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Tiki Art

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Check out the new painting by Alex Kirwan called "Tiki Shirt" at http://www.burningbrush.com. Then click on "Store." And then "Original Artwork". Very cool.

  • Monkey God (Teddy T.)

[ Edited by: MonkeyGod on 2002-05-04 08:51 ]

The amount of talent represented by burning brush just kills me every time. I am so glad that early in my life I took a cold hard look at my drawing talent and decided it did not suffice for a career in graphic arts, because looking at this stuff would make me shrink in inferiority. It's not that it's ALL genius, but if one looks at the group's output since it's inception, it's pretty sweet.


In complete agreement. Can't wait for the auction. I bought two tiki themed pieces last year and hope to broaden my range this year (if I can afford it). Truly amazing stuff.

I had lost that link so long ago - Thanks for posting it!

Love the Seonna Hong print of the Big Top Beauties!

Tiki Kiliki


Aaah, Burning Brush art auctions at the Bigfoot Lodge - those were the days! But just as in current Tikidom, this artist's paradise is no more one of innocent idealism. The Royal couple of Seonna Hong and Tim Biskup are divorced, and all the artists are scattered by the winds.


I here you Bigbro, those auctions were great. No way you would have an auction with artists of that caliber ( Ryden, Barr, Shag, Biskup, etc...) going for such reasonable prices. We were lucky to have picked up a few items in our collection, including the Alex Kirwsn peice mentioned at the beginning of the thread, at those auctions. Thanks for the memory.

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