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2 nights in NYC for Tiki Time!

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NautiTiki posted on 03/25/2012

I have two evenings in NYC (Manhattan) this week. Having checked Critiki I see that I have several options to visit. I am looking for recommendations, I can only do one a night due to work the next day! Recommendations? Thanks in advance

TikiHardBop posted on 03/26/2012

For tiki, top of the list should be PKNY (http://www.pk-ny.com/) and the nearby Lani Kai (http://lanikainy.com/). If you want to go a further north, there's Otto's Shrunken Head (http://www.ottosshrunkenhead.com/). Although not tiki, near Otto's are Mayahuel (http://mayahuelny.com/home.php) and Death + Company (http://deathandcompany.com/) which both serve world class cocktails.

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