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What I hate about Tiki...

Pages: 1 17 replies

Ka! posted on 03/05/2005

Everyone always has such nice things to say. Well, sometimes I feel like Tiki sux. Like the 5 foot tiki I bought about 3 months ago. It now has a huge crack-it is almost 2 tikis! And the fucker who sold me the crap on E Bay. Lied about everything. And I'm out $100.00. Or the pompous ass at the carver who spouts all the facts about whatever. Hey man! I just want to hang the damn thing in my living room, shut the fuck up! I don't need the history lesson. I could care less! Not all of us want the 411. And stop being such a condenscending Mo Fo.

Jungle Trader posted on 03/05/2005

Relax brah. Suck up a mai tai and I'll come down there, cut the tiki in hal;f lengthwise and carve another one on the other side. We should schedule it at Al's place, (with Al's approval). If you're only out 100 clams, be glad it wasn't more. But then again, I can't tell you how to feel.
Welcome to TC!

Unga Bunga posted on 03/05/2005

Damn Dude!
A five foot Tiki for $100.00? Steal!
You're talkin like someone shoved a Tiki up your ass.
And oh ya, Welcome to Tiki Central.

freddiefreelance posted on 03/05/2005

Split it down the middle, mount the 2 halves on 7 foot tall shields & put them out in the backyard!

donhonyc posted on 03/05/2005

Just burn it dude. So what. It's not like your head is getting cut off and videotaped in some foreign land.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 03/05/2005

A 5ft tiki on Ebay for $100.00! Was the shipping cost another $100.00? The UPS delivery guy probably thought he was handling a cadaver, got the creeps and dropped it. Hence, damaged tiki.

Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 03/06/2005

Sad dude.

[ Edited by: Hau 'oli tiki on 2005-03-05 16:54 ]

Ka! posted on 03/06/2005

Man- What was I thinkin! That day sucked-Sorry! My girl split. I was feelin pretty crappy. No booze on the boat. The tiki was from a local shop and cost @$250.00. The Ebay crap was what cost $100.00. It was poorly described and I had gotten in the mail the same day. I finally went over to BAli Hi and had a few. Restockeds the liquer cab, too. Sos its all good now. Put palm fibers in the crack of the tiki. Looks pretty good-like a fro. Gonna name him King Don. Got a big ass glass o Ta kill ya right now. sos its all gud. i luv yous guys-tanks fer the sup port. no rain and that's gud. girl didn';t be gud no haw anyway ust bitch bout me boat and stuf Dint giv no lovin no how. i goin to mr mai tai now an fin new gal. ahoy filks!11w an agin i sory

hiltiki posted on 03/06/2005


freddiefreelance posted on 03/07/2005

You know what I hate about Tiki?

Neither do I... :P

Benzart posted on 03/07/2005

Hey KU, Welcome to TC btw, Glad to have you, bitchen and all, No biggie. Look at it this way, if it split down the middle, you got 2 for the price of 1.

TikiGardener posted on 03/07/2005

Make door handles out if it!

Johnny Dollar posted on 03/07/2005

giant tiki salad tongs to go with giant tiki fork and spoon!!!

Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 03/08/2005

Hey asshole! Don't fall off the boat a drown or anything. Mom would be pissed and it'd ruin Christmas. And remember to actualy TIE the damn boat up EVERY night! (Let Nabis out!) I feel real sorry for you. You are waaay better off with out Talks-Like-She's-Chewing-Her-Face! I mean, she works at Hooters and she doesn't have them...!?! What the heck is that all about! Luv ya.

docwoods posted on 03/08/2005

This is a new one-internet sibling squabbling.Be nice you two,or Mom's gonna get out the spatula.

tiki mick posted on 07/12/2011

Gary made it snow!

Haole Jim posted on 12/24/2011

This thread is focked...martini's gone, olives eaten, it's time for bed.

Jungle Trader posted on 12/24/2011

This was 6 years ago. Funny to look back.

Pages: 1 17 replies