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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Coconut cups

Pages: 1 3 replies

Spoons posted on 01/18/2012

I saved these three ceramic cups from he landfill today and I can't find anything about them online.
Would any sage tiki master's help me identify these? They have textured surfaces, as if simulating wood grain.

SandraDee posted on 01/19/2012

They are from Trader Vic's.
They are coconut mugs.

No, they are not worth anything but what someone would pay for them.
Most tiki collectors have dozens of these in their collection because they are not rare.

Make a cocktail and enjoy!

Spoons posted on 01/19/2012

Make a cocktail and enjoy!

Oh sure I didn't think they were worth anything beyond fun, even the really old ones are cheap to buy. I got them for a song. I was hoping to get an idea of their circa so I don't have to do a lead testo r anything. thank you for the reply.

ZeroTiki posted on 01/21/2012

These are great mugs to have around, so that when company comes by you can hand them their cocktail in a mug without fear of breakage.

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