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Hawaiian Inn: Who's In?: post here

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pablus posted on 11/04/2003

I strolled into the joint looking for a bum named Flounder. I couldn't help but notice the Witco and the Hawaiian look of the place - very swank. I had a smoke lit that some vintage dame asked me to ace... and I had a powerful thirst for something my goilfriend called "Mai Tai."
I wasn't sure what the evening would bring - but I was sure that before the sunrise - I'd have a lot of answers to questions no one was asking.

The date - 1-17-04
Please post so that we can get a fairly accurate count for the chiefs at Hawaiian Inn:

Will you be spending the night?
Will you be having dinner?
Cocktail umbrella or no?

Hawaiian Inn? East Coast Tour? Tiki's by the score? Machetes? Eating one of TikiMon's Tiki's? Flounder and I trying to "out-Ohio" one another? fatuhiva's Lagoon? Learning to surf? Eating PuPu? Geoff in a grass skirt?

I think the charter requires that a Californian be present at all TIki related events.

One of you will have to sacrifice... I mean uhhhh... plan to attend!

[ Edited by: pablus on 2003-11-06 08:09 ]

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/04/2003

Pablus, thats some funny shit brah!
The second week in December sounds good to me. Maybe we need some kind of form with all the different dates so that everybody can write next to it
"No, Probable, or Yes to figure out the best date. Does that seem stupid?
Dec.6 No
I dont know just trying to make it so as many people can go as posible.

Kailuageoff posted on 11/04/2003

Since you changed the name of the thread, I'll try to get back to the original topic.

My Wahine tells me December is pretty much out of the question for us because we have two office parties on two different weekends, a previously-scheduled trip to see friends in Miami on the 13th (although on Friday the 12th, we'll probably swing into the Mai-Kai before continuing south), and that x-mas thing.

Anyway, it would be better for us to do something in January, except the weekend of the 24th when I'll be in Tampa for a conference.

TheJab & Swanky: If you plan to come down after the first of the year, maybe you can agree on a date that's good. I gotta meet the Jab-ster and my interaction with Swanky has always been while he was deep into the details of Hukilau.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2003-11-04 13:21 ]

pablus posted on 11/04/2003

Let it be written. Let it be done.

I'll set aside a little Tiki money to weather Christmas and look forward to it.

The Wahine and I will be hitting the Mai Kai in Dec. then and saving the Hawaiian Inn to whatever night we can come up with in Jan. and just make a weekend of it.
Right now - I have nothing planned for January. Fire away.

(Hope the topic header switch helped - that's what it was meant to do anyway.)

Kailuageoff posted on 11/04/2003

Any weekend in January except the 24th-25th.

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/04/2003

Can someone step up and pick a date.

I suggest Saturday Jan.17th. That gives people three weeks to recoop from the Holidays.

pablus posted on 11/04/2003

We're in.

thejab posted on 11/04/2003

Is the show only on Saturday nights? Because for me to get the best fare on Southwest ($200RT) I need to fly on Saturday. So, I won't be arriving until Sat. night and leaving the following Saturday. I don't want to miss the show because my plane was late arriving.

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/05/2003

OK pablus it's just me, you and the wahine's! You bring the shrooms
I'll bring my remaining brain cells.
Meet me at the Hawaiian Inn, I'll be the one at the bar without pants. Alright, don't get any funny ideas!

Kailuageoff posted on 11/05/2003

The show is usually Wed. through Sun, with Monday and Tuesday dark. Also, please be aware they also knock-off for a few weeks in November to take vacations and then start the X-mass show. I like the X-mas show because they do Mele Kalikimaka and stuff like that, which makes me think of when I was keiki.

The New Years' show is more of a conventional New Year's Eve Party and they tone down the Hawaiian stuff, so that's not a good choice for most of us. Someone on TC went to that and said they didn't like it because they didn't play much Hawaiian music.

We can do Saturday the 17th with no problem, but we would hate to miss visting with Jab. For those that are locals, what's the possibility of taking a vacation day and driving to Daytona for the Hawaiian Inn on Friday night the 16th? If you want to stay the weekend, we could plan on a 2nd night with dinner at Julian's on Saturday the 17th.
Just a thought.


thejab posted on 11/05/2003

It appears that both Saturday the 17th. and 24th. are booked up at the $200 rate so I may be going in February or March instead. I hope that I can make it to the show then but meanwhile you'll have to go ahead without me. If I end up going perhaps we could meet at the Mai Kai.

pablus posted on 11/05/2003

We could do the 17th AND go again whenever The Jab flys in.

