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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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TikiDaye posted on 12/24/2011

Ok.... You've got my attention. Definitely adding "check Wendy's Thread" to my daily to-do list!

This is going to be fun... and thank you for sharing your in-progress pics as I love to see an artist creating!

Jason <

MikeyTiki posted on 12/24/2011

That looks like you are going to make a great fog cutter mug, put me on the reservation list for one! :D

danlovestikis posted on 12/24/2011

Thank you Vamp. I always smile when I read your posts. It's fun to bring this art back and to give it a 3D form.

MadDogMike, I'm sure size matters when it determines just how much rum will fit in the Mug.

Hi TikiTomD, have we met? Thank you for watching my thread and for your note.

TikiDaye, I like being on a daily check list. I'll do my best to post photos every day.

MikeyTiki, a list for these? If I have one I'll put you on it for sure. Thank you for your continued support.

Thank you everyone, the fun of posting and the comments just keep me trying harder. Merry Cheers, Wendy

Roughing them in. It's just the beginning.

The Blue Kahuna posted on 12/24/2011

I want . . . thanks for sharing the process with us, Wendy!

Beachbumz posted on 12/25/2011

It already looks amazing Wendy, can't wait to see this one finished.. Awesome!!!

Mele Kalikimaka to Dan and yourself, have a great holiday..


danlovestikis posted on 12/25/2011

Merry Christmas everyone.

This week we picked up our two Resin Chunk Lamps by Roger Bodine. The red one was payment for the scupts of the tikis I did for the lamps and the multicolored lamp is one we couldn't resist having him make for us. It's hard to pick a favorite.

Cheers, Wendy

I keep his information going on Tiki Central Marketplace in case any one wants to order a lamp from him or just click on this link. He'll do it in your tiki or color choices. Top quality lamps.


[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-12-25 19:35 ]

hang10tiki posted on 12/26/2011


Did I say wow yet?

danlovestikis posted on 12/26/2011

hang10tiki you are so nice nice nice to me, please don't stop

More step by steps.

There are many spots to fine tune including her face. Always thank you for checking back and for your comments which make it all worth while. Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 12/26/2011

Wendy, I love the artist's connection that we have across the miles; you are working on a self-portrait

and I recently did a self-portrait too


tikiskip posted on 12/27/2011

I wanted the real mug so bad when one came up on Ebay.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2014-02-24 11:01 ]

zerostreet posted on 12/27/2011

Wow! These are gonna be amazing Wendy! Can't wait to see it through.

...and Mike the resemblance on your self-portrait is uncanny! :D

WestADad posted on 12/27/2011

Hi Wendy, you can put me on the want list if you decide to make many of these! It's looking great!


Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 12/27/2011

New Zombie Village Mug, I Likey!

Big Kahuna posted on 12/27/2011

OK, I'll ask the pressing questions. Wendy, how many of these do you plan to make & which vital organ will I have to sell to get one? I'm pretty sure I have several organs I can live without, but I'm not sure I can live without one of these mugs! Amazing work as always.

danlovestikis posted on 12/27/2011

Hi fellows, where are all the woman of tiki hiding out? Ah VampiressRN she's one of my dear friends and she did write here.

MadDogMike, thank you for noticing that!
Tikiskip, the photos I posted are of the mug that sold on eBay. We visited kohalacharms and I took the photos. We see him once a year and have a terrific visit.
zerostreet, MadDog posed for hours so I could get it right.
WestADad, I will make several varieties. Some may be all in brown, some hand painted like the Missionary's Downfall women. I'm still going to make more bowls for those.
BigKahuna a kidney would probably do it.

I have to leave now but when I'm back I will start a list of those who are interested in having one of these when they are ready. No obligation by being on the list. It will help me determine how many I should make. There is a lot more to see. Cheers, Wendy

TikiTomD posted on 12/27/2011

Wendy, please put me down as requesting one of these mugs and anything else that goes with it.

I realize that MadDogMike is quite a good-looking guy, but it doesn't seem possible that he posed for the mug! Oh, wait a minute, guess that you meant the Zombie, not the Beauty.



danlovestikis posted on 12/27/2011

Hi Friends, I love Tiki Central and how much fun it is to connect with so many people. You have convinced me to make a list. Once I show the variations that I will be doing with this mug you can decide what one you would like to have. Also based on price you may opt out as well. Cheers, Wendy

THIS IS THE LIST OF POTENTIAL BUYERS FOR THE ZOMBIE/(NAME TO BE REVELED LATER) MUG. I will always add names to the list here. Please place requests on this thread.

wendylovestikis (this is my husband)
The Blue Kahuna
The Big Kahuna
Loki-Tiki Jeffrey
Liddle Lola
Marone Tiki
CDTiki and Diana (2)
Steve Soto
Chuck Tatum is Tiki
Joe Banks
Psycho Tiki D
Aquatic Safarinaut
Joanne K.
Holler Waller

New list of people wanting a mug if someone backs out. The above run is 30 mugs.

