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Attn: Dallas Tikiphiles!!

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Kenike posted on Mon, Nov 3, 2003 7:38 PM

OK, it's time we got something happening in Dallas. I'm thinking like a monthly gathering at a suitable watering hole to discuss tiki, show off our vacation pics and maybe do some mug trading. I'll throw out a suggested date of Friday, November 21st for the inaugural gathering. The best location I've found so far is Coconuts on Greenville Ave. They don't have much in the way of tiki drinks but they have lots of tiki's behind the bar. If there's a more suitable place to go let's hear about it. In the meantime, I'm usually there Friday nights sometime between 7 and 9pm.



I'll try my best to keep my calendar clear for that date!
Maybe we can move the meeting to my cabana come this spring.
BTW update on that: I paid for it and cleared some tree limbs from the area. I plan on trying to jack it out of it's position and swivel it so a friend with a 1 ton truck could haul it over to my back yard.


Cool! It'll be great to meet the other Dallas area T/C'ers and keep a live thread in the Tiki Events section. I'll see you all on the 21st. I'll make the bold assumption that Aloha shirts are mandatory!? :)


I'll make the bold assumption that Aloha shirts are mandatory!?

Hell yeah! Unless it's cold outside and you don't have a long sleeve aloha shirt. I'll definitely be wearing my tattoo.


I don't think I can make it this month to the shindig. Got my in-laws coming in this saturday. My wife is the type thats wants to stay close to the phone incase somethign happens. Plus our truck is in the shop so coming by myself is out of the question, incase we need to meet them somewhere. But I'll try my best to persuade the wife to get out for a few hours. If not then next month, perhaps a Saturday afternoon.


I don't think I can make it this month to the shindig

My wife just informed me that she has to go to Seattle on business and probably won't be back by the 21st anyway so I'll have the kids. We'll have to shoot for sometime in December.


Oh, poopers on y'all! I was going to try and come up to Dallas for that! Guess I too will wait until there's a healthy-sized group going.


I was going to try and come up to Dallas for that!

Wow! All the way from Houston? That's a long way and I hope you won't be disappointed whenever we do have a meet. I know there's a lot more tiki freaks in the area...we just need to fish them out. I really hope we can get something happening soon...my wife says I need some new friends :P


when we do meet.... besides the obvious hy-wayan shirts in the winter, should we have name tags?


should we have name tags?

We could do that...I was going to email everyone my pic so they knew who to look for. It should be easy to spot the hawaiian shirts too.


i'm not hard to spot, 6ft tall, black hair down to my butt, and a half assed beard.
I've walked out of bars and had people ask where I "wrassled" at. I always tell them them "sportiturium" although it's been torn down do to a fire.

p.s. i wasn't wearing a hawaiian shirt when they asked that.


[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2003-11-12 14:52 ]

In my experience, I've found nametags to be totally unnecessary. Tiki bars usually refer to us as "Those Hawaiian Shirt People" and show you right to the table. We can pick each other out quickly, too: young or early middle aged person/couple walks into the bar, wearing a louder-than-god Hawaiian shirt, looking around eagerly, while eyeing the decor.

It's never taken me more than 10 seconds to hear, "Are you Formikahini?"


Friday December 6th?


Friday Dec. 6 was last year, brother.

Saturday is the 6th. Saturday (6th) noonish or so would be good for me, but I don't speak for the others.


OOOPS...I mean't Friday the 5th. Nights work best for me. Saturday might be kinda tough but I can try to make arrangements. Anyone else care to weigh in?



In case anyone planned on showing up on the 5th I have to back out again. My wife has to go back to Seattle AGAIN and will be flying back that night. Doesn't look like we can make this happen before the end of the year. I WILL, however, be at Coconuts tomorrow night (the 28th) just fyi.

