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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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hang10tiki posted on 12/20/2011

New stuff???

Savage Daddy posted on 12/22/2011

Missing the Buzzy updates...:(

MadDogMike posted on 12/22/2011


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/05/2012

Happy New Year all!

Hopefully I'll have more to show this year, but until I do here's a few things I did to wrap up last year

I carved a pair of masks for the Tonga Hut remodel. Here's one a little bit before it was finished:

And now installed under the bar(all the Tonga Hut pictures were taken by other people, I borrowed them from other TC threads):

I never got a picture of the other one, but it looks like a tiki and kind of the same as the other one but with a little bit different features.

I also painted the front of the bar green:

I installed a bamboo fence behind the fountain:

I put up the wall on the left side of the photo:

And then my biggest part of the project` was making all the benches. Here's the one by the fireplace:

Another one along the other wall:

And a matching portable one:

The dark shadows below the cushions are my work:

Mojave Crew did a kick ass job on the fireplace and rock wall between the benches.

People had such a good time sitting down at the Tonga Hut, they asked me to do another portable bench for New Year's Eve. Here's an in progress shot

It was the first project I did in my new workshop!

We're converting the old horse stalls into usable space. I took over one as a woodshop/work area after they cemented it in:

It's 12' x 12'.

I've already started ordering tools to fill it up with:

I'm using another room for log storage:

The log wall:

In other news, one of my bigest fans came out to Las Vegas to see me:

I took him to Frankie's and showed him a good time:

If you're ever at Frankie's and some chick asks if you want to see her light her titties on fire, say, "Yes!"

After that, I brought the Benzarts out to Mojave Oasis for a quick stay and I bought this piece off of him:

Benzart #147. Now I actually have a Benzart "collection!"

I never took photos of the finished plane, but here are a few right before it was done:

The wing got painted, a motor, pilot and propeller were added after this

It was all hand painted, both sides. I did a crap load of these flowers all over it

Tribute to the original Lake Loreen Tiki Bird

And other than that, I got a gun a while back and I've been doing a lot of shooting. So much,in fact, that I built a shooting range on the property:

I'm using my resin seconds as targets. Half the days now, I fire off a few rounds before I even get dressed. Zaya bought me a camo set of pajamas and calls them my "shootin jammies." Sometimes i'll even pop off a couple rounds before I get out bed in the morning. That's when you really need shootin' jammies...

Until next time,
Buzzy Out!

MadDogMike posted on 01/05/2012

Buzz, you crack me up - I've missed your posts. Do you have any sunsets to show us? I didn't notice a shop-vac in with the new tools :D

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AlohaStation posted on 01/05/2012

Good to see an update. Its been kinda quiet around here.

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4WDtiki posted on 01/05/2012

No carpet in the new work area?!?!?! :-?

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cy posted on 01/05/2012

You took the words right out my mouth 4wd! Thanks for the update Buzzy, always love seeing your work.

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SandraDee posted on 01/05/2012

This is my favorite tiki Buzz.

So talented you are! :wink:

Happy New Year my friend--say hello to that lady of yours for me too!

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bigbrotiki posted on 01/05/2012

Indeed, thanks for the life sign. It's good to see some of the nuts & bolts work, too - not just that glamorous artsy stuff. :)

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TheBigT posted on 01/05/2012

Great update. Good to see you're doing well.

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pjc5150 posted on 01/06/2012

wow...great stuff man.

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The Sperm Whale posted on 01/07/2012

Shoot to Thrill !

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/13/2012

On 2012-01-04 22:45, MadDogMike wrote:
Do you have any sunsets to show us? I didn't notice a shop-vac in with the new tools :D

I haven't moved the shop vac out there yet...or the carpet. How about an old sunrise I never posted:
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I forgot about one past project when i posted the other day. I redid the interior of another vintage trailer. It's all tapa-ed out. here's the fridge and closet:
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Dining area:
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sleeping area:
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Here's the prop and engine on the plane:
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Crazy Kelly Osbourne had an Explorer engine in his yard that he donated and welded the prop mount on it:
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Here's the wing of the plane made to funtion as a bartop and seating area:
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On 2012-01-05 09:26, bigbrotiki wrote:
It's good to see some of the nuts & bolts work, too - not just that glamorous artsy stuff. :)

More nuts and bolts work...

