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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Aloha and mahalo from Hanford Lemoore

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Thanks for making this happen Hanford, this site has been invaluable to me in many ways. Thanks!

[ Edited by: Wayfarer 2012-01-13 00:35 ]

Many mahalos Hanford, for creating Tiki Central!

I know it has changed my life over the last 11 years... from a hobby - to an addiction - to a lifestyle.
It has helped me grow as an artist in ways I never could have imagined,
and along the way I have had to opportunity to make new friends all over the world.

Happy Birthday, and Congrats!

Congratulations Hanford, and many thanks for enriching my life with tiki, Tiki Central and the friends I have made through tiki.

I'll raise a glass (or tiki mug) to you.



congratulations and happy birthday Tiki Central !
Hanford, I hope to meet you again for a drink sometime. (last time was 7 years ago).

Thanks, Hanford for being the model of what a chief moderator should be and playing Dad to all us rambunctious children. You've simultaneously created a board that has been one of the best social websites ever created, yet still somehow manages to fly under the radar of my company's social network filter, allowing me to browse and post at work.

Enjoy your well-earned retirement. I have a feeling I'll still bump into you from time to time at some drunken room party at some tiki event. Good choice with Hakalugi - he'll make an excellent Dread Pirate Roberts.

Thanks... for the memories/ For the tiki things you've done/ The wonderful site you've run/ We've learned a lot and laughed a lot and its been so much fun/ We thankyou... Hanford.


Happy Birthday TC! Thank you Hanford for being at the helm for this long. Haka, thank you for stepping up.

Mahalo to all!


Thank you Hanford and Happy Birthday Tiki Central!

On 2012-01-13 02:01, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:
Good choice with Hakalugi - he'll make an excellent Dread Pirate Roberts.

"As you wish" Sabu, Hakalugi will indeed make an excellent Dread Pirate Roberts, I would bet on the Iocane powder!

[ Edited by: Chuck Tatum is Tiki 2012-01-13 04:21 ]


Thank You Hanford, and Happy Birthday TC! And to all the wonderful people who've shown me friendship here, many thanks to you too!



It's been a pleasure getting to know you as a personal friend, Hanford.
May your paper, and or laminate, wallets be filled with expendable resources.

I've made some very close friends through the portal of Tiki Central and for that I say "mahalo."

I've also made some formidable enemies. I'm glaring at you, Ruzic.


Happy Belated Birthday, Tiki Central!!!

And Mahalo Nui Loa to Hanford for creating such a great site...

Also to those who populated it with such wonderful imagery, starting from Sven for the classic era tiki establishments and fatherly guidance as to what is and what ISN'T TIKI!! To the artists and hobbyists creating their own spaces to inspire us all, to the carvers trying to keep the historic images alive and just the friendly nature of everyone here. Thank you ALL!!!



Thank you for your service. This place has been a source of inspiration and good friends.

[ Edited by: AlohaStation 2012-01-13 07:31 ]

Happy Birthday Tiki Central Thank You Hanford! TC has very much enriched my life, it's been incredible. Thanks also to Hakalugi and and my friend Boris and all the moderators and charter's. Aloha!

Have thoroughly enjoyed every moment consulting the Oracle of TikiCentral. All the friendly advice about carving, and genuinely nice people. Even got to meet some of the gang at the Relighting party at Kon Tiki in Tucson. Congratulations and thanks, Hanford.

Congrats Hanford! And thanks for putting tiki on the web for us.
I too, remember those days when the internet was literally devoid of any tiki at all. Those were the exciting days!
TC was absolutely imperative to the expansion and development of tiki archeology and knowledge. It's proven to be and invaluable resource.
Can't believe it's been 12 years already!!

Mahalo Hanford!

Happy Birthday Tiki Central and a huge thank you to Hanford for creating it.

Here's to many more years!

Oh, and thanks people for all the kind words!

Okay... now listen up folks! Hanford has left the building. The party is over and there's going to be some major changes now that Hanford has handed me the keys. First off, there will be zero tolerance for surf music, sorry, it has to go (sorry Jeff). Additionally, from now on you will all refer to me as Lord Haka. Shortly I will be resetting the Tiki Central clock to year zero as I have deemed the Tiki Revival as officially over. We are entering a new era of Tiki, a dynasty..., the House of Haka. Instead of saying "Aloha", we will say "Haka". Once a week I will expect some sort of offering from everyone, this will of course...huh? Oh, hi Hanford... okay, never-mind. You can ignore this last paragraph. Sorry about that, carry on.

Once again, thanks everyone! (except Unga Bunga).

Mahalo Hanford for giving us a place to congregate and realize there were other people besides ourselves that were into tiki. I think because of Tiki Central, this whole thing of ours can be classified as a subculture!

Happy Birthday, Tiki Central! Thank you, Hanford, for providing a cool place when I need some tiki!

