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Trader Vic's BH Photos

Pages: 1 2 replies

TraderJohn posted on 02/15/2012

Enjoy these great photos of the BH Trader Vic's

Dustycajun posted on 02/15/2012

Nice photos. Sabu posted those with some close-ups in the Locating Tiki thread for the Trader Vics in Beverly Hills a while back. Make sure to use the search function to check on stuff like that.



bigtikidude posted on 02/15/2012

I so wish that I had been able to go/see the Original Trader Vics in BH like in the photo's.
Man that place was amazing looking.
As much as I wasn't crazy about the dining room remodel, I did eat there 1 time.
And I went to the bar around 15 times before they closed.

miss that place,

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