Thank you everyone its great to have friends who like your art...mine!

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-02-12 20:17 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-02-13 17:17 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-02-13 22:34 ]

The Blue Kahuna posted on 12/27/2011

Uh Wendy, no question about it, I'm down . . . please remove the question mark next to my name, thank you kindly :D

I am a devotee of your exceptional artistry and work!

Happy New Year!


P.S. And a devotee of your hugs, too!

[ Edited by: The Blue Kahuna 2011-12-27 15:20 ]

danlovestikis posted on 12/28/2011

Thank you Gregory it's been removed. Thank you for the compliments. If you come to VampiressRN's crawl meeting in January I'll have a hug waiting for you!

Starting some wood grain.

Checking the sculpt upside down is important. No undercuts allowed. I had to fix the eye.

Artists Ego.

Questions. Should the name of the mug be on the bottom or should I have a signed photo card with the mug and its name and number on a card. I will add the number of the mug to the bottom. 1/? 2/? and so on

I do like the way Bosko does his. He doesn't put how many just what number out of the mold it is. When the mold gives out he stops making them. What do you all think about that?

I love your comments, Wendy

rugbymatt posted on 12/28/2011


Oh yeah baby! I definitely want one of these awesome looking Zombie Village mugs. You continue to amaze! Mahalo.


LiddleLola posted on 12/28/2011

Well of course I will need one of these for the Kohana Wahine Lounge. Looks amazing. Can't wait to see them glazed.


MaroneTiki posted on 12/28/2011

Hey Wendy, Please add me to the list, I'd love to have one.


WestADad posted on 12/28/2011

Please add me to the want list Wendy!

Thank you!

cdtiki posted on 12/28/2011


You know we love your work. Put Diana and I on the list(that's 2).
Look forward to seeing you guys in 2012.


blacksandz posted on 12/28/2011

An absolute MUST!!! :o

Please add me to the list for the Zombie Village Mug!


TIKI-TONGA posted on 12/28/2011

I'm in too, Wendy!

KAHAKA posted on 12/28/2011

I'd like to be added to the list as well... This one looks like it's going to be another home run!!

MikeyTiki posted on 12/28/2011

Wendy, your progress is looing great!

As far as the numbering I like the idea of a fixed number limited edition, but like you said Bosko, and Munktiki, do some where they just number them until they are done or the molds give up, which is fine too.

How many do you want to make?

danlovestikis posted on 12/28/2011

Thank you everyone for the orders. Tomorrow I'll post more photo steps including the twist and the mugs name. I'm having fun with you all. This project was started in the middle of the summer so I'll back up to show you the work Dan and I did for this project out in the heat.

There will be two versions which you will have information on tomorrow. Today is moms birthday and a special one at that. Dan's mom turned 87. We are going to have a day of celebration. We are not allowed to wrap her gifts with Christmas wrap or we'll be in the dog house. Got to run, Wendy

The Blue Kahuna posted on 12/28/2011

I like the idea of a signed photo card like you did for those wonderful decanters . . . but I'm easy and go with the aloha flow (current) :D

Have fun partying today!

stevesoto posted on 12/28/2011


Please add my name to the list. I hope you and Dan had a wonderful Christmas!

Aloha nui loa, Steve

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 12/28/2011

I too am interested in getting one of those beauties!

Joe Banks posted on 12/28/2011

Please add me to the list as well.

Big Kahuna posted on 12/29/2011

My kidney & gall-bladder are both on ebay. Please add me to the list!

danlovestikis posted on 12/29/2011

Big Kahuna you are third on the list and I'm watching eBay.

I think for all mug makers the challenge is to find something new to do. Making the menu art come to life was the first step for this mug but it needed something to make it different. The name of the mug is ZOMBIES TORCH.

Step by steps to show how I made the flame that will top off the mug.

Hand building runs the risk of air bubble bombs that blow up in the kiln, even poured ceramics sometimes blow up. I lost many Missionary's Downfall women to that problem.

So knowing I needed to make many flames I looked for a mold. What I found was one for Christmas Ornaments.