Kailuageoff posted on 11/05/2003

The 17th it is.

JTD posted on 11/05/2003

Katie & I have got it marked on the calendar. We'll also bring our two boys for the show. We're all looking forward to it as we've never been. (So, KG, that wasn't me looking to buy their Witcos).


Kailuageoff posted on 11/05/2003

On 2003-11-05 14:14, JTD wrote:
Katie & I have got it marked on the calendar. We'll also bring our two boys for the show. We're all looking forward to it as we've never been. (So, KG, that wasn't me looking to buy their Witcos).

That's a relief because I would have to stab you with a cocktail sword and I don't know if you could withstand another injury at a tiki function....

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2003-11-05 14:19 ]

HETO-TIKI posted on 11/06/2003

We will be there. We had a Fab time last January when Geoff organized the out-ing. So January the 17th. I hope more Florida TC people will think about coming out. It is a wonderful show. And we had a great time meeting everyone.

Tiki Mon posted on 11/06/2003

I don't have any shows that weekend so count me in. I should have plenty of tikis for ya'll to munch on. I recommend just a dab of Patak's Chili sauce on the rootball heads.

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/06/2003

Yeah me and the wahine are in, excited to meet all you tiki nerds. Does Hawaiian Inn make good Zombies?

Tiki Bree posted on 11/11/2003

Tristan and I will be there, but it's going to be hard to wait 2 months!!
Could we plan to go to Julian's for a Mai Tai at their fabulous bar before we arrive at the H.I.?????

pablus posted on 11/11/2003

I believe we can pretty much do whatever we want to.

A Mai Tai is always in order!

Maybe an afternoon Mai Tai at your favorite spot - let the evening drift in from the west - head over to the Hawaiian Inn.

I'm taking the whole weekend away for this gathering so I'm up for most anything... be it 3 people or 300.

I'm sure Geoff will put up some particulars about reservations for the show and the rooms, etc. I hope he does anyway because I'm a rookie over there on the "EC".

[ Edited by: pablus on 2003-11-11 11:12 ]

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/12/2003

We are up for what ever too. Bring on the drinks. Can't wait! January seems so far away.

Kailuageoff posted on 11/12/2003

I sent Wayne an e-mail on what we have planned, but I think he and Teauila were going on vacation this month. If you want to spend the night, I suggest booking soon since the after Christmas tourist season gets fairly busy.


FYI: The Aku Tiki is within easy walking distance of the Hawaiian Inn.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2003-11-12 10:15 ]

Kailuageoff posted on 11/12/2003

The Aku Tiki looks like this:

Here's another shot of the Hawaiian Inn:
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[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2003-11-12 10:25 ]

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/12/2003

Geoff, thanks for the pics and heads up on reservations.

What is Julians? I'm such an amateur.

Is it January yet.

Kailuageoff posted on 11/12/2003

Julian's is a vintage steak and seafood supper club in Ormond Beach. The building is very tiki and they have a huge Polynesian mural on the back wall of the restaurant. It's about 15 minutes north of the Hawaiian Inn.
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They used to have a nice web site that had more details on the owners and the history of the place, but they changed to a more streamlined version.
From what I recall of the original Web site, Julian fled Cuba in the late 50's and started as a dishwasher at a Polynesian restaurant called "The Tropics" in Ormond Beach. Through hard work and determination, he worked himself into owning the place. I have no idea what happened to the Tropics (I have one of their matchbooks), but at some point Julian built a new restaurant /or renamed the original place after himself (not sure which). And to make a long story short, Julian and his son still run the show.
Although it is not really a tiki bar/restaurant on the inside, it is a very cool 1950's/early 60's style dining room and lounge with heavy tiki overtones.
I think it would be a good spot for a Friday night dinner, if anyone wants to do a long weekend. We go there a few times per year and always enjoy it. Bree and Tristan really like it as well. Perhaps Bree can explain their live entertainment. It's fun, but it is different.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2003-11-12 14:29 ]

pablus posted on 11/12/2003

I made my reservations for Jan.17th.

I'll bring stuff to make a few punch bowls pre-show. You know...Koolaid, Ronrico white rum, sprite... only the top shelf.

I hereby swear by the ghost of Victor Bergeron that I'm just kidding...

I'm thinking a batch of Scorpions (recipe from Vic's Book of Food and Drink), that awesome Planter's Punch from Intoxica and maybe something from Donn Beach's recipe book.

