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My bar, its first party and my first mai tai.

Pages: 1 13 replies

Primo Kimo posted on 11/24/2003

This last saturday was great fun for me. I mixed my first Mai Tai (and then 30 others). I was able to expose the masses in my small town of Burlington, Vermont to my/our love of tiki. Unfortunately, I am far removed from most of the U.S. and no Tiki Central members were in attendance to wallow in my creation. I wanted to name my place that night, so I asked the non-Tikicentric guests for some names. I was stumped by the their crappy suggestions. Therefore, I would like to solicit TC members for some creative tiki bar names. The general kind of feel of the place is space station tiki. Wait... is that the name? Click here and scroll down to see some pics.

[ Edited by: Primo Kimo on 2004-01-20 16:08 ]

johnnievelour posted on 11/24/2003

Wow I like that place, It looks like there is some great lighting effects. Especially glimmering off all the metal.

I lik e Droopy the tiki so how about sticking his mane in there, Droopy's Lounge, Droopy's Underground Hideaway.

Or how about Burlington Mai Tai Factory.

I use to have a roommate who was from Burlington, and ya, small town.

Maori_man posted on 11/24/2003

Cool! wish I had the room to do that!

You have have the hubcaps in the entry- how about "Hubcap Ma'Hallo(w)".

Just a suggestion from a green horn!!

chefgrey2 posted on 11/25/2003

Aloha, PrimoKimo! (Number One!), Sorry I wasn't there at your bash, but I was on Honeymoon in Hawaii...at least I got to meet Gecko, and hang out at La Mariana, among others...I'm sure you'll find lots of people that appreciate Tiki in that town, as I spent years throwing bashes to educate the "Great Unwashed"...I'll be moving to Chicago next week, so new email address: [email protected] phone number...keep in touch! Mahalo, Grey

chefgrey2 posted on 11/25/2003

Aloha, PrimoKimo! (Number One!), Sorry I wasn't there at your bash, but I was on Honeymoon in Hawaii...at least I got to meet Gecko, and hang out at La Mariana, among others...I'm sure you'll find lots of people that appreciate Tiki in that town, as I spent years throwing bashes to educate the "Great Unwashed"...I'll be moving to Chicago next week, so new email address: [email protected] ...same phone number...keep in touch! Mahalo, Grey

Primo Kimo posted on 11/25/2003

Congratulations on your recent nuptials! However, I am not sure why you wouldn't have cut short the honeymoon in Hawaii and raced back to Vermont for my shindig. Thanks alot;) Hopefully you WILL make it back this way sometime to see the progress.
Good luck in Chicago!
Talk to you soon!

purple jade posted on 11/25/2003

Congratulations on spelling "nuptials" correctly! (A commonly misspelled word.)

I'd give you some ideas for a name for the bar, but you still haven't answered my email re: the eBay spelling contest, so you git NUTHIN' until you do! :wink:

Johnny Dollar posted on 11/25/2003

"Moonbase Rongorongo"


Feelin Zombified posted on 11/25/2003

how about:


I'd love to hear some of your non-tiki friends' suggestions...


freddiefreelance posted on 11/25/2003

What about Mauna 'Oma'oma'o? If I looked up correctly that's "Green Mountain" in Hawaiian.

Geeky Tiki posted on 11/25/2003

Aloha to Brrrrrrr-lington.

Hmmmm, I agree with the space theme, how about "Tikiwahine-I-8"

Primo Kimo posted on 11/27/2003

Aloha folks!
Thanks for your input jv, Mm, not pj, JD, FZ, ff and GT. I really get a good feeling about MoonBase Kahiki or something similar. Any more thoughts?

Primo Kimo posted on 12/03/2003

Okay. I have really made up my mind. Drum roll please...bruddahs and wahines I am pleased to announce the birth of...
the "Kahiki Moon" Room.

Mahalo for all your suggestions!

"I like you, man. You're crazy, but I like you."

[ Edited by: Primo Kimo on 2003-12-03 12:25 ]

Feelin Zombified posted on 12/03/2003

cool name... I like.


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