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SF Bay Area Rum Club?

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Aloha folks,

Would any of you be interested in starting a SF Bay Area rum club? (I'm assuming there's not already one of these considering there's no mention of one here on TC.) Here's what I'm thinking:

  1. Meet monthly or quarterly
  2. Rotate venues among members' homes
  3. Each person would bring a bottle (or so) to maximize the tasting possibilities
  4. Each tasting would have some sort of theme -- country, price level, age, etc.


P.S. I originally posted this notion on the Ministry of Rum FB page. Kahuna Kevin suggested I post it here as well.

On 2011-12-07 08:48, tofukulele wrote:
Aloha folks,

Would any of you be interested in starting a SF Bay Area rum club? (I'm assuming there's not already one of these considering there's no mention of one here on TC.) Here's what I'm thinking:

  1. Meet monthly or quarterly
  2. Rotate venues among members' homes
  3. Each person would bring a bottle (or so) to maximize the tasting possibilities
  4. Each tasting would have some sort of theme -- country, price level, age, etc.


P.S. I originally posted this notion on the Ministry of Rum FB page. Kahuna Kevin suggested I post it here as well.

Aloha Josh,

I would be interested in a monthly or quarterly SF/Bay Area rum club. I live in San Francisco so am flexible on locations. Great idea! Let me know if it gets off the ground.

Okole maluna (with all due respect),

Good deal, Paul! Let's see if we can generate some critical mass here. Who else is in?

aquarj posted on Fri, Dec 9, 2011 1:35 PM

Yeah, I could be up for that. Even down for it too. We're on the peninsula.

I could bring an unusual bottle from time to time - here's a little bottle gallery I add to when I get new varieties. I confess that I have a rotten selfish impulse to wanna keep for myself the ones I like, and mostly share the ones I don't like! But not every impulse has to be followed.


I am in! And I am glad to host.


I could get into that, but I can't host at my place. I'm in Alameda.

Im down.

I'm in - it will be a while before I can host tho'. Sounds like fun
-Trad'r Bill


Mai Tai and I may be in ... And may be able to host in the future.

[ Edited by: Coco Loco 2011-12-09 16:27 ]

Excellent! We're reaching a critical mass here. I think we're up to about ten people now. Who else is in? Pretty soon, we'll have to figure out where the first gathering will be and when. Getting excited!



Now that we have about a dozen people expressing interest in the notion of a grassroots rum club, let's get together! I just posted a survey to see where folks would like to meet for the first time. Given that we don't all know each other yet, a public venue might be good (the local tiki spots) but anything's possible. Please vote on the survey and I'll post the results here once it looks like everyone has voted.

Survey here: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LV8JDRM


With 50% of all precincts reporting, it's a dead heat between Forbidden Island, Trader Vic's Emeryville, and Trader Vic's Palo Alto--all with two votes each. If you haven't already voted, please do so! Once we decide on a location, we can nail down a time.


With eight total respondents thus far, it appears as though the tide has shifted toward Forbidden Island.

Has everyone voted? I think we may have a few stragglers, and I don't want to leave anyone out ^_^


I vote for Trader Vic's Palo Alto or Tikitastic's mansion.

Ok, now it's getting weird. Do we really have 16 people going to this initial meetup? Has anyone accidentally voted more than once? See the results as of a moment ago in the image below:

The drive from Forbidden Island to Trader Vic's in Palo Alto is about an hour, so it's a considerable difference, and I want this to be as fair as possible.

Thoughts welcome!


PS. I myself voted for TV's in Emeryville, as I thought it was the most centrally located for East Bay and SF types, but this is likely little consolation for the folks in the South Bay or Peninsula.


Hi! My Wahine and I are very interested. We live in the north bay (Novato). I will post in the survey. I have a hilariously roomy tiki lounge at work (!) that I would be willing to host a meeting at. However that would mean a pilgrimage up north. Anyway we look forward to meeting everyone and enjoying some rum! Jim and Julie.

My vote would be for Smugglers Cove or Forbidden Island, Vics just doesn't have the rum selection.