That should do it for me and Flounder, what'll the rest of you be drinking?

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/13/2003

Geoff, Thanks. Very informative as always, you know everything. How did I never see this place? Is it on A1A. It definitely stands out! Me and the wahine might make it a long weekend, I'll have to talk it over with her.

We are probably going to need more than that pablus. I bring a six pack of Old Milwaukee.

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NeptuneTiki posted on 11/13/2003

Definitely count us in for the tiki gathering at The Hawaiian Inn. The 17th sounds good to us.

We are also hitting the Mai Kai on the 2nd of January. We are totally excited!

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/14/2003

This is turning out to be a real nice crowd, almost Cali-like. This seems to be the crowd so far:

Flounder & Wahine Megan
Pablus & Wahine
Kailuageoff & Wahine Marian
Tiki Bree & Tristin
Tiki Mon
Heto-Tiki & Man-stud
JTD & Wahine Katie & Kids
Muggler & Wahine
Fatuhiva & Wahine
Tweedtone & Wahine
Kentiki & Wahine Ariel
Tiki Dave & Lezley

I'm sorry if any of this is wrong, email me and I will change it.

Original Art by Flounder
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[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2003-11-14 15:57 ]

Kailuageoff posted on 11/14/2003

On drinking:

Mai-tais are available at the Hawaiian Inn's poolside tiki bar which opens at 11 am. A full-tropical drink menu is served in the showroom bar which opens at 5:30 pm.

The bar at the Aku Tiki is hopeless, so don't bother.

If enough of us want to do a two-day affair, we could lead an abbreviated bar crawl. I recommend an early drink at the Top of Daytona...

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...followed by drinks and dinner at Julians, and a night cap at the Mai-Tai Bar.

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On who's coming:

I think you can add Kentiki and Wahine Ariel (from Miami) to the list. I also told Wayne and Beki Coombs about it and they said they might be able to join us.

What about:

Tiki Troll
Sobe Tiki


[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2003-11-14 10:45 ]

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/14/2003

Kailuageoff, do we need to make reservations for the show? Is it included if you stay at the Hawaiian Inn? Price for show?
Also do they know that we are coming?
Maybe some kind of deal.

Kailuageoff posted on 11/14/2003

Good question, Flounder. Yes, we need reservations but I don't think we need to worry about a sell-out this early.
If anyone wants to call or e-mail to make a reservation tell them to register you under "Tiki-Geoff's Party". so we can all sit together.
Here's a link to the show website:
I've left Wayne a message to see if he can cut our group any deals or do anything extra for us, but I think he is on vacation right now.
Oh yeah, Julian's doesn't take reservation, but it is a huge restaurant and I've never had a problem getting a table there.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2003-11-14 15:05 ]

Kailuageoff posted on 11/14/2003

Well, how strange was that....
I just talked to Wayne and he said no problem to give us a $4 discount off the dinner show. Just make your reservations under "Tiki Geoff" as instructed above. Also, he said he can't believe how busy they are for November. Must be all those lurkers checking out this site for tiki info...
Well, good for them because it keeps them in business.
Okole Maluna,

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/15/2003

Thanks to our inside man Geoff.

This is a nice group!

List so far:

Flounder & Wahine Megan
Pablus & Wahine
Kailuageoff & Wahine Marian
Tiki Bree & Tristin
Tiki Mon
Heto-Tiki & Man-stud
JTD & Wahine Katie & Kids
Muggler & Wahine
Fatuhiva & Wahine
Tweedtone & Wahine
Kentiki & Wahine Ariel
Tiki Dave & Lezley

Email me if you want added to the list, taken off the list, or if something is wrong on the list.

Original Art by Flounder
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[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2003-11-14 16:02 ]

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/17/2003

Geoff, have you contacted these people?

Tiki Troll
Sobe Tik

Kailuageoff posted on 11/17/2003

Tiki Troll (Sarah) and her husband are going to try and make it. She is pregnant so it might be a stretch....

I don't have e-mail for Sobe tiki or Sull-tiki, so we'll have to wait and see if they find this thread and post on it.

I mentioned this to Wayne and Beki at the party and they want to go, but you might mention it to them again if you are over their way.

Oh yeah, tell them Fatuhiva is going to be there and he wants to debate Wayne and his tiki carving style.... That should provide the best entertainment of the evening.