I "lost" my old carving stand somwhere on the road, so I had to make a new one:
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It looks funny with no sticker on it. :(

And I cut a piece off of an old Benzart pole to make it more shipping friendly:
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From the Desert Fun and Games department...

We're fixing the lake here, and to do that, we had to get rid of all the water. We didn;t want to waste it, so we decided to make a mud bog track to drive cars through. Local legend Crazy Kelly-O was first to try it, and he didn't quite make it all the way through:
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Two quotes from Crazy Kelly-O right after landing here: "I sunk like a rock!" and "I'm going to be here all night..."
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"No problem" he says, "my girlfriend has a 4WD and she'll come tow me out..."
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So then comes Victor with a truck and trailer with a tractor on it to the rescue, blazing right off the road into the desert sand. Right after I asked Kelly-O, "Hey, didn't Victor get stuck the last time he drove his truck with a trailer through there?", Victor got stuck there.
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I went and got the Official Mojave Oasis 4wd jeep and came back and pulled Victor out. Then I went and pulled Kelly-O's girlfriend out. While I was towing her out, Victor got his truck stuck again. I went and towed him out again and parked the jeep back at Mojave Oasis.

We never bothered to shut off the pump, so Kelly-O's Bronco was pretty deep by now. He hit a deser "tree" trying to get out and had to cut it off the axle:
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Meanwhile, Victor got the tractor there and made Kelly an exit road:
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Victor carves Kelly-O's front end out:
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Kelly finally got free and wanted to try a run at it again, but we told him if he got stuck, we wouldn;t help him out again. He left, and Victor worked on a little "habitat restoration" until the tractor engine seized:
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We called local legend Crazy Kelly-O to come and tow the tractor out:
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Kelly struggles to free the tractor:
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Until he gets stuck again:
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He digs again while I go and get the Official Mojave Oasis Jeep 4wd and tow him out:
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I get him out, he gets Victor out, and we all ride off, or are towed off, into the sunset:
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Some fun it was!

And finally, Mojave Ice Trees in full bloom:
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The First Annual Tiki Ray Fishing Derby is under way here as well. I'll have pictures of that soon!
Buzzy Out!

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danlovestikis posted on 01/13/2012

Thank you for my midnight story. I'm so exhausted for you all that now I'll go to sleep. Nightie night, Wendy

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Cammo posted on 01/16/2012

I was jealous before this, but now I'M REALLY FREAKIN' JEALOUS!!!!

And other than that, I got a gun a while back and I've been doing a lot of shooting.
So much,in fact, that I built a shooting range on the property:

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bigbrotiki posted on 01/16/2012

What an epic tale! You made that up, right? A "Buzzy dog story"?:"A shaggy dog story is an extremely long-winded tale featuring extensive narration of typically irrelevant incidents, usually resulting in a pointless or absurd punchline. These stories are a special case of yarns, coming from the long tradition of campfire yarns."

Way to have fun in the desert! It must be the Mojave version of a truck pull:

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When I had moved here a thirty years ago, one of my first sports events I went to was an indoor truck pull, just to confirm what a strange place I had landed in.

Hey, how about a "Tiki Pull" at Mojave Oasis !?

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Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/19/2012

A little update from the shop:
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I'm getting it all set up now!

I got a new load of logs from SD home and had to square them out
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While I was doing that, I kept looking at a few scraps of wood that I had stored in there that were "calling" me

On a whim, I used some of the wood and knocked out a couple Witco copies:
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It was more of tool test for some new saws and cutty tools I just got...

One of the Mojave crew welded some brackets on the wall so i could start building my work table
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3 x 8' of usable work space. Hopefully I can get it all tacked together today.

On 2012-01-16 07:12, Cammo wrote:
I was jealous before this, but now I'M REALLY FREAKIN' JEALOUS!!!!

Come on out Cammo! I'll give you the Mojave redneck immersion program: Shootin', off roadin', fixin' machines, and stealin' abandoned property.

