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My carving

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amate posted on 11/29/2011

pjc - The first one did not turn out exactly how I intended so I started the new one. It is a lot closer to what I was trying for.

Big T. There's always Moody Gardens in Galveston. I heard they revamped the rainforest shortly after hurricane Ike. and also have an educational Kon-Tiki exhibit. I've got to get down there.

Mac - Thanks a lot man. We've had some good carving weather here and I've been trying to take advantage.

Surfintiki - thanks for looking in and you compliments are much appreciated.

TheBigT posted on 11/30/2011

On 2011-11-29 14:12, amate wrote:
pjc - The first one did not turn out exactly how I intended so I started the new one. It is a lot closer to what I was trying for.

Big T. There's always Moody Gardens in Galveston. I heard they revamped the rainforest shortly after hurricane Ike. and also have an educational Kon-Tiki exhibit. I've got to get down there.

Mac - Thanks a lot man. We've had some good carving weather here and I've been trying to take advantage.

Surfintiki - thanks for looking in and you compliments are much appreciated.

Dang it! I didn't know they had a Kon-Tiki exhibit! I was just down there two weeks ago! but check this out, I scored these sweet vintage Skipper Kent's mugs in an antique shop on the strand!!

amate posted on 12/02/2011

Big T. As I recall, you have lots of cool stuff...both tiki and non-tiki. Those mugs are a great addition to your collection. I also need to correct some misinformation. I checked the website and it is not a Kon-tiki "exhibit". The beach area (closed for the season) has a Kon-tiki "theme".

Clarita posted on 12/17/2011

A lot of new goodies! you are a great carver amate, congrats!

Watango productions posted on 12/19/2011

Marq looks fantastic and nice score on the mugs.Cheers Watango

amate posted on 12/27/2011

So nice to hear from you again Clarita. I thank both you and Watango for lookin' in and the kind words. You guys owe us an update on your threads.

And now, a new Ku for the new year. Another one right at 16 inches.

Captain Jack posted on 12/27/2011

Great work!! That headdress is one of a kind!

Keylo posted on 12/28/2011

Some mighty awesome stuff!!

Lake Surfer posted on 12/28/2011

Another winner! As mentioned previous... the headdress is something special! One of a kind for sure.
This guy is got attitude... a sneer and a slouch!
Really nice finish overall also and a great color!

Keep up the great carves!

Will carve posted on 12/28/2011

And Amate scores again.

amate posted on 12/28/2011

Thanks guys. I'm going to play around with some variations on the headdress. You guys will probably get bored with them before I do. The weather is mild here this week and I've got too many projects in WIP. Gotta get back to it.

Clarita posted on 12/29/2011

So great and unique! love the shots with nature he looks at home there. And about my thread, I didn't carve almost anything this year honestly, i'm waiting for my soul to come back, but I've started something, so I'll show what I got so far, later, I promise.

amate posted on 12/30/2011

I made good progress on several projects yesterday afternoon. I was struck by this image in the early morning light. I just had to try and capture it.

congatiki posted on 12/30/2011

It's a shadow test...looks great. Another fine piece of
work Amate!

TheBigT posted on 12/31/2011

Sheesh, musta been REAL early! :lol: :lol:
Lookin good!

amate posted on 12/31/2011

Ah yes, the old shadow test. :) You would think I would remember that considering that I’m such a big fan of the low key photos. Have a happy new year Conga and I hope Pedro finds his way to the tiki bar. I'm having trouble finding one in my part of the world as well. This Olmec shot glass is the closest thing I have to a tiki mug. I will raise a glass to you and Pedro this evening.

And to you as well Big T. I don't believe I will be up as early tomorrow morn!

NIxxon posted on 01/02/2012

I really love you carves, another great piece!

amate posted on 01/16/2012

Thanks Nix.

This one is 14 inches.

Will carve posted on 01/17/2012

Good detail.
You lost the shape of the log.
That's good.

NIxxon posted on 01/17/2012

Wow amate...that is a really great carve.

I really like your Ku's but this is certainly a nice change of pace. Good job.

amate posted on 01/17/2012

Thanks Will. Always nice to hear your encouragement.

Ditto Nix. I seem to be stuck in a rut on several different styles. While carving a particular style, I'll get a new idea and want to try my hand at the little variation and start a new one.

Captain Jack posted on 01/18/2012

Great job! I may have to give something like that a try someday! Detail is phenomenal!

surfintiki posted on 01/18/2012

Wow! Nice combination of darks and lights, and all the tattoo work..cool cool cool!

laojia posted on 01/19/2012

On 2012-01-16 15:09, amate wrote:

Very nice Tekoteko amate, I speak knowingly, mine is still on the workbench for a while....

Grand Poobah posted on 01/20/2012

Holy smokes! (I won't say wow as eveyone has) I love the details, he looks great!

[ Edited by: Grand Poobah 2012-01-19 19:44 ]

amate posted on 01/20/2012

Been busy here but I wanted to jump on here real quick to thank everyone for your responses and support. I'll get back and catch up on everyone's thread asap...gotta go!

hiltiki posted on 01/21/2012

I like this piece a lot. It's got such good harmony, I hope that makes sense. You are a good photographer as well.

pjc5150 posted on 01/22/2012

that little guy is bad ass!

nice work bro.

