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Hawaiian Eye 12" Limited Colors!!!!

Pages: 1 3 replies

The Witch Doctor posted on 01/30/2012

here you go for those who are slow on the draw!!

This is the last of the 12" with lids (2nd run)

i have 3 left in the wood tone
1 of a kind purple (test color)
1 of a kind red (volcano fire)

that's it folks after that sold out

TIKI-TONGA posted on 01/30/2012

pm'd ya

The Witch Doctor posted on 01/30/2012

i went to lunch and had 30 pm's i got you Tiki -tonga

steve, buzz you back in a few

The Witch Doctor posted on 01/31/2012

Yes i can make one of a kind colors by request: Right now this mug is sold out, will do a 3rd run in march,

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