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Beachcomber Lounge, Glasgow, Scotland (bar)

Pages: 1 5 replies

Dustycajun posted on 02/04/2012

Name:Beachcomber Lounge
Street:Newlands Hotel


I don't do a lot of research on vintage Tiki places over in Europe, but this one really caught my eye. The Beachcomber Lounge was part of a major remodel that occurred at the Newlands Hotel in Glasgow, Scotland. The date was 1973.

I found this article that had this great ad for the new bar - Tikis and Tiki drinks.

And a photo as well. No doubt inspired by the Mayfair Beachcomber in London and Butlins Beachcombers chain throughout the UK.

The hotel remodel included several different rooms, including the Windjammer Restaurant and Captain's Cabin bar.

Here is the description of the facilities.

And the firm that did the remodel.

Hopefully some of the TC members over in the UK can find out a little more about this place.


bigbrotiki posted on 02/04/2012

That Moai is wearing earrings and lipstick! :D

cheekytiki posted on 02/04/2012

Great stuff,never seen that before.
There is no doubt about it Scotland loves Tiki Bars.

atomictonytiki posted on 02/04/2012

Well I've found that JOHN ALLAN AND SON (WRIGHTS) LIMITED went out of business on 19/05/2000


and a small mention about the hotel closing to the relief of the neighbors.

atomictonytiki posted on 02/05/2012

Some pictures of the Newlands Hotel after the "Farestage bar" was changed to "J J Booths"..

..with a quick check to google street view I can confirm the hotel is now demolished.

In my searching I discovered that a popular street gang from Glasgow in the 60/70s were called "Tiki". The name came from the Kon Tiki Cafe in Battlefield Road. Neither the cafe nor the gang exists, sadly for the former thankfully for the latter.

[ Edited by: atomictonytiki 2012-02-04 21:11 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 02/05/2012

On 2012-02-04 21:09, atomictonytiki wrote:
In my searching I discovered that a popular street gang from Glasgow in the 60/70s were called "Tiki". The name came from the Kon Tiki Cafe in Battlefield Road. Neither the cafe nor the gang exists, sadly for the former thankfully for the latter.

Whooa! Great discovery...that reminds of that amazing story of that Tiki murder in Liverpool...what ever became of that !?:


[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2012-02-05 10:28 ]

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