Benzart posted on 01/24/2012

Excellent tekoteko Amate, Really glad to see you doing this level of work and detail. He's a Keeper for Sure.

hang10tiki posted on 01/24/2012

Right out of the tattoo shop...way cool

amate posted on 01/29/2012

Thank you all once again for lookin' in. Half the fun of this hobby is the carving and half is sharing it with all of you on this forum. The other half is making the photos. Hmmm three halfs...never was a math wizz.

I already cracked three of the pig tails on this guy so I'm getting off of him. He is 19 inches tall.

pjc5150 posted on 01/29/2012

man, that is great piece bro....I love the color..

and where the heck is that background? paradise????

Grand Poobah posted on 01/30/2012

On 2012-01-29 13:37, amate wrote:
Thank you all once again for lookin' in. Half the fun of this hobby is the carving and half is sharing it with all of you on this forum. The other half is making the photos. Hmmm three halfs...never was a math wizz.

you know what they say..... there are three kinds of math students... ones that can count and one that can't!

nice looking carvings

Will carve posted on 01/30/2012

You are really cranking these things out.
How many hours a day you spend carving?
Practice does make perfect.

Captain Jack posted on 01/30/2012

Always love to see your unique style! ... And where is that background? I would forgo a day or two of carving and fish up and down that spot!

Benzart posted on 01/30/2012

Excellent work there Amate I can tell you spent some time on that headdress!

amate posted on 01/31/2012

pcj/ CapJack

The San Marcos River is spring-fed and originates in the Texas hill country region. That spot is about a mile from my house. Paradise? It’s not Tahiti but I like living here. There are only a couple of drawbacks that I can think of. It’s a 2to 3 hour drive to the beach and there are no tiki bars. The spot pictured below is about 2 miles from my house. The Moai photo I posted on page 2 was taken at this spot.

I don't know Grand Poobah, that sounds like more fuzzy math to me! :)

Will - The weather has been mild so far this winter and I guess I average about 10 hrs/week right now. I like to have about half a dozen carvings in different levels of completion at any one time. That puts me within striking distance on a couple at any time. I had a week off at Christmas and that's what made the difference. The last two have depleted my WIP so I guess it's time to rough out another one. Maybe I'll do another Moai.

Benz- The Ku headress on the last several have been an exercise in patience for me. I tend to rush through carving just to have something to put on the shelf at the end of the day. I'm getting better about slowing myself down. Thanks for stopping.

McTiki posted on 02/01/2012

Amate, excellent head dress and yes....your pictures always intrigue me when I view them. Everything is in the details.

You create them very well.



AlohaStation posted on 02/01/2012

On 2012-01-31 15:08, amate wrote:
The last two have depleted my WIP so I guess it's time to rough out another one. Maybe I'll do another Moai.

With your style - I'd like to see you tackle Kane!

Koitiki posted on 02/01/2012

On 2012-01-31 15:08, amate wrote:
The San Marcos River is spring-fed and originates in the Texas hill country region. That spot is about a mile from my house. Paradise? It’s not Tahiti but I like living here. There are only a couple of drawbacks that I can think of. It’s a 2to 3 hour drive to the beach and there are no tiki bars.

Amate- loving your carvings! I'd love to have one for my place if you're selling. I echo your sentiments about the lack of tiki bars in Texas, esp. after losing the Dallas TV. You are always welcome at my home tiki bar, The Enchanted Lagoon which is less than 45 min. from you. Besides the big annual Texas Tiki Round-up, we have a few smaller gatherings here and there also.

Funny, I was reading this thread amazed that your yard in San Marcos looked that lush and then saw your comments about the photos. While I am thoroughly enjoying this mild winter, I hope it doesn't portend another scorcher like last summer!

NIxxon posted on 02/01/2012

Great carving and great pictures. I love this thread!

amate posted on 02/02/2012

McTiki - Thanks Mac. I'm glad to see you have another one in the works.

Aloha - I'll have to research Kane. When I started oceanic arts I did not realize so many people were into it. I went to museums and books for my inspiration. Not a lot of Hawaiian stuff survived the missionaries I guess because I did not see much of it and never learned about it. I have found some reference photos recently of the traditional pieces and that's why you see all the recent Ku activity. (I guess they're KU) If you can suggest a book or photo source of Kane, I'd be interested in seeing how they were originally done.

Koitiki - great to hear from you! If I'm going to keep doing this hobby, I need to move some stuff to make more room. So, sure I'll sell you something. Pick something out of my thread and then we can talk. I mostly want to get more details on that Texas Tiki round-up. Sounds like fun. I'll send you a PM.

I try to give folks something interesting to look at. I can't wait to see your current one finished. coming on strong!

TheBigT posted on 02/03/2012

Nice work. Man your glamour shots are really kicking ass too!

Watango productions posted on 02/03/2012

Man those last two are fantastic!!!

amate posted on 02/04/2012
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