This required pouring one side, wait 45 minutes and pour out the slip. Turn over and pour the other side wait 45 minutes and pour out the slip.
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24 hours later I would open the mold remove the casts and then place the mold in the sun to dry.
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I would then add very soft clay that was mixed with slip to the ornament. I would press and fill and change the shape into a flame.
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I was able to do 6 each 24 hours that I was home and available. During this time I was also making the Tiki Bob Decanter's for the Sacramento Crawl and recovering from my broken arm surgery. What a summer.
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They were set to dry. I would rotate them from side to side so that they dried evenly. This shows that they are hollow.
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Once they dried I sanded each one on the outside and around the opening. I use screen to sand them. It lasts a long time.
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Next I added the straw hole. This is a very tall mug to begin with and now with the flame its like the Empire State building. I then sanded the hole.
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Dan is the air compressor expert. He blew off all the dust from sanding.
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Into the kiln along with one of the decanter's to fire.
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More photos tomorrow. Since I also broke my ankle and had knee and thumb surgery I leaving now for physical therapy. What a winter!

Thank you always for checking out this project. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-12-29 10:45 ]

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bavtech posted on 12/29/2011

Hi.... Can I get on the list for one of the mugs!

MikeyTiki posted on 12/29/2011

Wow, this looks like it is going to be one awesome mug! Thanks for all the step-by-step pictures!

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WaikikianMoeKele posted on 12/29/2011

This mug looks so cool! Please put me on the 'want one' list.

Big Kahuna posted on 12/30/2011

Hi, Wendy. I think The Blue Kahuna is 3rd on the list. Would you please add me?

danlovestikis posted on 12/30/2011

Hi Big Kahuna, I also have a paper list and you were right under him so I have corrected my error.

Today is the day sculptor's fear. We are making the mold. Looking at the detail the mold will be 6 pieces. I can also hope I don't damage it during this process. I'll be taking photos so there will those soon.

Meanwhile here are some more on the flame process. Cheers, Wendy

At this point I have made 60 flames and they have bisque fired.
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Before Glazing they must be dust free or the glaze with skip and crawl. We use a strong spray of water inside and out to clear off the dust.
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Then they need to dry overnight.
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I filled each flame with glaze and then drained it out.
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Next I hand painted three layers of glaze on the outside of each flame.
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Dan's calling it is time to mold in the cold cold garage. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-12-30 08:26 ]

The Blue Kahuna posted on 12/30/2011

. . . Zombie Torch . . . AWESOME!

[ Edited by: The Blue Kahuna 2011-12-30 19:40 ]

danlovestikis posted on 12/31/2011

Hi Blue Kahuna, Dan has changed the name to Zombie Torch. You have my permission to write comments like that one over and over again on my thread....please.

We worked on the mold all day and maybe have 4 of 6 pieces done in 8.5 hours. We made every error in the book and I'll share them soon. We'll be back at it tomorrow. I even figured out something I hadn't done before.

Mold making is not fun or easy but at least we had every thing we needed to fix the errors so we spent the day in our plaster covered clothes.

Now after a long shower we are in our PJ's and are ready for dinner and a movie, cheers, Wendy

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Professor G posted on 12/31/2011

I watch this thread like normal humans watch television. If I miss an episode my whole day is gloomier.

[ Edited by: Professor G 2011-12-30 18:42 ]

danlovestikis posted on 12/31/2011

Well Professor G tomorrow you will have sunshine so sleep well tonight! Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 12/31/2011

It's great to see the updates...
Thanks for all the pics
Sign me up...

The Blue Kahuna posted on 12/31/2011

On the one hand it is really hard to wait . . . really. However, on the other hand, the step-by-step photo "essay" really enhances the experience and enjoyment of the final piece . . . so well worth the wait and anticipation!

Thanks Wendy!

danlovestikis posted on 12/31/2011

Hi hang10tiki I have added you to the waiting list, thank you.
The Blue Kahuna, sometimes its really hard to take photos. Especially when my hands get covered with glaze or clay. But you all make it worth it for me. I think yesterday I washed my hands an extra 20 times just so I could get good shots. I really appreciate your comments.

Here are the next steps for the flame.

I decided that I wanted more yellow at the bottom of the flame so 3 more coats.
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They have been glazed inside and out so they can't touch the kiln shelf or they will fuse to it. I set them onto spikes.
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Two layers in the kiln for the 60 flames.
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Two days later when I opened the kiln I found I'd made modern art.
Both shelves had fused flames.
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What I learned was don't set them lightly on the spikes because as they melt unevenly they lose balance. I should have pressed them down until the spike tip touched the ceramic. I was able to break some of them apart.
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I've since used a dremmel to grind off the kiln wash. In the future I will see if I can re-melt these to reclaim them.

It's time to get into the garage to work on the mold again. I hope you will all have a very happy, fun, safe New Years. I'll send you all a midnight hug, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-12-31 07:58 ]

MadDogMike posted on 12/31/2011

Wendy, you're up and posting early this morning!

I love how those flames are turning out and the concept of the Zombie Torch. Hope you didn't lose too many flames to fusing. Can't wait to see it finished!

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