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Information on Frank Schirman

Pages: 1 5 replies

Aguillard posted on 12/04/2007

I have updated my website about the artist Frank Schirman. I finally was able to find a piece that connects Schirman to the Poly Art Ltd. company.

Here's the site http://sdbirds.basiclink.com/frank_schirman.htm



Bay Park Buzzy posted on 12/04/2007

Another "missing link" for this carving from your site:

the Poly Art version:

These were listed as PolyArtSchirmann on the ebay listing about a year ago:

You did a great job finding the "missing" link. Your next task is to find the Schirmann/Trophy ornamentation connection. Here is the only lead to surface so far:

A letter opener version of another one from your site:

I found one just like it on this piece of wood yesterday:

It stuck into a base and had something circular attatched to the top. I think it was a trophy. Probably a surf trophy...

Good luck!
Buzzy Out!

Aguillard posted on 12/04/2007

and more of his story gets unravelled-thanks for the additional images.

Sneakytiki posted on 03/16/2012

I found this 2' tall beautifully carved wood statue signed "Frank Schirman" at the thrift store for about 20 bucks a couple of years back:

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2012-03-16 13:05 ]

HOUSE OF KU posted on 03/16/2012

Nice piece. Is the signature on the top of the base and does it say what kind of wood it is on the bottom? Aloha, Freddie

[ Edited by: HOUSE OF KU 2012-03-16 03:22 ]

Sneakytiki posted on 03/17/2012

It is signed and I'll see if the wood type is on it.. just my camera back today from my daughter so I'll try to get a good photo.

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