Aloha folks,

I think it's time to wrap up the voting. The final tally leaves us with a tie between Forbidden Island and TV's in Palo Alto. Given that there are twelve votes for a combination of TV's Emeryville, Smuggler's Cove and Forbidden Island, it would seem most equitable to go with Forbidden Island for geographic reasons. Unless anyone has a big objection to this rationale, I say we set a time and date for this meetup at FI.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?


I agree that Forbidden Island makes the most sense given the majority of voting was for northern Bay Area watering holes. Since there will be at least a modicum of travel involved for nearly everyone it might make sense to plan the meet up for a Saturday. FI opens at 5pm and if we plan to get there soon after opening we can use the space in the back of the bar to meet (or even outside if the weather allows).

"The Bum has a confession to make. On those happy occasions when he has begged, borrowed, or (heaven forbid) earned enough change to buy a drink, he never orders a Mai Tai."

[ Edited by: paulynesia 2011-12-13 12:30 ]

That makes sense to me, Paul. What say the rest of you folks? I for one am getting very excited!

If Saturday is to be the day, then this coming Saturday would be the only real chance to get it done in December, as the following Saturday is XMAS eve, and the one after that is NYE.


Subsequent to the previous post, Paul and I remembered we both had holiday parties to attend this Saturday, so I'm thinking many of you are in the same boat. Therefore, it seems as though the next realistic chance for that first meetup at Forbidden Island will be on Saturday 1/7 at 5:00. Paul and I are in. Who else can make it?


Color me there!

Are you in for the meetup at 5:00 on Saturday 1/7 at Forbidden Island in Alameda? If so, please let everyone know right here in this thread! Only three of us have RSVP'ed at this juncture.



Sorry, I have a rehearsal in Walnut Creek starting mid-afternoon and going into some time in the evening that day, so I won't be able to make it on the 7th.

Mahalo for posting, Jen. If 1/7/2012 isn't a good first choice, let's find a date that works for the most folks possible! If people would rather meet on the following Saturday or another day, please post and let the group know.


Just do it for January 7.

Those that can make it can come and those that can't come can come another time.

You won't ever find a date that works with everyone so I vote the 7th.

I'm on the East Coast and will not be in CA any time soon, but I am curious as to why Martin Cate's place did not get more votes.

I will surely try to make don't know what is happening in Jan just yet.

But I will put it on the calendar.



Would like to come, but it looks like I'll be busy with a work deadline through that weekend. I'd say go ahead though, hope there's a next time.

BTW, was just enjoying this one...


Aloha, folks!

A reminder: please join me at Forbidden Island this Saturday at 5:00 for our grassroots rum club ice-breaker! I hope to have a drink with all of you who expressed interest in starting this club, and decide where to go from there. Should be fun and exciting--come be a part of it!

A hui hou,


Been trying since Christmas to make Jan 7 work but looks like we wont be able to make it. Enjoy, looking forward to the next meeting!


How was the turn out for this? Coco Loco and I had hoped to make it, but a work emergency unfortunately interfered. When are you planning on having the next one? We're local to Alameda, and could spread the word to a few tiki folks/rum aficionados that aren't on Tiki Central. Cheers!

I was called up to Sacramento yesterday and couldn't make it, next time!

Aloha folks, mahalo for your interest in the first Rum Club meetup. Turnout was lower than expected, but I'm hopeful that we can still make this thing work! If any of the other folks here would like to propose a time and place for the second round, I'm all ears!


Josh, it was great meeting you and talking rum "shop" on Saturday. I hope we didn't miss anyone that got lost in the shuffle. FI turned out to have a pretty good crowd on Saturday night and it was difficult to determine rum club ohana from the usual FI malahinis.

If everyone would like to schedule one more ice breaker prior to launching into home based meetings I'd be fine with that. Otherwise, let's taste some rum!



Since the first weekend of February is Superbowl weekend, and the third weekend is Mardi Gras weekend (where some of us will be out of town celebrating, or having a Valentine's Day weekend with loved ones), why don't we shoot for the second weekend, either Saturday February 11th or Sunday February 12th? Whaddya think?

dude, that's Pinewood Derby weekend...


Doh!!! :blush:

Did the Rum Club ever happen?

Any plans for one in the future?



....ditto, did this ever get off the ground?
....still going?

Is this still going on? This Rum Club? We would love to get involved. Let us know. thanks

Pages: 1 40 replies