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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Carved Wooden Tiki Chains

Pages: 1 2 replies

ukutiki posted on 12/26/2011

This carved wooden tiki chain was a recent gift. It is composed of 10 oval-shaped links (doubled) and carved figures at either end..a man and a woman. The figures are about 9 inches high including the hanging loop. The total length is about three feet. There are no markings indicating an origin. Someone suggested it might be a wedding chain from the Cook Islands...or maybe it is just a tourist item like large wooden spoons. Does anyone else have similar items or wooden chains? Any comments re origin? Thanks.

bigbrotiki posted on 12/28/2011

These guys look more like African carvings to me.

ukutiki posted on 12/28/2011


Thanks for the hint. You are correct. It is an African Ritual Wedding Chain.

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