On 2012-01-16 09:26, bigbrotiki wrote:
What an epic tale! You made that up, right? A "Buzzy dog story"?:

It's just "another day in the life...." tale. If any of you wonder why I don't carve as much as I used to, just check that post and see how my time out here vanishes into the desert dust. That was a nice 5 hour distraction!

On 2012-01-13 00:00, danlovestikis wrote:
I'm so exhausted for you all that now I'll go to sleep.

that's what I get for paying attention to what goes on outside the fence. Lesson learned!

Back out there...
Buzzy Out!

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Creative Chimp posted on 01/20/2012

damn buzz........you have a nice pile of wood (thats what she said).....love that plane.....seems like your living the dream. i miss your post like the old days but your doing some amazing stuff out there....

redneck immersion? getting stuck and stealing stuff? and all while not spilling your beer..........IM IN!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/26/2012

I caught a nice sunrise a couple of days ago:
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Back at the shop, I finished the new worktable
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Now I have to work on the walls:
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so far, It's been working out well in there.

And, I still have this side to grow into:
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In tiki making news, I put some finish on these guys:
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I'm also learning some power new tools that I just got, as well as some wood I've never worked with, so I knocked out a quick marq test piece:
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It's got a few problems. I can really tell that I freehanded the original drawing because the symmetry is way off. It also looks a little blocky and plain.

So, for my second attempt, I did a better initial layout and outlined the piece a little differently:
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I also got rid of some details that didn;t work and stained it darker. A little better, but still off in a lot of ways

It was noticeably better than the first, but it was still a little plain and doesn't make good use of the negative space. I stenciled the second piece and drew out a more elaborate piece with the same original design:
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Here's the finished piece:
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Much better, but I don't like the mouth. Next practice piece will try to fix that...

All three together:
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It was a nice day today. That means the bugs, wind, extreme heat, or cold is on the way!
Buzzy Out!

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RevBambooBen posted on 01/26/2012

Tweekin Yet?

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NIxxon posted on 01/26/2012

those look fantastic. Great job!

I must also say that I am extremely intrigued by your piece of property. Looks like you have your own little slice of heaven there brother.

Keep up the good work!!!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/27/2012

Today's sunset:
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Wind it was, but it came too late to ruin anything

I went back to work on that stencil image that I was messing with yesterday. Before I did the mirrored piece, I did a practice piece with the new mouth:
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I connected a couple lines so there were some really long contours to cut out. The outline was jazzed up a bit too

The progression over three tries:
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The mouth worked, so...

On to the new mirrored version:
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That one worked out ok

Still more hours in the day, so I tried another mirrored one, but this one was done with a cutout for the mouth:
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I guess it's cool, if you're into that cutout thing.

Recap of today's efforts:
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The Midweek Collection:
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I also found some time to wrap the rope around the base of this guy:
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that took forever.

On 2012-01-25 21:41, NIxxon wrote:
I must also say that I am extremely intrigued by your piece of property. Looks like you have your own little slice of heaven there brother.

Definitely a diamond in the rough. Just never ever leave the fenceline.

On 2012-01-25 21:35, RevBambooBen wrote:
Tweekin Yet?

No. But when I do, I'm trading your camper shell for a little bag of it. Danny's ladder too.

I need more lumber, and another stencil...
Buzzy Out!

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RevBambooBen posted on 01/28/2012


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laojia posted on 01/29/2012

On 2012-01-26 21:22, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

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This guy is very nice!!! You have a cool place to work...


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Babalu posted on 01/29/2012

nice digs Buzz master!

ps: AGREE! :down:

[ Edited by: Babalu 2012-01-29 07:20 ]

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/bbe3f6b58b245d0670cc5c037c4ec37c?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Cammo posted on 01/29/2012

Just carve yourself a great big Geodesic Dome that covers your place fenceline to fenceline, then AC the whole thing:

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Fig. 1

You'll also need a deck that floats 1' off the ground to avoid the local crawlies. (See Fig. 1)
In and out entry tubes can be placed at the leeward side of the wind, or the whole dome can be rotated depending on weather conditions.

Anything The Mirage in Las Vegas can do, Buzzy can do better!

