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My first attempt at urban Archeology: Jungle Island

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tiki mick posted on 12/01/2008

This used to be Jungle Island, across the street from Knott's berry farm. Featuring odd animal scultures and even missionaries being boiled in a pot by "natives". It had a train ride, and a boat ride, and many paths through a "jungle". It strikes me as a great place for some huge tiki event, as you can rent the area out for large parties or events.

martiki posted on 12/01/2008

That's a great idea- can you bring booze into the farm?

tiki mick posted on 12/01/2008

It's an area for private events. Next time I go down there I will ask, but I think so. It is outside the theme park. The only draw-back is that if you drink, you would need a taxi, as the nearest hotels and motels are a bit of a walk. Not a huge walk, but down the street on beach. I figure if anyone organized an event, say with vending, food, an tiki bar, tiki torches to light the place up and bands like tikiyaki orchestra, Hula girls, exotiki, Martini Kings, King Kukulele, (hint hint!) it might be a really cool place. The whole thing is surrounded more or less by a "river", and the inside area, the "island" is really big. Two big A-frame open air structures, an A frame clubhouse (in my picture)bathrooms, chairs, tables, and pretty much cut-off from the non-tiki riffraff walking out or in from knotts.

I was looking across the "river" and my thoughts were: There is Quiet Village, right in front of me!

Maybe the name for my ficticious event is "QUIET VILLAGE '09"

bigbrotiki posted on 12/01/2008

Very cool, didn't know this still existed! :)

tiki mick posted on 12/01/2008


Turns out Tangaroa had some info on this, but alas, the pictures he posted are all gone...


tiki mick posted on 12/01/2008

Dang....I was Tiki Mick back in 2004....I should have searched this topic, but I honestly had forgotten all about it!

tikiyaki posted on 12/01/2008


This place look great. I've brought up the idea of having a traditional style Luau, with people sitting at tables on the ground, and Luau food, bands, hula dancers etc

This would be ideal. It almost looks like the Coco Palms from "Blue Hawaii"

This place would be great for a full on Tiki Luau.

I'm totally up for helping put this together.

Let's do it.

tiki mick posted on 12/01/2008

I am totally into it! The place does not look like much during the daytime, but at night, with the torches and the sounds of drums pounding...it could be incredible!

My next excursion will be to paradise point, San Diego (used to be Vacation Village) to document another vintage fake Jungle!

Jungle Trader posted on 12/01/2008

Get this! A man that I know here in Turlock said back in the 50's there was an alligator farm very near to Knott's. They started disappearing (walked away) and the State shut them down. I kid you not, true story. I wonder if this is the place.

Knock knock
Who's there?

Psycho Tiki D posted on 12/01/2008

On 2008-12-01 15:31, Jungle Trader wrote:
Get this! A man that I know here in Turlock said back in the 50's there was an alligator farm very near to Knott's. They started disappearing (walked away) and the State shut them down. I kid you not, true story. I wonder if this is the place.

Knock knock
Who's there?

Nope, this isn't the place (although there may be some sneaky alligators lurking in the ponds). The Alligator Farm was located across the street, north of Knotts Berry Farm, behind the huge pottery store. There used to be overflow parking for Knott's next to the Alligator Farm. Jungle Island was/is located on the east side of Knott's by Independence Hall. I wonder if they still have all of the carvings there?

My dad used to take us to the Alligator Farm. I'm not at all surprised to hear the alligators walked away.




[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2008-12-01 15:52 ]

[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2008-12-01 15:54 ]

tiki mick posted on 12/01/2008

Absolutely correct. And a few miles further to the north was the ultimate theme park, Japanese village and deer park.

tiki mick posted on 12/02/2008

And funny, but the other thread mentioned 1000's of chickens. (Now we know what attracted those naughty alligators!) I was there this weekend, and I counted at least 75 roosters and hens. But not on the island. Only in the area around it, near Independance hall.

Here is a tip for anyone that wants to explore this area without paying the parking (10 bucks). Just park at the north west corner of the Buena Park mall (by sears) and walk over to La Palma. Just before beach is an exit (with those tire damage knobs) and walk behind soak city to this area.

Jungle Trader posted on 12/02/2008

Well that's a no-brainer where the gators went......deer park.

Tom Slick posted on 12/02/2008

Don't forget about Enchanted Village, which was South Pacific themed, and had quite a few tikis in and around. It was built on Japanese Deer park after JDP went defunct. It had alot of trained animal shows, a traditional styled polynesian show and literally a few rides. The enviroment was immense and lush, and being there as a kid was almost like being in disneyland. They even had theme park characters walking around, but reminded me more of the stoned/hippie "Banana Splits" characters from what I recall. Well, it was the 70's, afterall!