I have to go sleep off this turkey now.


hey that's ok... i had to reschedual my camper pick up the following day (weather permitting)

I do not live in the Big D, but I often visit. Has anyone been to Ollie & Lei's Luau? http://www.guidelive.com/profile/357655

Kenike posted on Wed, Dec 3, 2003 9:20 PM

I've never even heard of this place...I'm thinking they must be fairly new. They're located at Mockingbird Station where there are a bunch of shops and restaurants. I was there last Friday after I left Coconuts and must have totally missed this place. Definitely worth checking out.



hello again! Seems that this season isn't good for anyone to do anything! Sorry I fell of the planet for a while, but I am a visual manager at a retail company and you know...tis the season! So maybe we just re-plan a shindig for the beginning of the year after all the holidaze are over??? I know I have multiple tiki's under my tree, yipeeeeee!!! Happy Holidays to all!
If you don't already own it, you should all run out and get Esquivel's holiday CD (or anything Esquivel for that matter)...its the ultimate for your space aged bachelor pad!

On 2003-12-20 10:14, suelo wrote:
So maybe we just re-plan a shindig for the beginning of the year after all the holidaze are over???

aloha tiki lovers!
that sounds good to me! i agree that a little get together after the holidays is in order. it'd be nice to meet local tikiphiles.

diesel tiki


Count me in!


I may have to strap on my bullet-proff vest if we goto lower greenville.

suelo posted on Thu, Dec 25, 2003 5:54 PM

As long as we stick together and ALL wear bullet-proof vests and carry mace, we should be fine on lower greenville!!! Merry Christmas to all!

there seemed to be interest earlier in the year according to the archives. wha happened to all those intersted tiki lovers?!?
now is the time, this is the place...to begin the surge of tikiphilia...so it may spread to all those uptight, not-right lost souls!!..let them bathe in the beautiful glare of the enlightenment of the...TIKI!!!!!
those tiki-texans arise and gather round to share stories,laughs,this and that,that and this and drinks and more drinks and whatever...

there seemed to be interest earlier in the year according to the archives. wha happened to all those intersted tiki lovers?!?
now is the time, this is the place...to begin the surge of tikiphilia...so it may spread to all those uptight, not-right lost souls!!..let them bathe in the beautiful glare of the enlightenment of the...TIKI!!!!!
those tiki-texans arise and gather round to share stories,laughs,this and that,that and this and drinks and more drinks and whatever...


wha happened to all those intersted tiki lovers?!?

Count me in! I think December was a bad month for everybody in that people are usually pretty busy. When people are ready for a get together I will most definitely participate. Friday nights work best for me but I can be flexible.


On 2003-12-03 21:20, Juno wrote:
I've never even heard of this place...I'm thinking they must be fairly new. They're located at Mockingbird Station where there are a bunch of shops and restaurants. I was there last Friday after I left Coconuts and must have totally missed this place. Definitely worth checking out.


Well, sadly another psuedo-tiki bar has kicked the tiki...
I was in the Big D last week and tried to visit Ollie and Lei's, but some bar called "Spike" (or something like that) has taken over the space. I was just a little too late because it had just closed two days before my attempt. Ah well...

In a related note, I tried to visit the former site of the Trader Vic's across the street in the old Mockingbird Hilton (now the Santa Fe Hotel) and the arshole behind the front desk wouldn't let us in. However, we could see in through the windows and it looks pretty tiki-philic. It isn't normally open but you can apparently rent it for events.
Not a big fan of Dallas, but for that I am jealous! Seattle just tears down old tiki bars for condos and builds new ones for the new yups moving in...


I was just a little too late because it had just closed two days before my attempt.

Damn!! I never did get there to check it out. Oh well, I guess there's still Coconuts (with their 10 tiki's behind the bar but no tiki drinks).



I'm interested. By the way, Ollie and Lei's was a complete ripoff. No tikis, No mugs, just some Shag pictures blown up and badly painted on the wall (without permission from Shag) and cheap Chinese paper lanterns. Good riddance. The Trader Vic's location is COMPLETELY intact except for the old twelve foot tall Tiki that was yanked out of the ground in the middle of the night by a fan. Everyone coveted that statue but the owners would never sell. Finally, someone stole it, then negotiated the price for not returning it. I wish I had thought of that. The inside is PERFECT.
My circle of friends have discussed renting Trader Vic's again.

How big is the former Trader Vics-Dallas space anyway? How many Tikiheads could fit in there?

twelve foot tall Tiki that was yanked out of the ground in the middle of the night by a fan.