[ Edited by: Cammo 2012-01-29 07:19 ]

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5ce256db052ec2794b36100793feff5e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Benzart posted on 01/30/2012

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Thanks Buzzy, hopefully mit will arrive at it's final destination Soon..
Love the Sunset,
Love the Ice trees in Bloom
Love your work, I get to go back to work today!! YIPPEEEE>


[ Edited by: Benzart 2012-01-30 08:23 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/31/2012

A sunset:
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I went back to my explorations with the Marq style power tooled panels today. Like last week's fun, I started with a practice piece on a leftover scrap:
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This rough draft showed me where the trouble areas would be and gave me a starting point for my more involved second effort. I also tried a different stain that had too much yellow in it.

I wanted to do a full round for this one:
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I like the way the way this one turned out. A couple revisions on my next attempt and it just might work.

Today's samples:
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Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/01/2012

Today's sunset looks a lot like yesterday's:
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Today's adventures revolved around the round pieces again. First, I made one like this:
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And then I made one like this:
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The pair:
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The lot:
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More wood and more week to go.
Buzzy Out!

MadDogMike posted on 02/01/2012

Looks like a giant Chinese lucky coin :lol: Good to see so much action from you Buzz

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AlohaStation posted on 02/01/2012

I like these alot! How big are they? My imagination tells me that they are several feet across or the size of a trash can lid - my logical side tells me they are only several inches across (damn logic needs to be quiet - don't worry my imagination usually wins in these battles).

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/06/2012

Today's sunset:
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I ended last week by messing around with one of those tahitian dagger knifey things:
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I need to fix a couple things on it...

Today, I tried one of these:
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On 2012-02-01 10:28, AlohaStation wrote:
How big are they?

About the size of a record. I'm using 12" stock and they're a little oblong. The two I just posted are 14" tall.

On 2012-01-31 19:49, MadDogMike wrote:
Looks like a giant Chinese lucky coin :lol:

Just wait until I mount one with with a dowel raised up over a sleek wood slab.

Buzzy Out!

R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/168526c570cb49a308f75b14386bfbfd?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
RevBambooBen posted on 02/07/2012

Just wait until I mount one.

Buzzy Out!

Getting lonely out there east of the 15?!?

HOK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a089b598b6aea50e5cdb3d38de4dec55?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
HOUSE OF KU posted on 02/08/2012

Watch out for splinters...:lol:

MadDogMike posted on 02/08/2012

I would recommend a good wood wax

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/09/2012

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Yesterday, I did a 19" rough draft version of a back 2 back Marq plank tiki:
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I'll say it again about another one of these first attempts: There are a few troublesome areas that need to be addressed.

Earlier today, local legend Crazy Kelly Osborne was looking at the dark Maoi and asked me why all my tikis are dark. He thinks tikis should look light and old. I wasn't really listening to everything he said after that about how tikis should be made, because he is, afterall, a mechanic whose own car doesn't even have reverse. So, instead of light and old, I made a Moai that was light gold:
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I'm going to do a red one next. And then orange...
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After I was all warmed up, I did version 2.0 of the back 2 back marq:
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I like that one a lot better. I used a different stain as well

Side by side comparision of 1.0 and 2.0
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This week's collection:
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On 2012-02-07 12:02, RevBambooBen wrote:

Getting lonely out there east of the 15?!?

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Yeah, come on out neighbor. We'll go for a ride...bring some Pabst...

A Candy Colored Clown They Call The Sandman
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/10/2012

Today's sunset:
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I had a couple scraps of wood that I wanted to get rid of so I followed through on yesterday's promise and made an orange Moai:
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I monkeyed around with the depths a bit on this one. I left the cheek shallower than the others and made the rest much deeper

then I made the red one that I also talked about yesterday:
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same deep/shallow deal as the orange one

These are much neater than plan old stain color test strips:
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i liked the red one's color, so I made another, but without the cheek cutout:
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now I want to try one like that, but only blackish. I also want to change one or two minor things on it

My Moai collection:
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Sooner or later, I'm bound to get one of these right.
Buzzy Out!

MadDogMike posted on 02/10/2012

Never trust a skinny cook or a mechanic who's reverse doesn't work. You're a machine Buzz!

