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The lost Trader Vic's in Honolulu

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Tiki_Bong posted on 04/11/2002

Last week my family and I went on our annual trip to Tiki Mecca a.k.a. Honolulu. While at the International Marketplace, my daughter went to the second level looking for the restroom and spotted an outdoor sign reading 'Trader Vic's Drinks'. Upon further examination I found the old Trader Vic's restaurant on the second level. I'd been there with my dad in about 1974 to see Rip Taylor (my dad loved Tikianna). Anyway, it's now the maintenance department building for the International Marketplace (how sad).The building still has concrete tikis on one side and a wood tiki to the right of the front door. For a brief moment I thought of conducting a clandestine tiki rescue by grabbing the wood tiki on the front but then decided I didn't want to spend my vacation in the pokey. I asked a couple of maintenance workers if they would sell it to me for $20 but they didn't want to take the chance either. I will post some pictures I took of the building and its surronding tikis as soon as I can. The experience left me a bit melancholy but hey, time moves on doesn't it (they shoot horses don't they?)

MonkeyGod posted on 04/11/2002

Good thing you didn't steal those tikis. You know what happens when you take tikis from Hawaii! Just ask the Bradys. (Musical addition -- "Doodle-doodle-doo!")
In all seriousness (okay, some seriousness), I recently saw a program about volcanoes on the Discovery Channel where a Hawaiian Vulcanologist said that tourists remove lava rocks from Hawaii all the time, and then mail them back weeks later claiming all sorts of bad luck has happened (surfboard wipe-outs, tarantulas in bed, you know the drill).

Tiki_Bong posted on 04/11/2002

Monkey God,

It's ironic that you mention the Brady Bunch episode when they're in Hawaii as the hotel we stay at is the same. It's the Sheraton Waikiki. This is too strange (spacey background music).

Tiki Bong (gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, cough!)

MonkeyGod posted on 04/11/2002

If you see Vincent Price... RUN!!!!!

TikiGardener posted on 04/12/2002

Two people my wife freelance designs for have a Vincent Price prop from the Wax Museuem movie. It's actually Vincent Price in a wheelchair! They got the greatest looks when they wheeled it down their street as the delivery truck was too big to get down their street.
Tiki Gardener

Kentiki posted on 04/12/2002

Lava, as well as rocks, are considered Pele's children, and if you remove them...Big Tabu!

Hey if you're gonna be flying 6 miles over the Pacific on the way home after taking them, well, I wouldn't risk it!

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