thoughts

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PolynesianPop posted on 11/21/2003

Lisa, my condolences to you and your family.

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Basement Kahuna posted on 11/21/2003

My condolences....I wish you the best and soon.

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Formikahini posted on 11/21/2003

Hey, Sweet Lisa-

So sorry that you lost her. Try to take comfort in the fact that that you were a good daughter in her last days. Many an adult would give their eyeteeth to redo that time period.

Hugs to you.
alice b

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Kim posted on 11/21/2003

Condolences and support...

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tikibars posted on 11/22/2003

My deepest condolences, Lisa.
Feel free to give me a ring if you want or need to talk.


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Exoticat posted on 11/26/2003

So sorry to hear about your loss, Lisa. Big hugs to you.

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tikivixen posted on 12/12/2003

My goodness, I've been off TC for something like two months--but it feels like years! Arghhh! Thank heavens, I'm made it back just in time for my birthday and Christmas!

Thank you VERY much, Jungletrader, for your kind post, and also to all of you who replied. Your sympathy and support are simply wonderful. I've long been of the opinion that TCers are the nicest group of people I've ever been lucky enough to encounter!

My Mom had been ailing for almost a year when her cousin and I finally moved her to a nursing home in the town where she was born, Visalia CA. She thrived under the excellent care she received, and I was able to visit and spend time with her almost every week. Some people might not have enjoyed the long drives, but I came to love the Valley and the scenic farmlands and citrus groves of Central California. I feel lucky that my Mom's last months were spent in a caring place where she could be visited by her other relatives and people she grew up with, and in the last weeks of her life especially, I became closer to my long-lost family as well.

Now that she's been laid to rest with my Dad at Mountain View in Oakland (yes, near the Black Dahlia, Cynful!), I am slowly getting back to my life and trying to have a peaceful and loving Christmas with my friends and my boyfriend--and yes, we'll be visiting the cousins in Visalia too (with a stop at Minnie's along the way, of COURSE. Love old Highway 99.)

Thanks again to all of you, and Merry Christmas!!!



Jungle Trader posted on 12/12/2003

Hey Vixen, let me know whenever you're stopping by Minnie's.

thejab posted on 12/12/2003

Welcome back Lisa!

Speaking of highway 99, there's a new issue of the book series "That Ribbon of Highway" which are guides to old highway 99. The books are not real slick but have plenty of black and white photos, old and more recent, showing roadside attractions along the highway, and they also include a mile-by-mile guide to driving the old highway.

The first volume covers the Oregon border to Sacatomatoes, the second from Sac to Mexico, and the newest volume covers everything north of the Oregon border. They can purchased here:


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cynfulcynner posted on 12/12/2003

On 2003-12-11 21:43, tikivixen wrote:
Now that she's been laid to rest with my Dad at Mountain View in Oakland (yes, near the Black Dahlia, Cynful!)

Great! Mountain View Cemetery is such a beautiful place.

Pages: 1 18 replies