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Twilight Zone Tiki

Pages: 1 4 replies

bongofury posted on 11/26/2003

A nicely adorned piano........

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 11/26/2003

Holy Moly! Good eye BongoFury! Before scrolling down to the second picture, I tried seeing where a tiki was suppose to be and I completely missed it!

Sheesh, my tikidar is off. Excuse me while I recalibrate with a cocktail & pupus...

bongofury posted on 11/26/2003

SCD......I think this episode was called "A Piano In The House" but I'm not sure, maybe someone else can confirm.....before I grabbed the digital camera there was some shots of the pawn shop where they bought the piano and there were some maori type tikis/masks on the shelves......maybe this will be on a TZ marathon Thanksgiving or New Years......

Suburban Hipster posted on 11/26/2003

You're right about the title. It was "A Piano in the House" with guest star Barry Morse or "Space: 1999" fame.

tikibars posted on 11/26/2003

On 2003-11-26 08:24, Suburban Hipster wrote:
You're right about the title. It was "A Piano in the House" with guest star Barry Morse or "Space: 1999" fame.

...who mysteriously vanished between the first and second seasons with no explaination. Must have been that heart condition of his.

Sometimes I wonder where all of the old stuff I have came from. I want to know who, when, where, and why a Maori piano was built...? Made in Aotearoa and shipped to LA by a rich kiwi family moving to Hollywood, who eventually all died off, and who's estate executors pawned the piano off to TV prop supply house....? Or did ol' Rod Serling simply say, "Y'know, Mr. Prop Guys, a New Zealand Maori Tiki face on that piano would be reeeaallllyyyy creepy! Make it so!". Maybe an expatriated Maori was working on the set and slapped the thing on the piano on the QT?

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