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/17/2003

Oh yeah, tell them Fatuhiva is going to be there and he wants to debate Wayne and his tiki carving style.... That should provide the best entertainment of the evening.

Like I said earlier in the carver war post "Wayne is a big man". I don't know what fatuhiva looks like but I think we better invite Waynes nemesis Ed Volonnino to make it fare!

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tweedtone posted on 11/21/2003

Aloha, y'all!

Could somebody post or better yet, email me the final details for this event, in particular the what, where and when? I've been out of the tiki loop for awhile, having just moved after becoming abruptly unemployed.

Thanks! Looking forward to this gathering!

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/21/2003

The place is the Hawaiian Inn in Daytona Beach. The date is January 17th. You should make reservations now for your room. You can also stay at the Aku Inn if you like. You need to make reservations for the show as well, but I don't think you can do that till a month before.
Where is Temple Terrace?

Is it January yet?

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ee28fc1a8286008b7b217557726f44ff?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tweedtone posted on 11/21/2003

On 2003-11-21 10:04, FLOUNDERart wrote:
The place is the Hawaiian Inn in Daytona Beach. The date is January 17th. You should make reservations now for your room. You can also stay at the Aku Inn if you like. You need to make reservations for the show as well, but I don't think you can do that till a month before.
Where is Temple Terrace?

Is it January yet?

OK, thanks for the info.

Any side trips recommended? Me and mine'll probably make a weekend out of it.

Temple Terrace is basically far northeast Tampa. I'm five blocks from I-75, which in my mind, screams "ROAD TRIP!" :)

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/21/2003

If you don't mind a long road trip, well worth it of course. You can go to the Mai Kai in Fort Lauderdale. About four hours or so south from Daytona. It's one of the last standing real tiki bars from back in the day. Great show, awesome decor, and even better, the drinks, oh the drinks!

Kailuageoff posted on 11/21/2003

Mark & Scott,
We're thinking about spending Friday and Saturday in Daytona. If anyone wants to show up on Friday, we can meet in the late afternoon at the hotel and go to a few bars plus Julian's for dinner.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2003-11-21 14:01 ]

FLOUNDERart posted on 11/21/2003

Geoff, I don't think we will be going on Friday, but things may change.

Tiki Bree posted on 11/23/2003

Arriving Friday is tough for me because of clients and classes...........I really would love to hit Julian's Saturday before the Hawaiian Inn seating..... Is that possible?

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Tiki-Troll posted on 11/24/2003

Hi everyone! The hubby and I are going to try to make it, but you'll have to make my drinks "virgin". We'll let you know closer to the date if I feel up to it, but I have been feeling better everyday so I am keeping my fingers crossed, and Justin gets a guaranteed designated driver! :)!

Kailuageoff posted on 11/24/2003

Aloha Sarah & Justin!!!
Please do try and join us. We had such a good time last year with you guys.

Doesn't sound like we have many takers for a Friday night event. If anyone wants to go early with Bree and Tristan to Julians on Saturday, please let them know so they can hatch a plan. Bree is definitely the one to introduce you to the sonorous sounds of Little Eva.

Meanwhile, Marian and I will probably hang at the Hawaiian Inn bar before the show, but those from far away places should experience Julians if they can.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e09119dc14ac1c5c0b5012fde5a62c98?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
totallytiki posted on 11/29/2003

On 2003-11-05 12:39, Kailuageoff wrote:
The show is usually Wed. through Sun, with Monday and Tuesday dark. Also, please be aware they also knock-off for a few weeks in November to take vacations and then start the X-mass show. I like the X-mas show because they do Mele Kalikimaka and stuff like that, which makes me think of when I was keiki.

The New Years' show is more of a conventional New Year's Eve Party and they tone down the Hawaiian stuff, so that's not a good choice for most of us. Someone on TC went to that and said they didn't like it because they didn't play much Hawaiian music.

We can do Saturday the 17th with no problem, but we would hate to miss visting with Jab. For those that are locals, what's the possibility of taking a vacation day and driving to Daytona for the Hawaiian Inn on Friday night the 16th? If you want to stay the weekend, we could plan on a 2nd night with dinner at Julian's on Saturday the 17th.
Just a thought.


T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e09119dc14ac1c5c0b5012fde5a62c98?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
totallytiki posted on 11/29/2003

Dinner at Julians? How is their food? I know they have the perfect atmosphere for this sort of gathering, but not so sure about the quality of their food. Right next door to Julian's is one of our favorite restaurants...Stonewood. Just another thought.

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