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Anyone seen this?

Pages: 1 4 replies

Psycho Tiki D posted on 12/27/2011

Stopping in for a brief moment to ask if anyone has seen this before?

Plaster cast tiki purportedly from the Kona Kai. Matches the tikis on menus and matchbooks and swizzles from there. Found in a shop in Virginia City Nevada.

About 30" tall. No markings.



The Blue Kahuna posted on 12/27/2011

Thumbs up!

bigbrotiki posted on 12/28/2011

This statue is certainly based on the Kona Kai/Trader Vic Tiki, but this particular version looks like a closer match to THIS logo:

...posted by Swanky and Biffcoz (R.I.P.) in this thread:


Maybe it was made for and sold at their gift shop?:

Claims of origin are hard to ascertain nowadays, because any seller with interest in Tiki can come across some of these posts here and SEE that this Tiki form was used by such and such restaurant and then announce it as being from there.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 12/28/2011

Thanks Bigbro,

That definitely looks exactly like the Luau Tiki on the menu. Maybe it was sold in their gift shop.

Unless an item is marked with a maker or a name of a tiki establishment, I seldom pay attention to what sellers claim, although I like to include this when I post.

In this case, it looked closed enough to be a Trader Vic's or Kona Kai tiki and the price was good and I like it.

Any information on the gift shop? Pictures?


[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2011-12-28 06:28 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 12/28/2011

Well, just from the TC link I posted above - I don't think you could get a more complete package post than biffcoz's collection of material: It makes me feel like I have been there! :)

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