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/7a941b837d16ee9a5136483d06e4baad?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
McTiki posted on 02/10/2012

Holy Moais! Way cool stuff Dr. Buzz.



R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/168526c570cb49a308f75b14386bfbfd?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
RevBambooBen posted on 02/10/2012

Moai shooting gallery??

( get Victor and Kelly to rig up a pulley system :wink:

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/11/2012

Today's sunset:
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I started out today by doing a smaller round piece:
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That one totally sucks...

To regroup, I did another Moai, this one blackish with a couple changes:
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After that, I was going to call it a day, but I didn't want to leave that first piece "unresolved." So, I knocked out a second attempt:
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I like the contour style better. Border needs work

First and second tries:
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And today's lot:
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Aw crap, computer's acting up and I can't cut and paste comments...
I'll try later.
Buzzy Out!

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TheBigT posted on 02/11/2012

I do like all the different color moais. Those are cool.

R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/168526c570cb49a308f75b14386bfbfd?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
RevBambooBen posted on 02/11/2012

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This wood be rad at Newbucky!

All with Tiki!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/12/2012

Missed the sunset yesterday...Here's an old one I don't think I posted
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I'd like to welcome back the wind for it's annual 3 month stay...

I locked myself away in the factory yesterday and knocked out a day's worth of pieces

I started out by making out these four Moais in colors I didn;t use yet:
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I think I only have three more stains on hand to test...

And then I did the reworked versions of the little circular piece
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I messed around with the border details on each to see which one worked best

Here is my day's output:
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It was a good week. I managed to knock out all these pieces:
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And, the work I've done in the last couple of weeks:
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Instant vending booth, just add tiki event...
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On 2012-02-10 08:40, RevBambooBen wrote:
Moai shooting gallery??

Had one of those for a while now....I do need an upgrade:
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I used to sell my resin seconds for $1 each...
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Now I shoot them into little pieces. It's a much better deal for me

On 2012-02-10 03:38, McTiki wrote:
Holy Moais! Way cool stuff Dr. Buzz.


Thanks McT.

On 2012-02-09 21:47, MadDogMike wrote:
Never trust a skinny cook or a mechanic who's reverse doesn't work. You're a machine Buzz!

His reverse didn't work the other day, he couldn't make the turn radius he needed, and got stuck in the lake bed:
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I couldn't afford to lose another day watchin them, so I left and went to town for this stuck in the mud adventure. When I returned, there were signs of: a second truck being stuck, an ATV used unsuccessfully to free them, a tractor somehow involved in the process, and another 4wd that actually got them all out.
AND, tragically, they backed into my shooting range with a stupid trailer and messed it all up

On 2012-02-11 08:48, TheBigT wrote:
I do like all the different color moais. Those are cool.

Tell me when it reaches the saturation point:
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On 2012-02-11 11:21, RevBambooBen wrote:
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This wood be rad at Newbucky! All with Tiki!

From what I see, we're pretty much there. We got the gopher holes, old dock, dry lake, two post sign, leafless trees,... The only thing I see different is that our cactus here are dead.

If it's old or broken, shoot it!
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 02/15/2012

The wind blew away the sunset today:
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I rested up a bit yesterday and returned to the factory to knock out some more work. Here's today's stuff:
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I thought I'd start out the day by making something, and then mounting it:
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He looks happy about it.

This one always looked like a PNG dog to me:
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I wanted to see how small I could go with the router lined details so I made this:
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It didn't look good enough to mount. I'll have a couple drinks and later on see if it gets better looking. Then I might mount it.

Finished the day with a double bird easter island piece:
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I mounted that one as well...

Buzzy Out!

R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/168526c570cb49a308f75b14386bfbfd?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
RevBambooBen posted on 02/15/2012

get any splinterz mountin all that wood?

HOK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a089b598b6aea50e5cdb3d38de4dec55?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
HOUSE OF KU posted on 02/15/2012

On 2012-02-14 20:55, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
It didn't look good enough to mount. I'll have a couple drinks and later on see if it gets better looking. Then I might mount it.

Thats what she said! :) Cool looking router work there Buzzy!

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