My circle of friends have discussed renting Trader Vic's again.

um that was me i admit it.

and count me in on the Trader Vics. man if i had the cash...Trader John's kinda has a nice ring.... but if it was rented out i'd pay to come in.


Trader Vic's will hold several hundred. There are several rooms and a large dance? floor in the middle. At "Night of the Tiki", Myriah came to town to Hula and there was a Hawaiian fashion show and fire eating demonstration. My friend Jason charged a cover that covered the cost of the room. I'll ask him the rental fee and let you know.
Any pictures of the Tiki in his new home? I miss him.

Kenike posted on Sun, Jan 4, 2004 5:22 PM

Ok so when and where are the Dallas area tikiheads gonna get together? My schedule is open now until March.



My friend Jason charged a cover that covered the cost of the room...

Jason Cohen?

If so he's a brother in the IOOF lodge with me. Unfortunatley I missed the "Night of the Tiki", hopefully NOTT #2 will ever happen.

Juno: Set a date and i'll see, my band is starting to get gigs lined up.


He's the one. Ask him about it some Monday.

If so he's a brother in the IOOF lodge with me. Unfortunatley I missed the "Night of the Tiki", hopefully NOTT #2 will ever happen.

Yo Unkle John, what exactly is the IOOF?
I'm available Fri,Sat,Sun for a get together.
Would The Lodge be considered tiki?


Would The Lodge be considered tiki?

I suppose it would if they have a "Hula Night."

How about Friday, Jan. 30th? Coconuts?



IOOF = Independant Order of Odd Fellows.
Waxahachie Lodge #80


Haz: you a member?


On 2003-12-29 10:33, Sassattack wrote:
However, we could see in through the windows and it looks pretty tiki-philic.

Or, Tiki-phallic.

But that's redundant.

"Generation Ecch", THAT Jason Cohen?

Cheez, we go way back too! This little world is too small.

Do count me in for a Dallas thing. Jan. 30 is Superbowl weekend, and getting out of Football Hell Town might be just what the doctor ordered - IF I can get out of town!!

suelo posted on Mon, Jan 5, 2004 9:27 PM

The old Trader Vics IS intact. We were lucky enough to be let in, and took a ton of pictures! Renting it out? That's a cool $2500 a night ($500 is a deposit). That includes waiters and bartenders, NOT your food & booze. They said it was MUCH cooler in years past before everything started getting ripped-off...hence the $500 deposit.

I talked to Jason tonight about the old Trader Vics.
he said he's in real good with the owner, so if he ever wants to rent it out he's the man with the plan. BUT it's pretty exspensive. He seemed interested in joining us (possibly) for drinks at coconuts one night, it depends if he has to watch the kiddo or not. And yes the same Jason Cohen of "Generation Ecchs", He was running Forbidden Books and the Forbidden Art gallery, plus a Jack-a-lopes lodge, but sold or closed them down. Didn't really ask about Why the books tore, but after Sept. 11th the art community was hit hard.

but we'll see about Trader Vics, hopefully the person that is in charge of it will eventually open it up.


I'm not amember of IOOF but have been described as odd.
Jason sold the bookstore to finance the art gallery. He's the one who talked me into buying the first Shag painting (The Suffering Bastard) in Dallas. My wife threatened to divorce me over the price at the time but when I showed her some recent Ebay prices, she :).
Is that a $500 deposit for all you can carry?

Aloha and count me in! What time @ Coconuts?

Kenike posted on Wed, Jan 7, 2004 7:26 AM

What time @ Coconuts?

I can be there around 8:30pm but everyone can start earlier if you want.


On 2004-01-05 21:27, suelo wrote:
The old Trader Vics IS intact. We were lucky enough to be let in, and took a ton of pictures! Renting it out? That's a cool $2500 a night ($500 is a deposit). That includes waiters and bartenders, NOT your food & booze. They said it was MUCH cooler in years past before everything started getting ripped-off...hence the $500 deposit.

Argghh-that's a bit pricey. No wonder the dudeball behind the counter was a bit full of himself!
Suelo, Can you post some of those pics for us all to ooh and ahh?


Friday, Jan 30th. I'm there.

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