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Minnies (Modesto, Ca) tikis stolen!

Pages: 1 17 replies

ThreeTikis posted on 11/26/2011

Several of the tikis at Minnies have been stolen. First Frankie's sign and now this. What's going on???

Brandi posted on 11/26/2011

There's a news video here:


(I was gonna joke "All right, one of you bastards 'fess up" but I imagine you are sad about it as well.)

[ Edited by: Brandi 2011-11-25 20:46 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 11/26/2011

The Tikis that were stolen were carved from our very own Trader Vic!
This is old news, Modesto is just in a time warp.

Jungle Trader posted on 11/26/2011

Yes my tikis were stolen,.....in January. No Modesto is not in a time warp. We just last week filed them stolen with the Police. What can I say, we are on Hawaiian time.

bigbrotiki posted on 11/26/2011

I guess their original logo Tiki was too decrepit looking for the thieves, glad that It's still there. And at least Minnie's got some TV PR, you can't pay for that.

I don't think that many major city Tiki places put Tikis outside anymore without chains or anchoring them on a pole in concrete. A few months ago, some crooks tried to steal this big boy outside of Oceanic Arts:

They bent the hell out of the pole it was on, you should see the photo. They must have pulled it with a truck, it slipped a little up the pole, but held fast, and they had to give up.

Jungle Trader posted on 11/26/2011

These were on the back patio. The thieves parked there pick up truck up next to the 10 ft. block wall, leaned a ladder from the bed and came over. The plants were trampled on the other side.

forgotten tikiman posted on 11/26/2011

This is sad. But the tiki scene is really gaining in popularity. So we can expect people to steal. Its just the way it is. If I had exspensive tiki carvings outside for display, I would really ancor them down. But if a thief really wants it, that may not stop them. Amazing how ballzy some are getting to get something.

bigbrotiki posted on 11/26/2011

It's an old problem:

L.A. Times, 1962

That Tiki like many others migrated down to the Hanalei Hotel after the Luau closed:

By they time I discovered the Islands restaurant, it was gone, I can't say if because of rot, or because of another theft.

Remember: Tiki theft is breaking the Taboo, and brings bad mana!

tiki mick posted on 11/26/2011

Stealing tikis is taboo. Just ask Old Mr. Hanalei!

tikicleen posted on 11/26/2011

glad to hear that they finally filed a report vic. maybe you can collect some insurance then??

Jungle Trader posted on 11/26/2011

On 2011-11-26 15:14, tikicleen wrote:
glad to hear that they finally filed a report vic. maybe you can collect some insurance then??

I wish. You know how that goes. It's a long story cleen. But they have updated security on the patio.

mrsmiley posted on 11/28/2011

Bad news! I LOVE Minnies!

Jungle Trader posted on 11/28/2011

My carvings were actually on the news. But not the ones that were stolen. Link is on my Facebook wall. Maybe Matt Hull can put the link up here. Peter is all smiley cuz he gets to be on TV. He should be sad face. Gee whiz!

SoccerTiki posted on 11/28/2011

Tiki thievery!!! Very bad!!! I filed a police report when mine were taken from the front yard as well. Still no sightings!!! :( Tiki Thievery :(

rugbymatt posted on 12/03/2011

There's a special place in HELL for these people.

Unga Bunga posted on 12/04/2011

On 2011-12-02 16:36, rugbymatt wrote:
There's a special place in HELL for these people.

twitch posted on 12/04/2011

For all the trouble it was worth to pull them out they might as well have just carved their own...

Cavemoai posted on 01/24/2020

wrong thread...

[ Edited by: Cavemoai 2020-01-24 15:40 ]

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