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Anyone into the old Pan Am China Clippers?

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Rattiki posted on 11/20/2003

Certainly Polynesian related as they flew across the Pacific in the golden era of Hawaii's tourism. If you don't know about them, it is definately worth a look! I have several flying boat models, including a Boeing B-314 and a Martin M-130 which I will hang in my Tiki Hut when it is done. And coolest of all Juan Trip (the creater of Pan American Airlines) started it all here flying S-38s from Key West to Havana. :D

This is a great site about these amazing planes.


[ Edited by: Rattiki on 2003-11-20 05:42 ]

ecm posted on 11/24/2003

very cool link , thanks !

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/24/2003

Beautiful planes...I used to attend the Boshears fly-in (A C.A.F. event in Augusta, Georgia) every year to see aircraft of that period. SOmewhere I have a picture of me sitting on the wing of a Mitsubishi Zero (dressed as a WW2 G.I.!) I'll post if I can find it.

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