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TikiKirby - Mele Kalikimaka TC

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AWESOME!!! Glad to se you're joining the fun!


Nice ... very HOPE-ful!

What are the chances of seeing a clear shot of that Moon disc with the Clarence Catallo '32 Ford on it? Looks VERY cool from what I can see of it!

Hey, Aaron! Are you a Rod & Kustom guy?

Mahalo MDM and ebtiki, it looks like I'm late for the party, but I am having fun. I got pulled into work pretty hard core the last couple weeks and I haven't been able to get this thing done for the show (It's still is too wet to cast!)

Lukeulele, that was a gift I got years ago, I didn't do it it was done by Itchy and signed by George. I'm a big fan of the A Bros and Early Barris.

Big Kahuna, been into old cars my entire life. I'm more kustom than rod, but I love them both.:D



GROG posted on Sun, Mar 20, 2011 1:06 AM

Aewesome sculpt, Aaron!

If you check out Alec Yuill Thornton's art, the creator of the Tiki Bob design, you are right, his cartoons definitely have a Hirschfield kind of style to them.

GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2011-03-20 01:07 ]

Oh my, now we will have to have a series of famous Bob's. That is so well done I bow at the waist to you as the master of Bob's. Wendy

TikiG posted on Sun, Mar 20, 2011 1:20 PM

Beautiful Tiki BOB there TikiKirby - pretty damn cool.

Very nice! When's Tiki Bing coming? :wink:

Wow mahalos for the encouragement, it's good to know there are others out there that are on the same page..

Grog, mahalo for the name of the artist. I love finding out more info on these type of artists. They rarely got credit, but to me they tend to be just as influential as the big guys...

Wendy, you're too kind, I really dig your Bob's too. And there is no way I can keep up with your pace, I haven't even finished this one!!!

Zerostreet, we're on the same page here.. That was the first thing I thought, how can you have a Bob and not a Bing?? I plan to do a Bing, (I'm a big fan of these guys) call the set Road to Bali Ha'i :D

Lukeulele, here's a closer pic of the moon cap...

On 2011-03-20 18:38, TikiKIrby wrote:
Grog, mahalo for the name of the artist. I love finding out more info on these type of artists. They rarely got credit, but to me they tend to be just as influential as the big guys...

Hear, hear.... ain't that the truth.

GROG posted on Sun, Mar 20, 2011 7:38 PM

And Bigbro provided the name of the artist. :)

Thanks Aaron! I dig that car. Got to see it years ago when it was at Lead East in New Jersey. Good to see another "kustom guy" on here, too!

Ah, the above mug is a close kin to these two famous Bob Hope Tikis:

On 2011-03-20 19:38, GROG wrote:
And Bigbro provided the name of the artist. :)

That is sweet, Grogster, but I was really only referring to the originator of Tiki Bob, just like TikiKirby said.

I am just sad that only ten years after the story of Bob was revealed, his origins are already forgotten. To me, the history of an art object gives it context and depth, and MEANING. Otherwise they are just funny faces lined up on a shelf.

Here is my attempt to remind people:


That tiki is hilarious BigBro!! I can't read the whole plaque on it (I see Bob Hopes name, but that's all I can make out), do you know what this was for?? I like the way the second carving sneaks to bow tie in, I wanted to add a tie to the mug but thought it might be too much.

mahalo for posting these,,

Alright, I forgot how to change the post name. I know this has been asked before, but couldn't find it by searching so I'll ask here.. How do you change the title of a post??

Aaron, go to your original post and hit the edit button at the bottom. It lets you change to topic heading

GROG posted on Wed, Apr 13, 2011 10:47 AM

GROG hasn't seen anything glazed yet, just awesome sculpts. Quit your teasing, you bastard!

Sorry, being in the midwest at the moment you learn to take advantage of the warm weather. It's finally been warm enough to get me out and away from the computer. I've been working on my toy so I can play with it this summer...

As for glazing, the class is set up to focus on building for the first half and glazing the second. The problem is they have been having problems with 2 of their kilns. They have been going too hot for a few weeks, then too cool. So it's been very frustrating getting back matte glazes in a high gloss, a different color, or my favorite bubbly!!! Like glazing isn't hard enough!! Also being a group kiln load it took a while to fill in the begining, now the kilns are jam packed which I'm sure also affects the glaze (let alone gives you fun extras!!))

Anyway, enough excuses!!! :D

Here's a few tiles.. The brown one on the left is supposed to be green with a brown break...

The third one is (was) a matte medium brown..

These were under fired (with those added extras I was talking about... Will be refired..

These turned out ok... They were just a simple glaze

My first Mauna Loa tests. Again, these WERE a matte glaze. Showing the shrinkage.. From R to L.. My original sculpt bisque fired (8-10% smaller than original), a slip cast bisque fired, the final glaze (cone 6)

Same line up for the baby tangs... Also more of a matte glaze.

One step forward.....


GROG posted on Fri, Apr 15, 2011 10:31 AM

Sorry about the kiln problems. As if normal glazing wasn't frustrating enough to begin with.

Did you make your own molds?

Those are terrific. You must have a very steady hand to have them be so perfect. I'm working on that, Wendy

Great pictures TK! That Mauna Loa mug sculpt is great, and I love those tiles you did as well...
I don't blame ya for not being indoors when you have such an awesome ride bra, 65' ya?? Always have liked those..

Mahalo for the encouragement.

Grog, I did make all the molds and have come to the conclusion I don't like making molds!! :D The ML mug is a simple 2 piece , the baby tang is a 4 piece base with a 2 piece lid, and the tiles are 1 piece press molds..

Beachbumz, yea it's a '65 GS and it's real solid.. I got all the mechanicals working like new and I'm prepping it to do a quick paint for the summer... For the tiles I tried to have something similar to my wahine sculpt so I could test glaze combos for it on several pieces (I think I pressed a doz so far)... And the diamond one will/ could be AP christmas gifts if they make it through the test phase... They both have lettering because I love adding lettering to the sculpts and I need to learn the options for glazing letters...


Your mugs are looking great - I love your ML!

It's been a very inspirational year here on TC, you guys are really creating fantastic work and I just wanted to say mahalo and Mele Kalikimaka to all. Here is a commissioned piece that I "fixed" (the benefit of painting on the computer).

Keep up the great work and have a safe and happy holiday!!

Holy crap those baby tangs are AWESOME!!!! did you finish them up? Are they available for sale??? Nice work!

nice car too!


On 2011-12-18 16:08, Polynesiac wrote:
Holy crap those baby tangs are AWESOME!!!! did you finish them up? Are they available for sale??? Nice work!

nice car too!

What he said.

Mahalo Polynesiac and croe67. Yeah, I don't plan on selling the baby tangs, they're not my design and I know How the big D can be.. I just always wanted one and I figured since I needed a simple design to cast and practice glazing on why not these, so.. I cast a dozen or so of the baby tangs just so I could try many different ways to get the look I wanted.. I think I was pretty close on a few, but that kinda snowballed into making my own glazes and I'm hoping I can get back to work on them in the new year (life kinda pulled me away).. Hopefully Kevin and Jody can convince the powers that be over there to do one in the future, that would be awesome..

Aaron, good to see you pop up in here again. Merry Christmas!

Ahh MDM, that's what I love about the holidays... A chance to catch up with friends and family, Merry Christmas!! :D

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