On 2012-01-12 19:02, RevBambooBen wrote:
Happy 12th Tiki Central Tiki Freaks!!!

I'm soooo bummed you didn't put me in charge, Hanford.

I hope you get a flat tire while drinking a Fat Tire!

lol! Arrrrr. :);):);) Good Times you've made!!


p.s. perfect time for a lil' fried spam and eggs.

I might be on "Storage Wars" this Tues. 1/17.

Check it out.

Cool, we'll set the DVR to record.

Well what....!!? You're away for a day, and all hell breaks loose! Well, now it's official, we are divorced... :wink: I just wish I would have reached my 10.000st post for this, but you couldn't wait :D

No really, thank you for this amazing place of congregation! It has been invaluable for my research, and a great home port for feeling connected to the source while on foreign soil. Lots of water has flowed under the Tiki bridge, and lots more will. Thank you for building and maintaining it, and thanks to all those who crossed it with me.

I was looking for that Tiki Central membership card that Jennifer Thompson made, I still have it somewhere....

Thank you Hanford! Long Live Tiki Central!


Thanks Hanford for the inspiration that this site has brought to so many Tikiphiles!

Thank you Hanford for this incredible site. I've made many new friends, learned a boatload of tiki stuff and fanned the flames of my tiki passion. Not to mention, I've gone to some cool parties. I'm a relatively new member (2 years) but I wish I had found this site sooner.

BIG Mahaloz Hanford Lemoore for TC. I really do aprreciate this site.

:tiki: ____________ :sheckymug: :tiki: :sheckymug: :drink: :sheckymug: HB#12 TC! :sheckymug: :drink: :sheckymug: :tiki: :sheckymug: ____________ :tiki:

Zoinks Hanford! What a hep iClub indeed!!
Chokest mahalo'z for establishing da swankest tiki breeder outpost on this planet!!!
Enriching our poly-lifestyle and pop-fortification of haute culture... :D

  • "O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
    Rise up--for you the flag is flung for you the bugle trills,
    For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths for you the shores a-crowding,
    For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning..." *

:drink: _hanford :tiki:RELAX :tiki: lamoore :drink:

--- music ---

Ooga Haka! Ooga ooga ooga Haka!
Ooooga ooga ooga HAKA!!

--- party mix ---

Lugi Lugi, oh no! We gonna go...
Aye-yi-yi-yi, I said
H-A-K-A-L-U-G-I! Oh baby?!!
TC not gotta go now...
Yeah, yeah, yay, yay, YAY! :)

Okay, let's give it to 'em, RIGHT NOW!!!
:tiki: :drink: :lol: :drink: :lol: :drink: :lol: :drink: :lol: OKOLE MALUNA :lol: :drink: :lol: :drink: :lol: :drink: :lol: :drink: :tiki:

...and many more!!!!!!


Hanford, thank you so much.

You really changed the world for the better.

Cheers and Happy 12th Anniversary.

Happy Birthday TC and Thank you from a new member!


On 2012-01-12 19:02, RevBambooBen wrote:

I might be on "Storage Wars" this Tues. 1/17.

Check it out.

Forget to pay your bill?

You are a dick.

Sorry Hanford.


On 2012-01-16 01:02, Mrs Bamboo wrote:
You are a dick.

Sorry Hanford.

Lighten up, Francis!


Thanks Hanford. This has been a great clearinghouse for information on all things Tiki. Your pet internet project has inspired a LOT of people both dedicated or passingly interested in Tiki. Cheers to you my friend!

On 2012-01-12 17:46, mrsmiley wrote:
I LOVE YOU, MAN! Congrats on 12 years of TC! It has formed my life immensely; I even married a TC member, Inky louise!

Ps-If you are no longer at the helm, does that mean Russell S. Monkey can return!!?!?!


Wow.... time flies.

I echo the sentiments of many before. This has been a life changer.

Thank You


You're the best, Hanford. My life is rich with amazing people thanks to TC. Just wish I saw more of ya.


Thanks for all your work - this site has kept me going through some hard times.

Mahalo, Hanford. Your hard work on Tiki Central has had a huge impact on both me and tikival, and our friends and family.



Aloha & Mahalo Hanford!
I haven't been around as much as I'd like to in recent months, but I'm always here in spirit.
Thank you for starting something that has meant so much to me, and has turned my life into a wonderful tiki life.


Happy birthday TC from me too. It's been nice discovering that I'm not the only one who likes Tiki. One of my favorite things to do with friends and family is to show them this site to prove I'm not the crazy loner they make me out to be.

Mahalo Hanford for all these years of fun and information and for all the friends that TC has brought into our lives. I for one am on here most days. When you are down for maintenance I feel the loss. Cheers, Wendy and Dan

Hanford, Thank You, and the entire crew for showing me the way. Cheers!

Great people, music, drinks, art, food, fun. I'm hooked!! Happy anniversary TC and thank you Hanford.

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