Great find, and I would think it would make for a good springtime artshow/polyswap meet and greet with music and food being served throughout the day/evening...Use some red, blue and green parcans for the evening lighting...Ehh you know what I'm talking about! :lol:

[ Edited by: Tom Slick 2008-12-02 08:01 ]

tiki mick posted on 12/02/2008

[ Edited by: Lucas Vigor 2008-12-02 13:21 ]

arriano posted on 12/02/2008

correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Japanese Deer Park close because the deer got some disease? At least, that's what I recall.

bigtikidude posted on 12/02/2008

On 2008-12-02 08:51, lucas vigor wrote:


Hey Mick,
very interesting, I watched all 6 of the episodes,
but uh....
what does that have to do with the Topic of the thread?
maybe Im slower than the Chimps....

Jungle Trader posted on 12/03/2008

On 2008-12-02 10:22, arriano wrote:
correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Japanese Deer Park close because the deer got some disease? At least, that's what I recall.

They got Gatoritis.

tiki mick posted on 05/04/2009

At the Bamboo Ben shindig, Crazy Al asked me if anyone still had plans to do a large tiki event at this cool location....

I know Jim Tikiyaki had been thinking about it....anyone else?

bigtikidude posted on 05/04/2009

Hellz Yeah Tikiyaki and Smokin Menahunes at the Jungle Island,
and BBQ long pig.

I'm in, Mahalo.

TikiG posted on 05/04/2009

Back in the late seventies, we used to ride our bikes from Huntington Beach all the way up Beach Blvd. to this little oasis. Wasn't patrolled too well either. Why?
"...warm smell of colitas..rising up thru the air..."
Fond memories. I'm in for the luau idea, of course!

tiki mick posted on 05/04/2009

Jim was talking about setting up some old school type luau....man, that would be something!!!

I can imagine this place lit up at night with tiki torches, the sound of drumming, bird/jungle sounds on the PA, a full bar set up and serving famous exotic drinks. Bands, luaua pig....the Moia Mafia as security along the only walkway onto the island...hmmmmmmm, the possibilities!

tiki mick posted on 10/30/2009

Bumped by popular demand.


tiki mick posted on 01/17/2012


Deke Kahala posted on 01/18/2012

I'm close by to Knott's. Is the area that was Jungle Island, still standing? With Soak City and all the other buildings, it's tough to tell from Beach Blvd.

tiki mick posted on 01/18/2012

Most definitely, Deke.

What you want to do is park at the Buena Park mall and then walk over. The area formerly known as Jungle Island is right next to Independance hall, and behind soak city. You can't miss it once you get there. Walking around the perimeter will reveal where the "amusement park" used to be. The old church is on the other side. The pictures at the beginning of this thread were taken by me just before I posted them, so that area is intact, but now used for events only.

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2012-01-18 11:12 ]

Deke Kahala posted on 01/18/2012

Thanks, man! I need to check it out.

bigbrotiki posted on 01/19/2012

And (again), how come there's never been a Tiki event there !?

RevBambooBen posted on 01/19/2012

On 2012-01-18 17:51, bigbrotiki wrote:
And (again), how come there's never been a Tiki event there !?

no booze....

tiki mick posted on 01/19/2012

I got to believe that if the right offer was made, they might go for it?

tikiyaki posted on 01/19/2012

On 2012-01-18 17:51, bigbrotiki wrote:
And (again), how come there's never been a Tiki event there !?

We looked into it ! We'd have to use all their food and beverage vendors and everyone would have to buy a ticket to the park (Knotts)

Would have been too expensive. Too Bad, it's very cool !


Too bad. The Knott's Lagoon spot in the Knotts Picnic Center would have been great.

[->>King Bushwich 33rd on Hulu.com

tiki mick posted on 01/19/2012

On 2012-01-19 10:37, King Bushwich the 33rd wrote:
The Knott's Lagoon spot in the Knotts Picnic Areas would have been great.

The Knott's lagoon IS the same area as Jungle island, and was part of Jungle Island. Those water shots at the beginning of this thread are the lagoon.

bigbrotiki posted on 01/19/2012

On 2012-01-19 09:52, tikiyaki wrote:

On 2012-01-18 17:51, bigbrotiki wrote:
And (again), how come there's never been a Tiki event there !?

We looked into it ! We'd have to use all their food and beverage vendors and everyone would have to buy a ticket to the park (Knotts)

Would have been too expensive. Too Bad, it's very cool !

Maybe Chris Merrit (Tangaroa) can put in a good word in for us to get around that!


Though making a book about a place does not necessarily help you get past corporate structures.

tiki mick posted on 01/19/2012

Here is another article I found about it. Scroll down a bit, and you can see jungle island pretty clearly (They zoomed the shot)


bigbrotiki posted on 01/19/2012

What you don't really see well in that zoom-in is the great A-frame structure you posted on page 1:

What's that incongruous fence doing there...shielding of the traffic view?

tiki mick posted on 01/19/2012

That might be a newer edifice?

I have found this website to be a great reference for seeing what things used to look like (from the air):


tiki mick posted on 01/20/2012

Yes, there were alligators across the street from Knott's Berry Farm

MiceAge: California Alligator Farm


Meanwhile back at Knott's main park at the Boardwalk area

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