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4-pointer Earthquake hits the Bay-Area; any damage?

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I just read that there was an earthquake up there this morning. Anyone lose any mugs?


It was pretty strong and seemed to roll on for a long while...

No broken ceramic in my house thankfully

Usually where there is 1 earthquake there comes others so we shall see what the day holds!


According to the USGS there were actually TWO quakes about 10 seconds apart in the same location, but at different depths. That's why it felt so long. I haven't heard of any damage. It did wake me, but nothing in my current apartment has budged in any of the quakes we've had since I've been there. Perhaps because I'm in a basement apartment that's half under ground level. Most of us have our valuable mugs and such secured with quake putty since these things happen around here a lot.

Scary stuff!!! From what I have been reading seems like everyone is alright and just a little shaken up (get it? lol).


Coco Loco felt the earth move, but I didn't. Story of my life. It actually woke her up, but I was already awake. Again, I felt nuthin'.

Just a 4? Pfffft! That just feels like a large truck speeding through your driveway! Now a 5, there's a classic quake magnitude for you! Vanuatu had a nice one the other day.

Man, do I wish I was in Vanuatu enjoying a good Magnitude 5 quake right now...

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