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New England Tikiphile Meet & Greet @ Ho Kong - Woonsocket,RI February 11, 2012 4:00 PM

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Hello Fellow New England Tikiphiles!

The Queequeg Chapter of the Fraternal Order of Moai would like to invite you to join us as we meet at
Ho Kong in Woonsocket, RI to share cocktails, food, and conversation on Saturday February 11, 2012.
(you can bet we'll be talking a lot about Ohana, Luau at the Lake coming up in June since the anticipation and excitement is growing!)

So come on out!
Ho Kong
366 Cumberland Hill Rd
Woonsocket, RI 02895-4716

Here's the Critiki link: http://critiki.com/location/?loc_id=451

Here's the Tiki Central "Locating Tiki" thread: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=8217&forum=2&hilite=Ho%20Kong

Looks like the Tiki Central thread could use some pictures, so let's get on that!

[ Edited by: The Granite Tiki 2012-02-01 11:22 ]

See you there!


You guys are killing me! I've got tickets to see Jane Monheit in Norfolk, CT that night.

Darn you and your frequent concert going escapades! :wink:

Carl, are you driving all the way from Nashua to Woonsocket? Please post a review of this joint. It's only about a half hour from my house.

Even with the impending snow, I believe I will be driving there yes. It's only about 2 hours from me I think. I'm sure we'll have reviews, photos, drink suggestions etc. following our visit!

We'll take the three hour tour to get there, a little snow doesn't matter.

See ya!


Damn, in nyc this weekend ! have fun everyone!

mr. ho


It's hardly snowing here! Looking forward to meeting and greeting you all.

Oh yeah, we're on!

I just realized that Woonsocket is only an hour and 20 minutes from me! A hop skip and a jump!

Hope to see a bunch of you at Ho Kong Today!

Have fun, guys!

Have fun at your concert, and Mr. Ho have fun in NYC. We'll get you both to one of these things one of these days. And I'm going to get out to see Mr. Ho play again one of these days too!

Thanks to all who came out! That was fun!

[ Edited by: The Granite Tiki 2012-02-13 07:46 ]

How was the food? What's the cat thingy?

[ Edited by: Big Kahuna 2012-02-13 15:17 ]

Food was good!

Of course I can only stand by what I had, which was Boneless Spare Ribs, Scallion Pancakes, Peking Ravioli, and my wife enjoyed her Kung Pow Chicken.

As for drinks, I think the most popular seemed to be the Ho Kong Special, which was definitely citrusy, but with a good portion of rum, and served in the Wahine mug (as shown above).

I liked the Mai Tai, but it was not entirely like a Mai Tai, being pretty dark red (not uncommon around these parts of course) but the source of the redness may have come from a Cherry Schnapps or something like that. Not a bad flavor at all, but again, not your traditional Mai Tai.

Hopefully some more folks who were there will share their food and drink opinions.

Honestly, the conversation was so fun I didn't eat as much as I usually would!

Oh the cat mug!! LOL

That was from the FOM sponsored Chicago Area Tiki Tour. It's not a regular mug at Ho Kong!!! :wink:

It was there being given to Beth who must have ordered it back then. Beth had me photograph it. It just dawned on me she escaped my camera herself!

Anyone else take any pictures?


I thought the food was good too! The Peking Ravioli, in particular, I really liked.

The drinks were pretty strong, actually. I really enjoyed the Scorpion Bowl and the Suffering Bastard. I didn't care as much for another one I had... the Maui Maui Sour, I think it was called. It had more of an anise flavor than I was expecting.

GREAT time!


Sorry I couldn't stay long enough to see everyone but at least there is photographic evidence that I was indeed there.

I concur with the general consensus. Pretty good food (great crispy wings!), STRONG drinks, and a pretty fun little place.

This is also the place where I bought the "Scorpian Bowel" mug/bowl a few years back... just because of the way it was labeled. Still cracks me up, but then again, I have the mentality of a 12 year old.

This is also the place where I bought the "Scorpian Bowel" mug/bowl a few years back... just because of the way it was labeled. Still cracks me up, but then again, I have the mentality of a 12 year old.

Yea, so did we. And we go to great pains to keep that label on the bottom of the bowl intact when washing it.

Need to get back to Ho Kong more often.


Hey Rick! Sorry we missed you. The food & drink are very good, but I'm not too big on their Mai Tai (not so far removed as it is from Bob's Famous at Kahula, albeit with half the rum.)

Great seeing everyone!

Bob's gone, Page! Not to fret, though, the new guy, "Larry", makes apretty mean Mai Tai, too.

So I've heard! Perhaps we should have Larry pour us all a round in Bob's honor. Preferably soon!

You won't have to twist my arm!

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